Probiotic Conference 2012, Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on


November 19-21, 2012 Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA
Probiotics -2012

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    Day 1
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    Scientific Program
    International Conference and Exhibition on Probiotics, will be organized around the theme "Future of Probiotics-Visions and Opportunities."

    Probiotics-2012 is comprised of 11 tracks and 62 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Probiotics.

    Submit your abstract on any of the following tracks.

    Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
    Abstract Submission   Register
    Renowned Speakers
    speaker S.K. Dash
    South Dakota State University, USA

    speaker Liubov Sichel
    Pure Research Products, USA

    speaker Gregory Leyer
    DuPont Nutrition & Health, USA

    speaker Lawrence J Hoberman
    Health by Design, USA

    speaker Min Tze Liong
    Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

    speaker Wilhelm Holzapfe
    Handong Global University, South Korea

    speaker Suzanne Garland
    University of Melbourne, Australia

    speaker Yuichiro Yamashiro
    Juntendo University, Japan

    speaker Svetoslav Todorov
    University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

    speaker Shinji Fukuda
    Keio University, Japan

    Track 1: Molecular Nutrition  
    Track 1-1: Food microbial populations -identification and characterization of novel strains
    Track 1-2: Nutritional physiology
    Track 1-3: Lifestyle diseases
    Track 1-4: Probiotics in human health and disease
    Track 1-5: Bioactive components
    Track 2: Types of Probiotics
    Track 2-1: Recombinant probiotics
    Track 2-2: Designer probiotics
    Track 2-3: Prebiotics and synbiotics
    Track 2-4: Non-lab probiotics
    Track 2-5: Eco probiotics
    Track 3: Applications of Probiotics
    Track 3-1: Probiotics as complementary and alternative medicine
    Track 3-2: Nutritional and medical benefits
    Track 3-3: Probiotics in immune system
    Track 3-4: Hormones and probiotics
    Track 3-5: Obesity, type II diabetes and probiotics
    Track 3-6: Probioceuticals and bacteriocins
    Track 3-7: Probiotics as bio therapeutic agents
    Track 3-8: Biofilms and probiotics
    Track 3-9: Oral cavity and probiotics
    Track 3-10: Probiotics in women's and children's health
    Track 4: Current Research and Future Perspectives on Probiotics
    Track 4-1: Technological advancements in probiotic food development
    Track 4-2: Production of probiotic supplements
    Track 4-3: Oral vaccine developments
    Track 4-4: Biomarker efficacy and clinical research on probiotics
    Track 4-5: Antioxidant properties of probiotics
    Track 4-6: Genomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics in probiotics development
    Track 4-7: Interactions of probiotics with enzymes
    Track 5: Health Benefits of Probiotics
    Track 5-1: Elimination of lactose intolerance
    Track 5-2: Immunoregulatory action on gut wall
    Track 5-3: Antidiabetic and anticarcinogenic properties
    Track 5-4: Antihypertensive and hypocholesterolemic properties
    Track 5-5: Nutritional benefits of fermented Foods
    Track 5-6: Probiotic food and cancer
    Track 6: Regulatory Issues and Safety Challenges
    Track 6-1: Quality assurance and stability
    Track 6-2: Post-market surveillance
    Track 6-3: Probiotics-Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status and safety concerns
    Track 6-4: Formulation of uniform standard operating procedures
    Track 6-5: Food poisoning
    Track 7: Probiotics in Aquaculture Practices
    Track 7-1: Future perspectives of probiotics in aquaculture
    Track 7-2: Probiotic bacteria as biological control agents in aquaculture
    Track 7-3: Ecological aquaculture
    Track 7-4: Applications of probiotics in aquaculture
    Track 8: Microbial Fermentation
    Track 8-1: Microbial selection and processing criteria for production of probiotics
    Track 8-2: Microbial metabolism and fermentation process
    Track 8-3: Industrial enzymology and microbial screening
    Track 8-4: Microbial biochemistry and biotechnology
    Track 8-5: Nano-biotechnology for fermentation applications
    Track 8-6: Biochemical engineering
    Track 9: Food Technology and Dairy Technology
    Track 9-1: Food science and technology
    Track 9-2: Food engineering
    Track 9-3: Dairy technology - probiotic products
    Track 9-4: Pasteurization
    Track 9-5: Single cell protein (SCP)
    Track 10: Microbial Pathogenesis
    Track 10-1: Immunology of infectious diseases
    Track 10-2: Biological transformations
    Track 10-3: Quorum sensing and quorum quenching
    Track 10-4: Nosocomial pneumonia
    Track 10-5: Antibiotic resistance
    Track 11: Microbes as Probiotics
    Track 11-1: Lactobacillus
    Track 11-2: Bifidobacterium
    Track 11-3: Streptococcus
    Track 11-4: Escherichia coli
    Probiotic Conference
    Conference Secretariat: Probiotics-2012, OMICS Group Conferences
    5716 Corsa Ave., Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA
    Phone: +1- 650-268-9744, Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    Toll free: 1-800-216-6499(USA & Canada), 1-800-651-097(Australia), 0805-080048(Europe)
    Operated by: Editors:- Journal of Food Processing & Technology, Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology and Journal of Medical Microbiology & Diagnosis
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