International Conference on
Translational Medicine
September 17-19, 2012 Holiday Inn San Antonio, Texas, USA
 Translational Medicine - 2012

    Previous Events

    Organizing Committee Members

    Min Li
    Associate Professor
    Director of Cancer Research Program
    The University of Texas
    Tel: 713-500-6491
    Fax: 713-500-6493
    Narasaiah Kolliputi
    NanoMedicine Research Center
    University of South Florida
    Tel: 813-974-5419
    Fax: 813-974-8575
    Hui-Wen Lo
    Associate Professor
    Duke University School of Medicine
    North Carolina, USA
    Yong Zhao
    Department of Medicine
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    Tel: 312-996-7989
    Fax: 312-413-0437
    Chen Jiande
    Department of Internal Medicine
    University of Texas
    Tel: 409-772-1501
    Fax: 409-772-3084
    Biography :
    Chen received his graduate education at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. While there he started his research on gastrointestinal motility with a group of internationally renowned investigators in the Department of Medicine. Upon completing his PhD in 1989, Chen moved to the United State where he accepted a faculty position at the University of Virginia, School of Medicine. In 1995, Chen moved to Baptist Medical Center of Oklahoma, where he established an Electrophysiology Laboratory and worked intensively on electrophysiology of the gut and gastrointestinal pacing. In June 1999, he joined the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine at UTMB and is currently a Professor of Medicine. He served as the first President of the International Electrogastrography Society, has given over 180 invited lectures in various countries, served on committees of national and international conferences, published one book, over 310 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and over 400 conference papers and abstracts. His research has been supported by over 100 grants from the federal government, state, private foundations and industries. Chen has filed or awarded more than 20 patent applications. He is a fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology and a member of various professional societies in medicine and biomedical engineering. He serves as a council member of American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society and a Board Member of North American Neurodumulation Society
    Valli De Re
    Department of Molecular Oncology & Translational Medicine
    National Cancer Institute
    Tel: 039-0434-659672
    Fax: 039-0434-659799
    Wen G Jiang
    Professor of Surgery and Tumour Biology
    Cardiff University School of Medicine
    United Kingdom
    Tel: 44-29-2074-2895
    Fax: 44-29-2074-2896
    Anil  Modak
    Associate Director
    Medical Products Research & Development
    Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Inc.
    Andover MA,USA
    Tel: 978 749 8000
    Fax: 978 749 2768
    Aamir Shahzad
    Centre for Molecular Biology
    University of Vienna
    Tel: 00431427752213
    Fax: 0431427752213
    Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik
    Bond University
    Robina Queensland
    Tel: 0413-425-025
    Fax: 61-7-55954122
    George Patrinos
    University of Patras
    School of Health Sciences
    Department of Pharmacy, Patras
    Tel: 302610- 969-834
    Fax: 302610-969-834
    Matiullah Khan
    Cancer Science Institute of Singapore
    National University of Singapore
    Tel: 65-6516-7283
    Fax: 65-6873-9664
    Paraskevi Theofilou
    Department of Psychology
    Researcher Panteion University
    Athens, Greece
    Tel: 030-6977441502
    William CS Cho
    Scientific Officer (Oncology)
    Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    Tel: 852-2958-5441
    Fax: 852-2958-5455

    Conference Secretariat: Translational Medicine-2012, OMICS Group Conferences
    5716 Corsa Ave, Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA
    Phone: +1-650-268-9744 l Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    Toll free: 1-800-216-6499(USA & Canada) l 1-800-651-097(Australia) l 0805-080048(Europe)
    Email: translationalmedicine2012@omicsgroup.com
    Operated by: Editors - Translational Medicine, Journal of Blood Disorders & Transfusion
    The Organizers reserve the rights to make changes and adjustment to the information in this website
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