Vaccines and Vaccination
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    Previous Events
    Speaker Guidelines  
    Speaker abstract/Biography template
    Terms & Submission
    Abstracts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been presented elsewhere (except in the form of a thesis) and are not currently under consideration by another conference. The submitting speaker should ensure that the abstract publication has been approved by all other co-speakers.
    Peer Review
    All abstracts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic/scientific excellence. Submissions will be considered by an expert panel —if not, rejected right away—by peer-reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the speakers.
    Title & Speaker Information
    The following information should be included
    * Title
    * Speakers full name
    * Full institutional mailing addresses
    * Email addresses
    Renowned Speakers
    hea Dr. Brian J Czerniecki
    University of Pennsylvania, USA
    hea Dr. Andrea Duchini
    University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
    hea Dr. Alan Escher
    Loma Linda University, USA
    hea Dr. Masoud H Manjili
    Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
    hea Dr. Livingston P.O
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
    hea Dr. Edda Sciutto
    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
    hea Dr. Michael G. Agadjanyan
    Institute for Molecular Medicine (IMM), USA
    hea Dr. Lakshmi Krishnan
    National Research Council-Institute, Canada
    hea Dr. Y.D.Sharma
    All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
    hea Dr. Mark S. Kindy
    Medical University of South Carolina, USA
    hea Dr. Edmund J. Gosselin
    Albany Medical College, USA
    hea Dr. Hiroshi kido
    Tokushima University, Japan
    hea Dr. Wanda C. Reygaert
    Oakland University William Bea, USA
    hea Dr. Gary Alan Flory
    Virginia Department of Environ, USA
    hea Dr. Peter L. Nara
    Biological Mimetics, Inc. (BMI), USA
    hea Dr. Nisha Jain Garg
    University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
    hea Dr. Ehab A. Noreddin
    Hampton University, USA
    hea Dr. Chinnaswamy Jagannath
    University of Texas, USA
    Remind Me Later

    Enter Your Mail ID

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    Phone: +1- 650-268-9744 (For Technical) l +1- 650-353-4497 (For Accounts) l Fax: +1-650-618-1414
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    Operated by : Editors - Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination and Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology
    The Organisers reserve the rights to make changes and adjustment to the information in this website
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