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Recommended Conferences for Autobiography


An autobiography is a written account of the life of a person written by that person. The word 'autobiography' was first used deprecatingly by William Taylor in 1797 in the English periodical the Monthly Review, when he suggested the word as a hybrid but condemned it as 'pedantic'; but its next recorded use was in its present sense by Robert Southey in 1809. The form of autobiography however goes back to deprecatingly. Biographers generally rely on a wide variety of documents and viewpoints; an autobiography, however, may be based entirely on the writer's memory. Closely associated with autobiography is the form of memoir.

Some famous autobiographies are-
• The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin- Benjamin Franklin
• The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank
• I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings- Maya Angelou
• The Autobiography of Malcolm X- Alex Haley, Malcolm X
• Moab Is My Washpot- Stephen Fry
• Angela's Ashes- Frank McCourt
• Letters from a Father to His Daughter- Jawaharlal Nehru
• Dreams from My Father- Barack Obama
• The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian- Nirad C. Chaudhuri

Autobiographical works are by nature subjective. The inability—or unwillingness—of the author to accurately recall memories has in certain cases resulted in misleading or incorrect information. Some sociologists and psychologists have noted that autobiography offers the author the ability to recreate history.
A memoir is slightly different in character from an autobiography. While an autobiography typically focuses on the "life and times" of the writer, a memoir has a narrower, more intimate focus on his or her own memories, feelings and emotions. Memoirs have often been written by politicians or military leaders as a way to record and publish an account of their public exploits. One early example is that of Julius Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico, also known as Commentaries on the Gallic Wars. In the work, Caesar describes the battles that took place during the nine years that he spent fighting local armies in the Gallic Wars. His second memoir, Commentarii de Bello Civili (or Commentary on the Civil War) is an account of the events that took place between 49 and 48 BC in the civil war against Gnaeus Pompeius and the Senate.

About OMICS Group:
OMICS Group International comprises of Open Access Journals and worldwide International Science Conferences and Events. It was established in the year 2007. It serves scientific fraternity with its high valued 400 Open Access Journals in the fields of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology with the support from 30,000 editorial board members and 35, 000 reviewers, which ensures the quality and quick editorial, review processing with publishing time of just 21 days from the day of submission of manuscript. This way of knowledge dispersal is useful for students, research scholars, libraries, research centers, educational institutions and various industries. We have a readership of more than 3 million readers. The Group is dedicated to provide some of the most enhanced features such as audio version of published paper, digital article to share and explore with social networking enabled. We do acknowledge our authors, reviewers and editors with scientific credits. OMICS Group Conferences are prestigious scientific events which attract preeminent speakers, scientists and researchers across the globe. OMICS Group organizes more than 300 world class with the support of more than 1000 scientific associations all over the world. Our conferences are distinguished with their well organized scientific programs and exhibitions. Key features of OMICS group conferences include highly illustrative oral and poster presentations, exhibitions, symposiums, workshops, comprehensive panel discussion and interactive sessions which make a prefect platform for Global Networking between the people of interest. Our eminence is well known to world congresses and is well reflected by the content and exposure of our scientific conferences. We are actively involved in conducting International Conferences across various continents such as Europe, USA (Baltimore, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, and San Antonio), China, Dubai, UK and other parts of the globe.
Conferences related to Autobiography:
• Conference "In the Shadow of The Birth of a Nation: A Centennial Assessment of Griffith’s Film"
• International conference "Binds and borders: Russo-American relations since the fall of the Berlin wall”
• International conference "Literary Journalism and Africa’s Wars: Colonial, Decolonial and Postcolonial Perspectives"
• Conference "American Multiculturalism in Context"
• Conference "Historical Auto/Biographies in the Arts"
• International conference "Power(s): Expressions and Representations"
• International conference "The Unspeakable or the Representation of Female
Murderers in the English-Speaking World: Disclosing, Confessing, Bearing Witness"
• The Fifth Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship
• 2015 International Conference on Narrative
• 130th MLA (Modern Language Association) Annual Convention
• 4th International Conference on the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Young People, Borders & Wellbeing
• Fifth International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society: Social Movements and Faith
• Narrating European Integration: Actors and Stories in Politics, Academia and Cultural Institutions
Relevant Societies and Associations:
• British Sociological Association
• The European Society for the Study of English
• The French Association of American Studies
• International Auto/Biography Association
• International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN)
• Modern Language Association
Autobiography Publication Companies:
• Pearson, UK
• Random House, US
• Hachette, US
• HarperCollins, US
• Scholastic, US
• Macmillan Publishers, US
• Simon and Schuster, US
• Penguin, US
• Thomas Nelson, US
• St. Martin’s, US

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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