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Recommended Conferences for B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing

As per available reports about 06 relevant journals, 02 Conferences, 02 Workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to B2B Marketing and about 6 articles are being published on B2B Marketing.

The B2B Marketing (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G). B2B branding is a term used in marketing. The overall volume of B2B (Business-to-Business) transactions is much higher than the volume of B2C transactions. The primary reason for this is that in a typical supply chain there will be many B2B transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one B2C transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer. For example, an automobile manufacturer makes several B2B transactions such as buying tires, glass for windscreens, and rubber hoses for its vehicles. The final transaction, a finished vehicle sold to the consumer, is a single (B2C) transaction. B2B is also used in the context of communication and collaboration.

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Scope and Importance:

B2B Marketing Conference provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by academicians. Auditing Conference offers excessive quality content to suit the diverse professional development all over the globe. It is a perfect platform to discuss the current discoveries and developments in the field of B2B Marketing.

Many businesses are now using social media to connect with their consumers (B2C); however, they are now using similar tools within the business so employees can connect with one another. When communication is taking place amongst employees, this can be referred to as "B2B" communication. The main difference between B2B and B2C is who the buyer of a product or service is. The purchasing process is different in both cases and the following is a list of key differences between them. One of the characteristics of a B2B product is that in many cases it is bought by a committee of buyers. It is important to understand what a brand means to these buyers. Buyers are usually well-versed with costing levels and specifications. Also, due to constant monitoring of the market, these buyers would have excellent knowledge of the products too. In many cases the purchases are specification driven. As a result of this, it is vital that brands are clearly defined and target the appropriate segment. As explained above, every one product can only be associated with one brand. Because of this, it is vital that companies find a white space for their brand, an uncontested category to occupy space in the minds of the buyer. In differentiating one’s brand, companies can use various strategies, often referring to the origin of the goods or the processes used to manufacture the product(s). Some have identified up to 13 such strategies. Depending on the company’s history, the competitive landscape, occupied spaces and white spaces, there could be one or many strategies that any company could use. Ultimately, a strong B-2-B brand will reduce the perceived risk for the buyer and help sell the brand.

The tremendous growth and change that business marketing is experiencing is largely due to three "revolutions" occurring around the world today, according to Morris, Pitt and Honeycutt (2001). First is the technological revolution. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, and these changes are speeding up the pace of new product and service development. A large part of that has to do with the Internet, which is discussed in more detail below. Technology and business strategy go hand in hand. Both are correlated. While technology supports forming organization strategy, the business strategy is also helpful in technology development. Both play a great role in business marketing. Second is the entrepreneurial revolution. To stay competitive, many companies have downsized and reinvented themselves. Adaptability, flexibility, speed, aggressiveness and innovativeness are the keys to remaining competitive today. Marketing is taking the entrepreneurial lead by finding market segments, untapped needs and new uses for existing products, and by creating new processes for sales, distribution and customer service. The third revolution is one occurring within marketing itself.

List of Best International Conferences:

  • Social Media, SEO and Marketing Strategies conference
    November 03-04, 2015 Valencia, Spain
    November 03-04, 2015 Valencia, Spain
  • Pharma Marketing Conference
    November 17-19, 2016 Alicante, Spain
  • B2B Marketing Forum
  • Marketing Profs B2B Forum
  • CMA B2B Conference
  • Funnel Festival of Marketing Conference
  • Content Marketing World Conference
  • The Incite Summit
  • Social Media Strategies Summit- Social Media Learning and Networking
  • The Corporate Social Media Summit

Relevant Societies and Associations:

  • Business Marketing Association
  • BMA Colorado
  • Canadian Marketing Association
  • The Marketing Society
  • American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • Association of Travel Marketing Executives
  • Corporate Event Marketing Association (CEMA)
  • The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
  • Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
  • European Marketing Confederation (EMC)
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • CRM Solution
  • Esri UK NeoData
  • Australia Truven Health Analytics
  • Novogress Intellectual Property Services LLP DiSC
  • Profile Analyst Lithium Technologie
  • DLA Piper Peter M. Mayer Productions,Inc
  • Infusion & Hospice


  • Brands2Life
  • 4CM
  • Opinion Matters
  • Hotcake Marketing
  • B2B International
  • Miramar
  • Integrated Change
  • Latitude Solutions
  • Alchemy Viral
  • Global Aggregate Spend CoE Pfizer Inc.
  • PhoenixRose
  • LLC
  • Adform Lathrop Engineering Inc
  • Revionics Simcere of America Inc.
  • Global Aggregate Spend CoE Pfizer Inc.
  • EMSL Analytical
  • Radix Communications
  • Inc Lockheed Martin Kelaca

List of related Journals:

  • International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences
  • Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism
  • International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
  • The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
  • Journal of Accounting & Marketing


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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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