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Recommended Conferences for Bioanalytical Method Validation

Bioanalytical Method Validation

Bioanalytical technique validation includes all of the procedures that demonstrate that a selected technique used for quantitative measuring of analytes in an exceedingly given biological matrix, such as blood, plasma, serum, or urine, is reliable and duplicable for the supposed use. The basic parameters for this validation embrace (1) accuracy, (2) exactitude, (3) property, (4) sensitivity, (5) reproducibility, and (6) stability. Validation involves documenting, through the utilization of specific laboratory investigations, that the performance characteristics of the tactic are appropriate and reliable for the intended analytical applications. The acceptableness of analytical information corresponds on to the factors used to validate the tactic. Selective and sensitive analytical strategies for the quantitative analysis of medication and their metabolites (analytes) are vital in the diagnosis and/or bio pharmaceutical and clinical pharmacological studies.

Bioanalytical Chemistry advancement mainly started by the usage of the newly developed sophisticated methods which include: Hyphenated techniques such as LC–MS (liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry), GC–MS (gas chromatography–mass spectrometry), LC–DAD (liquid chromatography–diode array detection), CE–MS (capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry); Chromatographic methods such as HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), GC (gas chromatography), UPLC (ultra performance liquid chromatography), Supercritical fluid chromatography; Electrophoresis; Mass spectrometry and Nuclear magnetic resonance.

OMICS Publishing Group sustains the most effective and also the current analyzed articles within the Open Access disciple. The accolades for OMICS Group is far reaching with its 500 peer reviewed open access journals with 27, 000 reviewers team. The high visibility of 2.5 million readers is testimony to the fact the quality and standard it relies upon.

OMICS Group International Conferences helps in gathering eminent scientists for professional assembling at various venues around the world. OMICS Group Conferences are assimilated with B2B meetings, scientific partnering, panel discussions, symposium and workshops by gathering people on a solitary podium thereby attaining its slogan of expanding and disseminate the knowledge across the globe in various fields.

Special Features of OMICS Group International
» Well thought-out workshops, events and symposia
» Distinguished speakers and scientists across the globe
» Poster presentations and world class exhibits
» Panel discussions & interactive sessions
» Perfect platform for global networking
» Business meetings
» Collaborative Research opportunities
» Supported by reputed associations and societies

These Scientific events are a platform for expert’s interaction simultaneously with networking opportunities. The B2B meetings and scientific partnering provides the opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations. Thus these ideas can be implemented and new collaborations and deals can be made with the associations.

OMICS Groups’ Scientific Events provide excellent opportunity for the Students and Young researchers to demonstrate their research work in front of world calls scientists, professors and delegates from various top organizations. The best research idea/presentation will be awarded with Best Poster Award and Young Researcher Award. The result will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee and H’Guets. This will be a life time achievement for the young scientists to move forward in their research carrier with new built confidence.

OMICS Group is organizing 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques during Sep 1-3, 2015 at Valencia, Spain. This Scientific event is a platform for expert’s interaction simultaneously with networking opportunities. The B2B meetings and scientific partnering provides the opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations. Thus these ideas can be implemented and new collaborations and deals can be made with the associations.

Related Conferences
European Bioanalysis Forum (EBF) 7th Open Symposium, November 19 - 21, 2014, Hesperia Tower in Barcelona, Spain
2014 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2 - 6, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, California
Validation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis, 05 Nov 2014- 06 Nov 2014, London, United Kingdom
19th ICFIA — 19th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, 30 Nov 2014-05 Dec 2014, Fukuoka, Japan
Validation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis, 03 Dec 2014-04 Dec 2014, Berlin, Germany
EWCPS 2015 — European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015, 22 Feb 2015-26 Feb 2015, Münster, Germany

Enanta Pharmaceuticals, USA
Blue Stream Laboratories, USA
WIL Research Laboratories, USA
Melinta Therapeutics, USA
Amgen, USA
Quest Diagnostics, USA
XenoBiotic Laboratories, Inc., USA

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations