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Recommended Conferences for Bioanalytical methodology

Bioanalytical methodology

As per available reports about 43 relevant Journals, 38 Conferences, 5 Workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to bioanalytical methods and about 335 articles are being published on bioanalytical methods.

Bioanalytical Method is quantitative determination of drugs and their metabolites in biological fluids are crucial during drug discovery and development. It is the preferred methodology for that purpose. The focus of bio analysis in the pharmaceutical industry is to provide a quantitative measure of the active drug and/or its metabolite(s) for the purpose of pharmacokinetics, bioequivalence and exposure–response.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.  

Scope and Importance:

Bioanalytical methodology Conference provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by international scientists and academicians. So many symposiums have been conducted and are to be organized all across the globe focusing on the significance of Bio analytical Innovations, Therapeutic Possibilities and Technological Challenges is going to be organized which will focus on Bio analysis

Bioanalytical methodology  is a sub-discipline of analytical chemistry covering the quantitative measurement of xenobiotics (drugs and their metabolites, and biological molecules in unnatural locations or concentrations) and biotics (macromolecules, proteins, DNA, large molecule drugs, metabolites) in biological systems.

The main characteristics of a bioanalytical method that are essential to ensure the acceptability of the performance and the reliability of analytical results are: selectivity, lower limit of quantification, the response function and calibration range (calibration curve performance), accuracy, precision, matrix effects, stability of the analyte(s) in the biological matrix and stability of the analyte(s) and of the internal standard in the stock and working solutions and in extracts under the entire period of storage and processing conditions.

When mass-spectrometry (MS) detection is used in the bioanalytical method, a stable isotope-labelled IS is recommended to be used whenever possible. However, it is essential that the labelled standard is of the highest isotope purity and that no isotope exchange reaction occurs. The presence of any unlabelled analyte should be checked and if relative amounts of unlabelled analyte are detected the potential influence has to be evaluated during method validation.

Market Analysis:

The global market for bioanalytical development of drugs reached nearly $39.5 billion and $46.5 billion in 2013 and 2014, respectively. This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3% to nearly $79.5 billion for the period 2014-2019.

International symposium and workshops

  • International symposium and workshops in November 12, 2014 by New Zealand Drug Foundation
  • IV International Symposium on Drug Discovery in July 22th to 24th, 2015 held at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UNESP), Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil,
  • International Symposium on Drug Policy and Public Health on 29 September - 1 October 2014 Istanbul, Turkey

List of Best International Conferences:


  • Bioanalytical Focus Group and Ligand Binding Assay
  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) and
  • Royal Netherlands Chemical Society.
  • The European Bioanalysis Forum
  • BEBAC Consultancy Services for Bioequivalence and Bioavailability 
  • American Thyroid Association 
  • Generic Pharmaceutical Association 
  • FDA 
  • European Generic medicines Association 
  • Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) 
  • European Economic Area 
  • Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA) 
  • Bioequivalence and Bioavailability forum
  • FDA Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology (formerly Drug Safety)
  • Drug Watch
  • ORPHANET Parenteral Drug Association
  • PharmGKB
  • US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)
  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
  • Clinical Trials Information from National Institutes for Health (NIH)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Companies :

  • Myriad RBM, Inc
  • NDI ADRL Inc. dba Diteba
  • BioScience Laboratories, Inc.
  • Pacific BioLabs (PBL)
  • Biological Test Center
  • Algorithme Pharma, Inc.
  • Gateway Analytical
  • Celerion
  • Apotex Inc.
  • PharmaNet Development Group, Inc
  • AstraZeneca
  • Accredo Therapeutics
  • Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc
  • Bayer HealthCare
  • Critical Care
  • Cané Medical Technology
  • CVS Caremark
  • CuraScript
  • Fairview Specialty Pharmacy
  • Gilead Sciences
  • Vivisol
  • AIM
  • Henry Schein
  • Snap Diagnostics
  • MediLexicon
  • Nicos Group Inc.
  • Bausch & Lomb Instruments
  • Miami Medical
  • Image Stream Medical

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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