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Recommended Conferences for Biological Evolution

Biological Evolution

Biological Evolution refers to populations and not to individuals and that the changes are be passed on to the next generation. Learning about evolution has immense practical value that extends beyond understanding our world. The principles of evolution underlie improvements in crops, livestock, and farming methods. Natural selection accounts for the rise in pesticide resistance among agricultural pests and informs the design of new ethnologies to protect crops from insects and disease. Though evolution means a process of heritable changes in a population spread over many generations. It brings the original research, commentaries, and controversial views are brought together to contribute to greater understanding of the origins and diversity of life.

OMICS Group Inc., is a unique blend of international conferences and open access publications. OMICS Group was established in the year 2007 with an aim of “Making the information on Sciences and Technology-Open Access” It publishes journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology; it publishes around 400 online open access journals. OMICS Group organizes International Conferences across the globe. Each conference has people from around the globe, and knowledge is exchanged through symposiums, workshops, poster presentations, by people who are leading researchers, noble prize winners, Educational instructors, Research Scholars, and leading scientists. OMICS Group organizes more than 300 conferences per year.

Features of OMICS Group Conferences
• Workshops, Symposia and events are well coordinated and organized.
• Renowned Speakers and Scientists across the globe
• World class collaborations and associations
• Support from reputed associations and societies.
• Global networking during the conferences
• Organized 300 conferences in the year 2014
Importance of evolution biology:
• Evolution biology play a role in agriculture
• contribute to the understanding of human disease and medicine
• Biotechnology holds evolutionary biology
• Most important evolution help us understand ourselves
OMICS Group have put together an exciting conference with a wide representation of fields, specializations and current global health issue seeking to bring together primary care and disease specialty physicians, doctor of osteopathy, podiatrists, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychologists and dietitians, certified disease educators and other health care professionals who care for patients with certain diseases, at risk for disease, and who manage disease related complications. The 3-day program includes a variety of panels like symposia, oral abstract sessions, meet the expert sessions, interest group discussions, guided audio poster tours, and poster presentations, designed to feature timely and significant recent advances and practical aspect in basic science and the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.
Upcoming International conferences are: • XVth European Society of Evolutionary Biology Meeting • Evostar 2015 Associations supporting are: • European Society for Evolutionary Biology • Society for the Study of Evolution • American Sociological Association • American Sociological Association Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society • Scientific American Thus, OMICS Group Conferences encourages this idea of knowledge distribution and is proud to provide the needed platform for upcoming research professionals. Organizations or Institutes with the intent of addressing an issue are provided with the scope of organizing a symposium. OMICS Symposium recognizes the need to contribute to organizations by helping them to organize a symposium with in the event setting. This not only facilitates the organizations who are putting together the symposium but also brings in benefit to other participants of the event. OMICS workshops provide special training to budding professionals, enthusiasts and students by conducting workshops with the help of established veterans from the industry. A scientific event is considered successful on the basis of number of speakers, scholars, delegates and student participation.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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