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biophysical instruments

Biophysics is a branch of science concerned with the experimental and theoretical study of biological systems using the background and concepts of physics. This means that most of the methods used in biophysical research also originate from those fields. Nevertheless, biophysics has in its many subfields developed its own theories and highly specialized techniques, which form the core of the curriculum in any institute teaching it.
The term "biophysics" is often also used loosely in neighbouring biological sciences (as in biochemistry) to describe some quantitative aspect of a biological phenomenon, such as the "biophysics of proteins" (meaning how physical laws define their structure or changes thereof) or "of cell membranes" (meaning electrical signalling phenomena and mathematics of the factors creating it) Biophysical instruments:
Fast AFM scanning Device:
To see dynamics in-situ with the highest spatial resolution is a current challenge for AFM. With the NanoWizard® ULTRA Speed A AFM combined with standard inverted optical microscopy with condenser optics, fast scanning in-situ AFM experiments are now possible.
Fast AFM scanning on living cells in a Petri dish or single molecule dynamic studies can be performed. Experiments can be triggered or sample properties can be controlled with simultaneous environmental control (temperature, gas or fluid exchange etc.).
Experiments involving polymer phase transitions, crystallization, enzymatic reactions, film or fibril growth or electrochemical reactions can all be performed in-situ.
BioMAT Workstation:
Perfect images of opaque samples from the micro to the nanoscale. No compromises.
Completely integrated system comprising upright optical microscope and AFM
Developed for the investigation of opaque samples in life and materials sciences
100% performance of both techniques, without any limitations
Automated Force Spectroscopy:
The New Standard in Force Spectroscopy .Force spectroscopy is a single molecule technique that allows the real-time study of molecular interactions on the nanoscale. Originating from the broad field of Atomic Force Microscopy, force spectroscopy provides the necessary sensitivity to characterize bimolecular interactions such as the unfolding forces of single proteins or forces of asinglechemicalbond.
For the very first time, the automation of force spectroscopy makes it fast enough to deliver high quality data in short time-frames. A large variety of accessories makes the system most flexible.
Force Robot 300:
Using the Force Robot overcomes the limitations of traditional force measurements. The Force Robot automates routine procedures and provides software support for experimental design, data acquisition and evaluation.
Single molecule studies on DNA, RNA, proteins, dendrimers, carbohydrates, lipids etc
Quantification of kinetics, affinity and molecular mechanisms of biological interactions
Binding studies such as receptor/ligand or antibody/antigene
Analysis of protein (un)folding and function
Mechanical studies on soft materials
Biochips, biosensors
Testing functionalized surfaces
Polymer and thin film mapping in air and liquid with different temperatures or liquids such as non aqueous solvents
ConferenceSeries is one of the leading Open Access scientific publication group taking initiative and is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the world’s scientific community. ConferenceSeries Publication covers 300 leading edge peer reviewed Open Access journals and have organized over 300 International Conferences all over the world every year. OMICS Publishing Group journals have over 3 million readers and the success Pilar has lies in it’s strong editorial board which contains over 30,000 eminent personalities and so results in the rapid, quality and quick review processing. ConferenceSeries in it’s Conferences, will put the finest effort for making the perfect platform for global scientific networking as it brings together renowned speakers and scientists across the globe to a most exciting and memorable scientific event filled with much enlightening interactive and sessions, world class exhibitions and poster presentations and 1000 more

Competitive conferences
Worldwide a number of genuine conferences have been scheduled and also being commenced at times to related to bacterial infection and new treatments. These international conferences inviting medical practitioner, researchers, pharmaceutical and allied corporate sectors, public as well as govt. societies to take part for creating awareness about the contemporary development in bacterial disease management and prevention. A few of the conferences resembling to Biophysics development sector were being conducted by: International Biophysics Congress, Australia
59th Biophysical Society Meeting, USA and
German Biophysical Society Meeting, Germany

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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