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Recommended Conferences for Bone Marrow

Bone Marrow

Bone marrow is the flexible tissue in the interior of bones. In humans, red blood cells are formed by cores of bone marrow in the heads of long bones in a process known as hematopoiesis. On average, bone marrow constitutes 4% of the whole body mass of humans; in an adult weighing 65 kilograms, bone marrow on average accounts for approximately 2.6 kilograms. The hematopoietic constituent of bone marrow produces around 500 billion blood cells per day, which use the bone marrow vasculature as a agent to the body's systemic circulation. Bone marrow is also a key component of the lymphatic system, producing the lymphocytes that support the body's immune system. Bone marrow transplants can be conducted to treat severe diseases of the bone marrow, including certain forms of cancer. In addition, bone marrow stem cells have been successfully altered into functional neural cells, and can also potentially be used to treat illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease. Mostly Hematologists, oncologists and orthopedics are specialized in this kind of transplantation surgeries.
The two types of Bone Marrow are medulla ossium rubra, which consists mostly of hematopoietic tissue, and medulla ossium flava , which is mainly made up of fat cells. Red blood cells, platelets, and most white blood cells arise in red marrow. Both types of bone marrow include numerous blood vessels and capillaries. By birth, all bone marrow is red. With age, extra of it is converted to the yellow type; only around half of adult bone marrow is red. Red marrow is originate mainly in the flat bones, such as the pelvis,sternum, cranium, ribs, vertebrae and scapulae, and in the cancellous ("spongy") material at the epiphyseal ends of long bones such as the femur and humerus. Yellow marrow is found in the medullary cavity, the hollow interior of the middle portion of long bones. In cases of ruthless blood loss, the body can convert yellow marrow back to red marrow to enhance blood cell production.Hematology conferences, workshops and symposiums are an excellent platform to share and experience the latest advancement in the diagnosis, treatment and research methodologies.

OMICS Group is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and international science conferences. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Science and technology ‘Open Access’, OMICS Group publishes 400 online open access scholarly journals in Science, Engineering, Management and Technology. OMICS International Conferencessets an ideal path for international association triggering and inspiring scientific society with the newest research work. The Symposia, workshops and exhibitions are the key specialties of the OMICS Group Meetings. The Scientific world and business delegates at the conferences have praised the conferences for their networking opportunities in its B2B and Scientific Meetings.OMICS Group adds value to its conventions by identifying outstanding speakers and delegates from various parts of the world.

Conferences 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Orthopedics & Rheumatology
4th joint meeting of European calcified tissue society and the international bone and mineral society
5th Update meeting in Medical Imaging &Musculoskeletal Imaging
CT essentials for Hybrid scanning
IOF 5th Asia pacific osteoporosis Meeting
Myelodysplatic Syndromes symposium
Society for Hematology and Stem Cells - ISEH
43rd Annual Scientific Meeting 2014
3rd International Conference on Hematology & Blood Disorders 2014
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopaedic Association (IOA) and The 2ndConference of the Mediterranean Trauma Society
UAE Cancer Congress
3rd World congress on controversies, debates and consensus in bone, muscle and joint diseases
17th International Conference on Osteoporosis and Bone Research

Associations American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
International Bone & Mineral Society
Australian & New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society
European calcified tissue society
International bone and mineral society, Netherlands Israel Orthopaedic Association
Mediterranean Trauma Society
Japanese Society of Bone and Mineral Research
Brittle Bone Society
Bone Research Society

Companies SI-BONE Company
Nova Bone
Bone Therapeutics
Small Bone Innovations
BioMimetic Therapeutics
London Bone Company
Atlantic bone screen
Bone Clones Inc
BS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes
Bone index

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This page was last updated on March 13, 2025

Conference Series Destinations