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Omics International publishes 304 Open Access Articles in 13 International Journals it has 32 Upcoming Conferences and 15 Previous Conferences with 581 Conference Proceedings and 92 National symposiums so far in the field.
Brain medicine is a group of medications about the different medicines for conditions affecting the brain and nervous system. Daily or almost daily use of over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, narcotics, barbiturates and caffeine-containing medications; or prescription medications such as the triptans, appears to interfere with the brain centres that regulate the flow of pain messages to the nervous system and may make your headache worse.
OMICS International through its Open access initiatives is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community by publishing research work and conference paper related to such disorders. It is known that ConferenceSeries hosts over 700 edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over more than 1000 Global Events annually. Its publishing group journals have over 5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 75000+ eminent personalities that ensure a quality and quick review process checker.
In 2000, over 86 million Americans were afflicted with pain causing an economic loss of US$90 billion annually. Within this group, about 40 million suffer from chronic pain, 28 million are afflicted with migraine headaches, and 1.5 million suffer neuropathic pain. 35 million (12.6%) of North Americas suffer from migraines, resulting in $17 billion economic costs or 100 million bedridden days. The Migraine Drug Market Will Increase from $3.3 Billion in 2011 to $5.8 Billion in 2021 in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and Japan. Market for migraine therapies to increase from $3.3 billion in 2011 to $5.8 billion in 2021 in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and Japan.
Most complex organ in the body is the human brain. This three-pound mass of gray and white matter sits at the center of all human activity—you need it to drive a car, to enjoy a meal, to breathe, to create an artistic masterpiece, and to enjoy everyday activities. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics that of a natural. The symptoms of brain diseases vary widely depending on the specific problem. Damage is permanent In some cases. In other cases, treatments such as surgery, medicines, or physical therapy can correct the source of the problem or improve symptoms.
Glucose anhydrous is a medicine which is used in cerebral oedema, treating hypoglycaemia total parenteral nutrition and reducing cerebrospinal pressure. Glucose anhydrous is used to treat very low blood glucose levels, also be used to reduce the excess fluid and pressure in the brain or spine caused by alcohol intoxication. Glucose anhydrous is used in emergency situations.
Arpiprazole was the primary drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for connected treatment of MDD in adults with inadequate response to medication medical aid within the current episode. Early antidepressants were discovered through analysis on treating infectious disease and yielded the category of antidepressants called MAO inhibitors (MAO).
Solely 2 MAO inhibitors stay on the market within us as a result of theiralter the metabolism of the dietary organic compound amino acid which may cause a hypertensive crisis. Analysis on up thiodiphenylamine, antipsychotics crystal rectifier to the event of tricyclic antidepressant antidepressants that inhibit conjunction uptake of the neurotransmitters catecholamine, dopamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Later analysis on this category of antidepressants centered totally on the consequences of catecholamine.
These medication share several similarities with the tricyclic antidepressant antidepressants however square measure a lot of selective in their action. Electroshock therapy (known as ECT) is employed, for instance in prolonged mood disorder unresponsive to different interventions. Brain surgery, as well as deep brain stimulation, is another out there treatment for a few disorders.
List of Best International Conferences
2nd Brain Disorders Conference, October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA.
5th Neurology Conference, March 14-16, 2016 London, UK.
2nd Neurological Disorders and Stroke Conference April 28-30, 2016 Dubai, UAE
2nd Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Conference November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA
6th Neurological Conference May 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA
Eating Disorders Congress August 15-17, 2016 Portland, Oregon
4th Vascular Dementia Conference June 30-July 2, 2016 Valencia, Spain
5th Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Conference September 29-Oct 1, 2016 London, UK
2nd Sleep Disorders Conference November 28- 30, 2016 Chicago, USA
2nd Epilepsy Conference October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy
Autism Conference, May 5-6, 2016 Chicago, USA
Comprehensive Migraine Education Program
4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress (EHMTIC) Copenhagen
2015 Scottsdale Headache Symposium
4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress
IHC 2015: International Headache Society Congress
57th Annual Scientific Meeting American Headache Society
List of Related Societies:
American Brain Tumor Association
Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics
Society of Nuclear Medicine Brain
Brain Injury Association of America
North American Brain Injury Society
American Council for Headache Education
Comprehensive Migraine Education Program
Headache Australia
National Headache Foundation
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
List of Related Companies:
Amarit Biosciences
Brain Dynamics Laboratory
Global Blood Therapeutics
Abbott Laboratories
Cordis Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Siemens AG
Genentech, Inc.
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Medtronic plc
GE Healthcare
Stryker Corporation
Merck & Co., Inc
This page will be updated regularly.
This page was last updated on March 13, 2025