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Recommended Conferences for Chemotherapeutic agents

Chemotherapeutic agents

As per the available reports of about 10 Journals, 13 Conferences, 5 National Symposium and seven open access articles published by the OMICS International related to the chemotherapeutic agent.
Chemotherapeutic agents act by killing cells that divide rapidly, one of the main properties of most cancer cells. This means that chemotherapy also harms cells that divide rapidly under normal circumstances: cells in the bone marrow, digestive tract, and hair follicles. This results in the most common side-effects of chemotherapy: myelosuppression (decreased production of blood cells, hence also immunosuppression), mucositis (inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract),and alopecia (hairloss).

Scope & Importance

Cancer chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Unlike radiation therapy and surgery, which are localized treatments, chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, meaning the drugs travel throughout the whole body. This means chemotherapy can reach cancer cells that may have metastasized to other areas. Chemotherapy can also be delivered by IV through catheters, ports, and pumps. A catheter is a soft, thin, flexible tube that is placed in a large vein in the body. It remains in place as long as necessary. Sometimes the catheter is attached to a port, which is a small round plastic or metal disc placed under the skin. In those with certain types or advanced cancers that are resistant to treatment, cachexia is possible. Cachexia, or wasting, is a significant loss of weight and muscle mass, which can occur without loss of appetite or decreased intake of calories. Treating the cancer is the most effective way to overcome cachexia. Dietary changes or medications have little effect on regaining lost weight.

Market Analysis

In a market currently valued around US$42 billion, cancer chemotherapies are on course for staggering growth potential and may revolutionize cancer treatments over the next 10 years according to a new report.
The National Institutes of Health estimated the overall costs of cancer in 2010 at $263.8 billion, of which $102.8 billion was for direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures), $20.9 billion for loss of productivity due to illness and $140.1 billion for cost of lost productivity due to premature death. In 2004, Medicare payments for all Part B drugs for medical oncology reached a total of $5.3 billion (of $2.3 billion for chemotherapy and $1.5 billion for erythroid growth factors). A 2007 study said that drugs prescribed by oncologists account for more than 40% of medicare spending, and spending on oral chemotherapy drugs as a proportion of total pharmacy benefits costs more than doubled between 2002 and 2006, increasing from 0.3% to 0.7%. 

 International Conferences

1· 4th Cancer Diagnostic Conference,
    June 13-15, 2016,Rome,Italy.

2· 6th Cancer Therapy Conference,
    September 28-30 , Atlanta ,USA.

3· Pancreatic Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Conference
    March 29-30,Atlanta,USA.

4· Blood Malignancies Conference,
    April 18-20,2016,Dubai,UAE.

5· 2nd Prostate cancer Conference,
    May 5-7,Chicago,USA.

6·  Gynecologic oncology conference,
    May 19-21 ,2016, San Antigo,USA.

7· 10th Oncologist Conference,
     July 11-13,2016, Cologne.

8· 11th Oncologist Conference,
     July 11-13 , Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia.

9· Pediatric Oncology Conference,
     August 4-6 ,2016 , Toronto, Canada.

10· Molecular Biomarkers and Cancer Biomarkers Conference
      September 15-17,2016 , Berlin, Germany.

11· Surgical Oncology Conference,
      September1-3,2016 , Sao Paulo,Brazil.

12· Leukemia and Bone Marrow Transplantation Conference,
       November 10-12, Istanbul,Turkey.

13·5th Cancer Therapy Conference,
      September 28-30,Atlanta,USA.

14·  4th Toxicology Conference,
       September19-21,Las Vegas,USA.

15· Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Conference,
      June 6-7, 2016, Dallas,USA.

16· Oral, Mouth and Throat Cancer Conference
      August 18-20 ,2016,Portland,USA.

17·  Radiologist Conference,
       March 17-18 ,2016 .London ,UK

18· Biomarker and Clinical Research Conference,
      August 31-Sep 2,2016 ,Toronto, Canada.

19· 3rd Genomics and Pharmacogenomics Conference,
      September 21-23, San Antigo,USA.

20· Clinical and Molecular Genetics Conference,
       November 28-30 ,2016, Chicago , USA.

21·4th  Immunology Conference,
      September 28-30 ,2016, Houston, USA.

22· ACCRA Cancer Conference,
      Sep 3-5 ,2015, ACCRA ,Ghana

23· Cancer Diagnosis &Therapy Conference
      Sep3-5 ,2015,London,UK

24·  25th World Congress on Lymphology,
       Sep 7-11 ,2015 ,San Francisco,USA

25·  3rd International Oncology Conference,
        Sep 10-11 ,2015,Abu Dhabi,UAE

26·  Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology-Annual Meeting,
       Sep 16-20,Sep 2015,Xiamen,China.

27·  4th European Congress on Immunology,
       Sep 6-9,2015 , Vienna ,Austria.

28·  3rd Annual Congress of the European Society for Translational Medicine,
       Sep 1-4 ,2015 Vienna,Austria.

List of Related Societies

International Society of Chemotherapy for Infection and Cancer
American Cancer Society
The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
American Society of Clinical Oncology
African Society of Chemotherapy
Federation of the European Societies of Chemotherapy and Infection
Oncology Nursing Society
Oral Chemotherapy Management- Florida Society of Health

List of Companies

The National Institutes of Health estimated the overall costs of cancer in 2010 at $263.8 billion, of which $102.8 billion was for direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures), $20.9 billion for loss of productivity due to illness and $140.1 billion for cost of lost productivity due to premature death.
Markansan Pharma Ltd
MedIndia-Network for Health
Eli Lilly & Company
Leerink Swann
SHC & Associates
DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company
Strativa Pharmaceuticals
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals
Merck &Co.

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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