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Recommended Conferences for Chicken Medicien

Chicken Medicien

Backyard poultry can be pets as well as a food source (i.e., eggs), and this creates several problems for the hobbyist from a disease prevention standpoint. Many backyard flock owners have different backgrounds in diagnosing common poultry diseases. It is often a challenge to recognize and associate different clinical signs with disease. Diseases can be introduced into a backyard flock through many ways unnoticed by the owner. This could be through visitors to the farm or a neighbor who also has a backyard flock. Co-mingling young and older birds predisposes younger birds to diseases from the older birds. Improper disposal of manure and dead birds attracts flies and other pests that might act as disease vectors to the chickens. Not quarantining new birds from another flock to evaluate their disease status can be a potential source of disease introduction into a flock. Rodents and free-living birds are also a source of disease introduction into a poultry flock.

ConferenceSeries International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and scientific events. Established in the year 2007, ConferenceSeries International events provide exciting opportunity to showcase the services of your company to the broad International audience. We organize about 100 conferences round the globe with well organized international workshops and symposiums, and world class exhibits according to the recent development and future objectives in the scientific fields. We encourage various scientific sessions, young talent, panel debates and poster presentations for open minds.

ConferenceSeries also organizes various conferences such as International Conference on Live Stock Nutrition , International Conference and Expo on Poultry , American Veterinary Congress , Asian Congress on Veterinary

Related Workshops/ National symposium:
• 4th Mediterranean Poultry Summit
• New Zealand Poultry Industry Conference 2014
• European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
• 4th Mediterranean Poultry Summit
• Biomin's World Nutrition Forum
• International Egg Commission

Relevant Society and Associations:
• American Veterinary Medical Association
• Executive Committee of the World Veterinary Poultry
• American Association of Avian Pathologists
• World's Poultry Science Association
• British Veterinary Poultry Association
• Australasian Veterinary Poultry Association
• Fao's Animal Production And Health Division

Relevant Companies:
• Adventis Bio Labs
• Vet Bio Chem Pvt Ltd
• Dips Bioscience Private Limited
• Arosol Pharmaceutical Private Limited

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations