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Recommended Conferences for Child Development

Child Development

Child Development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child. It does not progress at the same rate and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development. Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. Child development researchers have been keenly interested in conditions that create risk for parenting quality. Generally, studies have focused on specific risk conditions (e.g., maternal depression, poor parents), such that the literature on parenting at risk lacks integration. Child Development meeting will bring together scholars interested in parenting when risk is present, with the aim of moving toward a more integrated, in depth body of knowledge. The conferences on child development will provide opportunities for scholars to work toward an integrated conceptual framework for parenting as a developmental process and to share innovative approaches to the study of parenting risk and resiliency. The scientific meeting will facilitate sharing of ideas, networking among junior and senior researchers, and capacity to work toward goals and products more than the larger conferences do say Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Early Childhood National Conference 2014, The World Conference on ECCE held in Moscow, International Conference on Child Development in School & Community Settings. The invited program will include an interdisciplinary, international group of scholars and the meeting will highlight emerging frameworks and findings and promote better integrated, more nuanced, more inclusive studies of parenting at risk that can guide research, policy and practice. Meeting themes will be individual risk to parenting processes, parenting as adaptation, fathering at risk, and interventions and policy. It will address variability in parenting, parenting across development , and tools and methodological concerns. ConferenceSeries is an amalgamation of Open open access Access publications and worldwide international scientific conferences open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology. OMICS has 21 days rapid review process involving 30,000 editorial team members with 3.5 Million readers. OMICS ‘Open Access’ has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research scholars, students, libraries, educational institutions, research centers and the industries are main stakeholders that benefit greatly from this knowledge dissemination.ConferenceSeries International conferences also organizes 100 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, International workshops, International workshops, content hereInternational symposia and exhibitions.

Related Conferences in omics
• Nursing & Emergency Medicine
• Endocrinology
• Surgery and Anesthesia
• Urology
• Pediatrics
• Hepatitis
• Predictive, Preventive, Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics
• Translational Medicine
• Dental and Oral Health Congress
Related conference all over the world
Paediatric Drug Development conference in United Kingdom
The 5th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies in Spain
The 4th Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics and Child Health (CIP 2015)in Morocco
The National Association for Child Development
Global Child Development Group
Child Development Professional Organizations

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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