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Recommended Conferences for Child Obesity

Child Obesity

Child obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height. Child obesity is particularly troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems that were once confined to adults, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Child obesity can also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. One of the best strategies to reduce child obesity is to improve the diet and exercise habits of your entire family. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight rather than obese is often used in children as it is less stigmatizing. Body mass index (BMI) is acceptable for determining obesity for children two years of age and older. The normal range for BMI in children varies with age and sex. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines obesity as a BMI greater than or equal to the 95th percentile. It has published tables for determiningin children. The US Preventive Service Task Force reported that not all children with a high BMI need to lose weight though. High BMI can identify a possible weight problem, but doesn’t differentiate between fat or lean tissue. Treating and preventing child obesity helps protect the health of your child now and in the future. ConferenceSeries is an amalgamation of Open open access Access publications and worldwide international scientific conferences open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology. OMICS has 21 days rapid review process involving 30,000 editorial team members with 3.5 Million readers.OMICS ‘Open Access’ has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research scholars, students, libraries, educational institutions, research centers and the industries are main stakeholders that benefit greatly from this knowledge dissemination.ConferenceSeries International conferences organizes 100 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, International workshops, International workshops, content hereInternational symposia and exhibitions.

•The California Department of Public Health, California Department of Education, the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Center for Weight and Health
•The California Endowment, and Kaiser Permanente are pleased to announce the 2013 Childhood Obesity Conference scheduled for June 18-20, at the Long Beach Convention Center, California.
•Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference is the nation's largest, most influential collaboration of professionals dedicated to combating pediatric obesity. Nearly 2,000 attendees from across the country are expected to attend in 2013. The Conference will showcase the latest research, evidence-based best practices, and policy/environmental change strategies.
•ECOG is a pan-European Childhood obesity group of professionals dealing with childhood obesity and overweight. ECOG brings together experts from across the board including: pediatricians , psychologists , nutritionists , geneticists , physical activity experts , economists and many more. The group was founded in 1991 and its mission is to help the European community at large to understand fully the health, social, psychological and economic impacts of childhood obesity, and work together to take this growing problem off the menu in Europe.
•Childhood obesity bay area conference
•The 5th Conference on Recent Advances in the Prevention and Management of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity
•the 2014 Pennington Biomedical Research Center Childhood Obesity & Public Health Conference.
•American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Research Summit Report Association convened a Childhood Obesity Research Summit to examine research opportunities where the obesity epidemic intersects with the healthcare system. The outcomes of the conference help inform the American Heart Association and the Alliance for a Healthy Generation broadly in terms that help to focus ongoing research and public policy initiatives.

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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