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Recommended Conferences for Clinical pharmacology

Clinical pharmacology

Clinical pharmacology is the science of drugs and their clinical use. It is underpinned by the basic science of pharmacology, with added focus on the application of pharmacological principles and methods in the real world. In worldwide there are number of conferences are being conducted on clinical pharmacology some of them are European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics in nether lands organized by EACPT, Clinical Pharmacology conferences organized by CME in USA, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics organized by ASCPT in Japan, 9th World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics organized by IUPHAR, The 12th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in Honkong organized by school of pharmacy CUHK. A long with that some of the national symposiums regarding Clinical Pharmacology UKCPA Autumn Symposium 2014 was conducted in England organized by Royal Pharmaceutical Society, ACluster symposia at 25th ISN-APSN Biennial Meeting in Cairns, Australia about the Disease models and clinical pharmacology news, and coming to workshop National workshop on Clinical Pharmacology PGI, Chandigarh India, 15th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV & Hepatitis Therapy at Washington DC, USA, 6th edition of the International Workshop on Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs in Denver CO, USA,organized by expert medical education. some of companies related to clinical phamacology Pfizer, Novartis , Roche, Merck & Co. Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Lilly, Amgen, Takeda, Bristol-Myers Squibb, BoehringerIngelheim, Novo NorDisk, Bayer, Astellas, Daiichi Sankyo, Otsuka, Gilead Sciences, Baxter, Merck KGaA, Eisai, BiogenIdec.

OMICS International Organizes 300+ conferences, 500+workshops and 200+symposiums on Clinical, Medicine, Pharma and Science & Technology every year across USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia and UK with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 500 open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Relavent Associations And Societies
• The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
• British Pharmacological Society
• American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
• Safety Pharmacology Society
• ESDPPP - European Society for Developmental Perinatal and Pediatric Pharmacology
• International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
• Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
• European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences
• European Medicines Agency
• International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

• Pfizer
• Novartis
• Roche
• Merck & Co
. • Sanofi
• GlaxoSmith
Kline • Johnson & Johnson
• AstraZeneca
• Lilly
• Amgen
• Takeda
• Bristol-Myers Squibb
• BoehringerIngelheim
• Novo NorDisk
• Bayer
• Astellas
• Daiichi Sankyo
• Otsuka
• Gilead Sciences
• Baxter
• Merck KGaA
• Eisai
• BiogenIdec

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This page was last updated on July 3, 2024

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