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Recommended Conferences for Clinical trials research

Clinical trials research

As per the available reports 10 Journals,8 Conference and150 National Symposium are exclusively related to the clinical trials. OMICS International has published 236 open access articles on clinical trials. 

Clinical trials are prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies on human subjects that are designed to answer specific questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions (novel vaccines, drugs, treatments, functional foods, dietary supplements, devices or new ways of using known interventions), generating safety and efficacy data.

They are conducted only after satisfactory information has been gathered that satisfies health authority/ethics committee approval in the country where approval of the therapy is sought. Depending on product type and development stage, investigators initially enroll volunteers and/or patients into small pilot studies, and subsequently conduct progressively larger scale comparative studies. As positive safety and efficacy data are gathered, the number of patients typically increases. Clinical trials can vary in size, and can involve a single research entity in one country or multiple entities in multiple countries. A full series of trials may cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The burden of paying is usually borne by the sponsor, which may be a governmental organization or a pharmaceutical, biotechnology or medical device company. When the required support exceeds the sponsor's capacity, the trial may be managed by an outsourced partner, such as a contract research organization or an academic clinical trials unit.

Scope & Importance:

A recent analysis indicated that although approximately half of this decrease can be attributed to reductions in major risk factors like cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and smoking, the other half is attributable to medical therapies validated in clinical trials. The National Institutes of Health has invested heavily in basic science to find the theoretical basis for new treatments; however, most resources spent on clinical development of new therapies have been provided by pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and device companies. Without the contributions of these organizations, along with those of the health professionals and patients who participate in clinical trials, public health in the US would not be what it is today.

Many breakthroughs in disease prevention and treatment in the last half-century would never have come to pass had it not been for the willing participation of research subjects. In the 1950s, for example, parents were reluctant to allow their children into public swimming pools because of fear of contracting polio. A randomized trial of the Salk polio vaccine in over 600,000 school children led to the approval of the first preventive treatment for that disease. Together with the later addition of an oral vaccine, polio has been nearly eradicated in the US. Likewise, measles was nearly eliminated by a vaccine tested in clinical trials. People born after the widespread deployment of measles vaccine may not be aware that measles was not always a mild disease

ConferenceSeries is the world leader for its scientific related services by organizing more than 300 International Conference across the world with the support from 1000 International scientific societies and institutes and also managing more than 400 peer reviewed open access journals in science, technology and environment. ConferenceSeries organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Omics & Management and Pharmaceutical/Chemistry and it is a perfect platform for global networking. ConferenceSeries referred journals are well established and more than 30,000 Editorial Board Members. These journals have been provided to the users with the great services for more than 3.5 million readers across the globe. 

Market Analysis

Contract research organisations serving the pharmaceutical industry generated revenues of US$21.69 billion worldwide in 2010, says the visiongain report, Pharma Clinical Trial Services: World Market 2011-2021. Global revenues are expected to reach US$32.73 billion in 2015 and to exceed US$65 billion in 2021, with the top ten CROs then accounting for more than half of the overall market.

New technologies and the outsourcing of clinical trials to lower-cost countries will slow the recent annual increases in expenditures in the U.S. to a 3.3% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the forecast period. Clinical trial spending in 2010 is an estimated $25 billion and is expected to reach $28.5 billion by 2014.

International Conferences

  1. Case Reports Conference 
     March 31-April 02,2016,Valencia,Spain.
  2. Clinical Case Reports Conference
    April 18-20,2016, Dubai,UAE.
  3. 5th Pathology Conference 
    May 09-11,2016, Chicago,USA.
  4. 3rd  Medical Case Reports Conference 
     May 12-14,2016 ,San Francisco,USA.
  5. Cytology and Histology Conference 
    August 1-3,2016, Manchester,UK.
  6. Cytopathology Conference 
    August 11-12,2016 , Brimingham ,UK.
  7. Hematology and Blood Disorders Conference 
     November 02-04,2015, Atlanta.USA.
  8. Biomarkers and Clinical Research Conference 
     November 28-30,2015, Baltimore,USA.
  9. Clinical Pharmacy Conference 
     December 7-9,2015, Atlanta,USA.
  10. Pharmacology and Ethanopharmacology Conference 
    May 02-04,2016, Chicago,USA
  11. 2nd Pain Medicine Conference 
     May 16-18,2016, San Antonio,USA.
  12. 2nd Clinical Trials Conference 
    August 22-24,2016, Philadelphia,USA.
  13. 7th Bioavailability and Bioequibalance Conference 
    August 29-31,2016, Atlanta,USA.
  14. 7th Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Trials Conference 
    September 19-21,2016, Valencia,Spain.
  15. 4th Toxicology Conference
    September 19-21,2016, Las Vegas,USA.
  16. 3rd Clinical Pharmacy Conference 
    December 07-09,2015, Atlanta,USA.
  17. Diabetes and Novel Therapeutics Conference 
    September 14-16,2015, Las Vegas,USA.
  18. 4th Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics Conference 
    October 5-7,2015, Philadelphia, USA.
  19. Clinical and Experimental Cardiology Conference 
     November 30-Dec 02,2015, San Antonio,USA
  20. 5th Annual Clinical Development and Trials Asia Congress,
    January 2016, Shangai,China.
  21. ACRP-2015 Global Conference and Exhibition
    April 25-28, Salt Lake City.
  22. 36th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics,
    August 23-27,2015, The Netherlands.
  23.  102nd Annual American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress,
      October 16-20, Washington,USA.
  24. ACRP Meeting & Expo,
    April 16-19,2016, Atlanta,USA.
  25.  26th ECCMID Conference,
     April 9-12,2016, Istanbul,Turkey
  26. 2016 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting,
     May 2-6, San Francisco, USA.

Associations and Societies

·Society for Clinical Trial (SCT)

·Indian Society for Clinical Research

·SOCRA for Clinical Research Excellence

·Association of Clinical Research Professionals

·American Cancer Society

·American Society for Clinical Oncology

·American Society for Hematology

·Clinical Research Association of Canada

·Clinical Research Institute of America

·Clinical Research Associates Inc

·Pan Asian Clinical Research Association

·Norwich Clinical Research Associates Ltd

·Association of Clinical Trials Organization

·International Association of Clinical Research Nurses

·Vince & Associates Clinical Research

·Association for Clinical and Translational Sciences

·Clinical Trials : American Diabetes Associations

·Clinical Trials : National Eczema Association

·Heartland Research Associates

·New zealand Association of Clinical Research


·Axis Clinicals Ltd

·Clini India

·Vimta Labs


·Croissance Clinical Research

·Venus Remedies Ltd

·Elder Pharma


·Asian Clinical Trials

·Dr. Reddy Labs


·Charak Pharma

·Excel Life Sciences






·Bristol Meyers Squibb

·Cadila Healthcare Ltd

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations