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Crop science is the study of using plants as food, fuels and fiber. Research includes plant breeding, plant genetics, plant physiology, crop rotation, control of weeds and insects. It is concerned with the selection, improvement and production of crops useful to man addressing the planting, maintenance, protection, harvesting, storage and aspects of post-harvest handling of produce. This study forms the basis of agricultural production. The goal of crop science is to develop crops and cropping systems with the highest possible efficiency in converting light and supplemental resource into Food, Animal feed and Fiber. Crop scientists breed crops and develop cropping systems that are profitable and ecologically sustainable. In light of the ever increasing world population and the finite cropping area, this goal remains a key challenge of humanity today and will become even more important in the future.
ConferenceSeries International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and scientific events. Established in the year 2007, ConferenceSeries International events provide exciting opportunity to showcase the services of your company to the broad International audience. We organize about 100 conferences round the globe with well organized international workshops and symposiums, and world class exhibits according to the recent development and future objectives in the scientific fields. We encourage various scientific sessions, young talent, panel debates and poster presentations for open minds.
In relation to its aim in accelerating scientific discoveries, ConferenceSeries also organizes various conferences worldwide such as 3rd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences , 4th International Conference on Biodiversity , Euro Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages , American Global Summit and Expo on Food & Bevarages , 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences
Around 20 National symposiums and Workshops are going to be held across the globe which includes:
• Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy Symposium, California
• 19th Australasian Weeds Conference - Science, Community and Food Security: the Weed Challenge, Australia
• 2014 America Society of Agronomy / Crop Science Society of America / Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, USA
• Bayer Crop Science horticulture symposium, Bonn
• Genetic Variation of Flowering Time Genes and Applications for Crop Improvement, Germany
• 2014 Fall Symposium, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
• Grassland Restoration Network Workshop, USA
• Herbicide Resistance Summit II, USA
List of Crop Science Associations
• Asian Crop Science Association
• American Crop Science Association
• European Crop Protection Association
List of Crop Science Companies
• Bayer CropScience
• Dow AgroSciences
• Aventis Crop Science India
• Navaratna CropScience Private Limited
This page will be updated regularly.
This page was last updated on March 14, 2025