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Recommended Conferences for Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction

As per available reports about 11 Relevant Journals, 10 Conferences, 5 Workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to drug addiction and about 1,568 articles are being published on drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person's self-control and ability to make sound decisions, and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs. It is because of these changes in the brain that it is so challenging for a person who is addicted to stop abusing drugs.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.  


Scope and Importance

Drug addiction is a serious public health problem that adversely affects the community. It causes dysregulation of neural systems. Behavioral effects of drug addiction are serious and long-term. Drug addiction can be better understood through Neurobiological research.

Fortunately, there are treatments that help people to counteract addiction's powerful disruptive effects and regain control. Research shows that combining addiction treatment medications, if available, with behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success for most patients. Treatment approaches that are tailored to each patient's drug abuse patterns and any concurrent medical, psychiatric, and social problems can lead to sustained recovery and a life without drugs.
As with other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease, drug addiction can be managed effectively. Yet, it is not uncommon for a person to relapse and begin abusing drugs again. Relapse does not signal failure; rather, it indicates that treatment should be reinstated or adjusted, or that alternate treatment is needed to help the person regain control and recover.


Market Analysis

The United States addiction pharmacotherapy market, currently valued at $2 billion, is expected to reach a value of $2.9 billion by 2016. Over 30 medications are in planning and testing stages to counter alcohol abuse and narcotic and nicotine dependencies. The 41% growth is expected as a result of increased demand for treatment medications that are more tolerable to people who are unable to tolerate currently available therapies. 8.9% of the U.S. population aged 12 or older would meet the diagnostic criteria for a drug or alcohol use disorder (substance use disorder). This was an estimated 22.1 million persons. Of these, 2.9 million were classified with a substance use disorder of both alcohol and illicit drugs. 4.2 million were classified with a substance use disorder for illicit drugs but not alcohol. 15.0 million were classified with a substance use disorder for alcohol but not illicit drugs.

23.1 million persons aged 12 or older needed treatment for an alcohol or substance use disorder. Of these only 2.6 million people received treatment at a specialized addiction facility.

Of the 20.5 million persons aged 12 or older in 2010 needing substance use treatment but not receiving it, 1.0 million persons (5.0 percent) reported that they felt they needed treatment for their drug or alcohol use problem. Of these 1.0 million persons who felt they needed treatment, 341,000 (33.3 percent) reported that they made an effort to get treatment, and 683,000 (66.7 percent) reported making no effort to get treatment.


List of Conferences

5th Neurology and Therapeutics Conference
March 14-16, 2016 London, UK

2nd Neurological Disorders and Stroke Conference
April 28-30, 2016 Dubai, UAE

5th Forensic Psychology Conference
July 18-20, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

Conference on Neuro-Oncology
July 21-23, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Conference
August 22-23, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil

5th Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology Conference
September 19-21, 2016 Las Vegas, USA

4th Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia Conference
September 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK

5th Addiction Research & Therapy Conference
October 06-08, 2016 Florida, USA

2nd Epilepsy & Treatment Conference
October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy

2nd Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management Conference
November 03-04, 2016 Valencia, Spain

2nd Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Conference
November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

2nd Sleep Disorders and Medicine Conference
November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

The Third Annual aXis addiction eXecutives industry summit
January 31 - February 3, 2016 Florida, USA

International RANZCP Congress of Psychiatry
May 8-12, 2016 Hong Kong, China

CBRD-2016 — 3rd Caribbean Biomedical Research Days
January 16-18, 2016 Saint Lucia, West Indies

International Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions World Congress 2016
April 12-16, 2016 Minnesota, USA

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) 2016 Leadership Forum
February 1-4, 2016 Maryland, USA

American College of Psychiatrists (ACP) Annual Meeting
February 17-21, 2016 Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 2016 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
March 30-April 2, 2016 Washington, USA


Relevant Societies and Associations

American Society of Addiction Medicine

International Society of Addiction Medicine

Canadian society of addiction medicine

Swiss society of addiction medicine

California society of addiction medicine

Washington society of addiction medicine

The International Society of Addiction Medicine

Michigan Society of Addiction Medicine

Czech Society of Addiction Medicine

American Psychiatric Association

Global Addiction Association

The Eurasian Professional Association of Addiction Medicine

American medical association addiction

American association of addiction medicine

Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association

American Addiction Center Florida

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers

American Psychological Association

Florida NAADAC

National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Florida Association of Recovery Residences

Professional Training Association

 Mississippi Association of Addiction Professionals

Substance abuse and mental health services administration

Texas Association of Addiction Professionals

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry

Care addiction recovery

New York Society of Addiction Medicine (NYSAM)


List of Companies and retreat centers


Ibogaine Association

CRC Health Group

The Change Company

SalusCare, Inc.

Dual Diagnosis.org

Mayo Clinic

Cumberland Diagnostic and Trt Center

Drug Testing Services LLC

Lindner Center of HOPE

Savant HWP

Glen Care Group

PRA International

Singer Island treatment center Palm Beach

Florida Drug Rehab Center

Elements Behavioral Health

Phoenix House for Addiction

Wekiva   Springs Center 

Destin Recovery

Hanley Center-Women's Recovery

Cornerstone Recovery Center

Florida coast recovery

Recovery Connection

Lucida Treatment Center

Paradise Recovery Center

Solutions Recovery Center

Beachway Therapy Center

Betty Ford Center

The Caron foundation

Sierra Tucson

Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab

Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches Inc

Sundown M Ranch

Center For Drug-Free Living

After Court Solutions LLC

Act Center Inc

Wellness Recovery Center

Temporary Living Center

Christian Alcohol and Drug Rehab Help

A Recovery

Federal Medical Center, Lexington

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations