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Recommended Conferences for Economic Depression

Economic Depression

A state of the economy resulting from an extended period of negative economic activity as measured by GDP. It is often described as a more severe form of a recession that leads to extended unemployment, broad declines in income and production, and currency devaluation The level of productivity in an economy falls significantly during a depression. Generally, when an economy continues to suffer recession for two or more quarters, it is called depression. Both the GDP (gross domestic product) and GNP (gross national product) show a negative growth along with greater business failures and unemployment. When a recession continues to take its toll on any economy, the built in process triggers further cuts in investment as well as consumption spending due to loss of confidence among investors and consumers. Also, the financial crisis may lead to decreased availability for credit. Excessive fluctuations happen in relative value of currency. Overall trade and commerce get reduced. Recovery is generally slow, the return of business confidence being dependent on the development of new markets, exhaustion of the existing stock of goods, or, in some cases, remedial action by governments. Insufficient numbers of profitable investment outlets, overexpansion of commerce, industry, or agriculture, a stock-market crash, the failure of a great banking or industrial firm, or war may be among the precipitating factors of a downturn.

ConferenceSeries International is an open access publisher with 400 online, peer reviewed science journals in the fields of Clinical, Medical, Engineering and technological, Pharmaceutical and Management fields. OMICS group hosts more than 300 International conferences and events across the globe. With the help of more than 1000 Scientific Associations , ConferenceSeries has been involved in providing a momentous platform for the world renowned scientists, researchers and talented student community from academic institutions to participate in the best academic conferences in the globe along with the collaboration initiatives with the leading entrepreneurs from industries.

Besides the interesting and informative scientific sessions at the OMICS Group conferences, Symposium, International Workshops , Exhibitions are the integral part of it. OMICS group conferences are known for its unique amalgamation of academic and business experts. B2B and Scientific Meetings organized by OMICS Group are excellent opportunities for one to one interaction, network expansion and business developments.

National Symposium
10th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital And Extra-Financial Information
11th Workshop on Corporate Governance
18th International Symposium on Inventories - International Society for Inventory Research
1st Workshop on Research in SME Business Transfers
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium
GJIL Symposium
Global economic symposium
European Workshops on Econometrics and Health Economics

American Statistical Assosiation, Business and Economic Statistics Section
Economic and Development Analysis
Applied Regional Science Council
Political Economy Workgroup
Workgroup on Computational Economics at Technical Universities
Armenian Economic Association
Asian Academy of Management
Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association
Asian Finance Association
Asian Financial Society
Asian Law and Economics Association
Asian Real Estate Society
Asia Pacific Economic Association
Asia Pacific Health Economics Network
Pacific Risk and Insurance Association
Argentinian Association of Agricultural Economics
Argentinian Association of Political Economy
Argentinian Association of Economic History
Argentine-Uruguayan Ecological Economics Association

Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
Wellington Management Co LLP
Deutsche Bank AG
Franklin Resources Inc
Credit Suisse Group
Walton Enterprises LLC
Bank of New York Mellon Corp
Natixis, Goldman Sachs Group Inc
T Rowe Price Group Inc, Legg Mason Inc.

Related conferences
13th International Conference - Economy and Business 2014
14th EAAE Congress - European Association of Agricultural Economists
14th EBES Conference Barcelona - Eurasia Business and Economics Society
2014 4th Annual IAEE Asian Conference
2014 Annual AFS Meeting
2014 Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association
2014 CEE National Conference
2014 Conference on Real-Time Data Analysis, Methods, and Applications
2014 INEM Conference - International Network for Economic Method
2014 INEM Conference

In today’s world Economic Depression is one of the mostly discussed topics among the economists and the people associated with finance as well as market analysis. Studies are going on around the world; developed countries like USA, UK, China, and Germany are contributing in significant amount towards these studies while developing countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Egypt and few other countries are also doing studies in a smaller scale.

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations