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Recommended Conferences for Embodiment or Relizations

Embodiment or Relizations

Omics International publishes 304 Open Access Articles in 13 International Journals it has 32 Upcoming Conferences and 15 Previous Conferences with 581 Conference Proceedings and 92 National symposiums so far in the field.

The cases of Sleep Disorders are there because, people either do not report the condition or do not know they have sleep apnea with them. There were reports in Max (2004) articles, Sleep Disorder or Somnipathys medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person. Sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physics and mental conditions, emotional functioning. Scientist use polysomnography to test sleep disorders.

Embodiment means the bodily aspects of human subjectivity or a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling. This term is being use by different authors to express their different related meaning to this. There is a defection with the term ‘Embodiment’ is that this word doesn’t sounds scientific and optimistic hence, lesser people use this word as compare to its synonyms like: Personifications, Incarnations, realizations, expressions, representations, manifestation and symbols etc. Psychiatrist and psychologist and neutralist around the world are doing their research and contributing best knowledge and treatments to cure the sleep disorders.

OMICS International through its Open access initiatives is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community by publishing research work and conference paper related to such disorders. It is known that OMICS Group hosts over 700 edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over more than 1000 Global Events annually. Its publishing group journals have over 5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 75000+ eminent personalities that ensure a quality and quick review process checker.

Importance and scope:

Sleep therapy is a medical specialty or subspecialty devoted to the diagnosis and therapy of sleep disturbances and related disorders. Scientist have provided increasing knowledge through research, and answered many questions about sleep-wake functioning related questions. Sleep therapy/Disorders are rapidly evolving field and has become a recognized medical subspecialty in all the continents. 

List of Best International Conferences

6th Neurological Conference
May 19-20, 2016 San Antonio, USA

2nd Parkinson’s DiseaseandMovement Disorders Conference
November 28-30,2016 Chicago, USA

2nd Sleep Medicine conference
November28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

2nd Brain Disorders conference
October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA

5th Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Conference
September 29-Oct 1, 2016 London, UK

2nd Epilepsy Conference
October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy

5th Neuro conference
March 14-16, 2016 London, UK

2nd Stroke conference
April 28-30, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Positive Psychology Conference
July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, USA

The Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm

Sleep Down Under

Sleep and breathing

Sleep Health & Safety Conference

World Sleep 2015

Sleep Disorders related journals

  • Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Frontiers in Psychiatry

  • International Journal of Dream Research

  • Open Sleep Journal

  • Nature and Science of Sleep

  • SLEEP Journal

  • Sleep Medicine

  • Journal of Sleep Research

List of major Sleep Disorders related Research Centres

  • Armenian sleep disorders association

  • Austrian sleep research association

  • Belgian association for sleep research and sleep medicine

  • British sleep society

  • Bulgarian sleep society

  • Croatian sleep research association

  • Czech sleep research and sleep medicine society

  • Danish society for sleep medicine

  • Dutch society for sleep and wake research

  • Estonian sleep medicine association

Market analysis

National Institute of health (NIH) in America is providing opportunities by funding for the research in specific areas. NIH funded around 116 million Dollars on Physical rehabilitations and Sleep disorders in 2015 + 1,272 million Dollars every year on Social science and behavioural. Every adult have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at once in their life. It is estimated 30% to 50% of the general population is affected by sleep Disorders and about 10% have chronic insomnia or Sleep disorders. Sleep Disorders affects all age groups from Childs to Adult. Sleep Disorders affects women more often than men and Childs.

People living in poverty, rates of Sleep disorders, mental and emotional difficulties are reported even higher. Woman are affected rapidly by this disorders in everywhere in the world as first it is started with emotional, worry, Bipolar Disorders etc. Embodiment study of the Sleep Disorders is rapidly growing in USA of America and in Europe’s research markets.

The term 'embodiment' wrote on different emphasis by different writers, it is the bodily aspects of human subjectivity. In European phenomenology Embodiment is the central theme, with its most extensive treatment in the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. According to merleau-Ponty’s account of embodiment distinguishes between the objective body, that regarded as a physiological entity and the phenomenal body, it is not just some body, but a particular physiological entity, but my (or your) body as I (or you) experience it. Of course however, it is possible to experience one’s own body as a physiological entity. But this is not typically the case. generally, I experience my body (tacitly) as a unified potential or capacity for doing this and that-typing this sentence, and scratching that itch, etc. furthermore, this sense that I have of my own motor capacities (expressed, say, as a kind of bodily confidence) does not depend on an understanding of the physiological processes involved in performing the action in question. The distinction between the objective and phenomenal body is central to understanding the phenomenological treatment of embodiment. This is not a concept that pertains to the body grasped as a physiological entity. However it pertains to the phenomenal body and to the role it plays in our object-directed experiences. 

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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