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Recommended Conferences for Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Environmental chemistry is the scientific study of the chemical and organic chemistry phenomena that occur in natural places. Environmental chemistry is associate knowledge base science that features part, aquatic and soil chemistry, further as heavily hoping on analytical chemistry and being associated with environmental and different areas of science. Environmental chemistry involves 1st understanding however the uncontaminated atmosphere works those chemicals in what concentrations square measure gift naturally, and with what effects. While not this it'd be not possible to accurately study the consequences humans wear the atmosphere through the discharge of chemicals.

Environmental chemists draw on a variety of ideas from chemistry and numerous atmospheric sciences to help within their study of what's happening to a chemical species in the environment. Necessary general ideas from chemistry embody understanding chemical reactions and equations, solutions, units, sampling, and analytical techniques.

Quantitative chemical analysis is a key part of environmental chemistry, since it provides the data that frame most environmental studies. Common analytical techniques used for quantitative determinations in environmental chemistry include classical wet chemistry, such as gravimetric, titrimetric and electrochemical methods.

More sophisticated approaches are used in the determination of trace metals and organic compounds. Metals are commonly measured by atomic spectroscopy and mass spectrometry: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission (ICP-AES) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometric (ICP-MS) techniques. Organic compounds are commonly measured also using mass spectrometric methods, such as Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Non-MS methods using GCs and LCs having universal or specific detectors are still staples in the arsenal of available analytical tools.

OMICS Publishing Group sustains the most effective and also the current analyzed articles within the Open Access disciple. The accolades for OMICS Group is far reaching with its 500 peer reviewed open access journals with 27, 000 reviewers team. The high visibility of 2.5 million readers is testimony to the fact the quality and standard it relies upon.

OMICS Group International Conferences helps in gathering eminent scientists for professional assembling at various venues around the world. OMICS Group Conferences are assimilated with B2B meetings, scientific partnering, panel discussions, symposium and workshops by gathering people on a solitary podium thereby attaining its slogan of expanding and disseminate the knowledge across the globe in various fields.

Special Features of OMICS Group International
» Well thought-out workshops, events and symposia
» Distinguished speakers and scientists across the globe
» Poster presentations and world class exhibits
» Panel discussions & interactive sessions
» Perfect platform for global networking
» Business meetings
» Collaborative Research opportunities
» Supported by reputed associations and societies

These Scientific events are a platform for expert’s interaction simultaneously with networking opportunities. The B2B meetings and scientific partnering provides the opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations. Thus these ideas can be implemented and new collaborations and deals can be made with the associations.

OMICS Groups’ Scientific Events provide excellent opportunity for the Students and Young researchers to demonstrate their research work in front of world calls scientists, professors and delegates from various top organizations. The best research idea/presentation will be awarded with Best Poster Award and Young Researcher Award. The result will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee and H’Guets. This will be a life time achievement for the young scientists to move forward in their research carrier with new built confidence.

OMICS Group is organizing 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques during Sep 1-3, 2015 at Valencia, Spain. This Scientific event is a platform for expert’s interaction simultaneously with networking opportunities. The B2B meetings and scientific partnering provides the opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations. Thus these ideas can be implemented and new collaborations and deals can be made with the associations.

Related Conferences:
ISHA 2014-4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference, 26 Oct 2014-29 Oct 2014, Bordeaux, France
Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics in Cultural Heritage and Environment Fields, 14 Dec 2014-17 Dec 2014, Rome, Italy GLS -International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering, 21 Jun 2015-24 Jun 2015, New York City, United States
Gordon Research Conference - Atmospheric Chemistry, 02 Aug 2015-07 Aug 2015, Waterville Valley, United States
EAC - European Aerosol Conference, 06 Sep 2015-11 Sep 2015, Milan, Italy
TraceSpec 2016 - 15th Workshop on Progress in Trace Metal Speciation for Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 04 Sep 2016-07 Sep 2016, Poland

Related Societies and Associations:
International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Switzerland
Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry of India, India

Related Companies:
E.S. Babcock Laboratories, Inc., USA
Exelon Nuclear, USA
Katahdin Analytical Services, USA
PCR Laboratories, USA
Quantum Analytical Services, Inc., USA
Tetra Tech EM Inc., USA

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This page was last updated on March 15, 2025

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