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Recommended Conferences for Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology

OMICS international has previously organized 10 conferences with 400 conference proceedings and 157 national symposiums, 22 upcoming conferences are in a row under the conference series of organization along with publications of 210 open access articles in 13 International journals.

Evolutionary biology and cognitive psychology is known as Evolutionary Psychology. The explanation of  human behaviour based on combination of evolutionary biology, anthropology, cognitive science, and neurosciences. Evolutionary psychology is not a specific sub field of psychology, such as the study of vision, cognitive skills, social behaviour. Psychology that can be applied to any topic within it;  Evolutionary   Psychology and the Emotions. Evolutionary psychology is simply psychology that is informed by the additional knowledge, in the expectation that the process that designed the human mind will progress the discovery of its architecture. Many evolutionary psychologists consider that the brain is divided into hundreds, maybe, thousand of these specific behavioural modules. Some scientists speculate that these areas are connections to long-term remembrance areas and support in problem-solving. 

OMICS International through its Open access initiatives is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community by publishing research work and conference paper related to such disorders. It is known that ConferenceSeries hosts over 700 edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals which contains over 75000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members. Omics International organizes over more than 1000 Global Events annually with support from 1000 more scientific Societies. Its publishing group journals have over 5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board that ensure a quality and quick review process checker.

It  emphases on the developed properties of nervous systems, mainly of humans. Almost all tissue in living beings is functionally structured, a major presumption of evolutionary psychology is brain. It is clear that the body is composed of a very large number of parts, and each part is highly specific to perform a particular function for the survival and reproduction of the organism. Thus, according to evolutionary psychology, neural tissue is no dissimilar from any other tissue, it is functionally organized to assist survival and reproduction. This is the foundational hypothesis of evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychologists often state to brain functions as psychological adaptations, though they are not qualitatively dissimilar from other variations. Evolutionary psychology  emphases on the evolved features of nervous systems, especially those of humans. The theories on which evolutionary psychology is based patented with Charles Darwin's effort,  that includes his theories about the evolutionary origins of communal characters in humans. Modern evolutionary psychology is possible because of advances in evolutionary theory in the 20th century

List of Best International Conferences

List of Related Societies

  • American Psychological Association 
  • Psychology Today
  • Human Behavior & Evolution Society
  • Applied Evolutionary Psychology Society
  • North Eastern Evolutionary Psychology Society
  • Association for Psychological Science

The numbers of "neurologists" and "psychiatrists" have been steadily increasing over the last 30 years, psychiatrists more so than neurologists. 893 certified psychiatrists were registered by the end of 2002 which corresponds to roughly one psychiatrist per 9.000 inhabitants. Untreated mental illness can mean reduced employment, family breakdown, homelessness and suicide. The burden extends beyond the individual to family and friends. Neuropsychiatric disorders are the second cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in Europe and account for 19%, with only 4% after cardiovascular disorders. About 27% of the adult population had experienced at least one of a series of mental disorders which includes problems arising from substance use, psychosis, depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Mental illness affects people of all ages, with a significant impact on many young people.


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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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