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Recommended Conferences for Food Drying

Food Drying

OMICS International has 1087 Open Access Articles, 2934 Conference Proceedings, 18 Journals, 671 National Symposiums,  20 Upcoming Conferences, 5 e-Books, 2 e-Book Chapters on Food Drying.

Food Drying is a method of food preservation that inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and mold through the removal of water. Dehydration has been used widely for this purpose since ancient times; the earliest known practice is 12,000 B.C. by inhabitants of the modern Middle East and Asia regions. Water is traditionally removed through evaporation (air drying, sun drying, smoking or wind drying), although today electric food dehydrators or freeze-drying can be used to speed the drying process and ensure more consistent results.
Freeze-dried vegetables are often found in food for backpackers, hunters, and the military. Garlic and onion are often dried. Edible and psilocyb in mushrooms, as well as other fungi, are also sometimes dried for preservation purposes, to affect the potency of chemical components, or to be used as seasonings. It formed the main protein source for the slaves on the West Indian plantations, and was a major economic force within the triangular trade. Dried shark meat, known as Hákarl, is a delicacy in Iceland, while dried reindeer meat is a traditional Sami food. Currently popular dried meats include prosciutto (a.k.a. Parma ham), bresaola, and beef jerky.

OMICS International organizes 1000+ Global events every year across the Globe. OMICS International Agri, Food and Aqua Conferences is a hub which covers the innards of Agriculture, Food and aquaculture sciences which serves as a major platform for the transfer of scientific knowledge through which are arranged parallel to the scientific-sessions.

Scope and Importance:
The global food and beverage industry is growing at 3.5% a year and is expected to be worth more than US$7 trillion by 2014. Key trends for new product development are in health, convenience, and sustainability. New foods based on fruits and vegetables fulfill many of the demands of the premium consumer. The intrinsic “health halo” of natural produce make ingredients derived from fruits and vegetables highly sought after in the global marketplace. The market for functional foods – foods that offer benefits beyond basic nutrition – is one of the fastest growing segments of the global food industry. Foods and beverages that offer validated health claims account for around US$25 billion of global sales, he wider functional food market, including rehydration and sports drinks and foods with softer health claims, is estimated to be worth around US$200 billion.

Statistical Analysis:
India is the Second largest producer of fruits after Brazil and 2nd largest producer of vegetables after china. The total estimated annual production is 70 million tones. Due to inadequate facilities for processing nearly 35 to 40% produce of the total production is wasted amounting to Rs. 3000 crores annually.

List of Related Conferences:

Related Societies:

  • Good Food Society, UK
  • National Center for Home Food Preservation, USA
  • International Ozone Association, USA
  • The Food and Beverage Association of America, USA
  • Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs society, France
  • The Food society, USA
  • American Chemical Society , USA
  • National Association of Specialty Food, USA
  • French Broad Preservation Association, France
  • IUFoST International Union of Food Science and Technology, Europe
  • Institute of Food Science and Technology, USA
  • ISEKI-Food Association, Europe
  • FoodDrink Europe, Europe
  • Society of Nutrition and Food Science, German
  • Asian Food Safety and Security Association, Bangladesh
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, USA
  • International Wine & Food Society, UK
  • Slow Food, Italy
  • Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, Japan
  • The Australian Institute of Food Science Technology, Austrelia

Related Companies:

  • Quest Nutrition, USA
  • Aseptia, USA
  • Nestle, USA
  • Bakkavör, UK
  • Pepsico, USA
  • Krave Pure Foods, USA
  • Bai Brands, USA
  • Kohana Coffee, USA
  • Protein Bar, USA
  • Coppola Foods, UK
  • Hungryhouse, UK
  • Halewood International, UK
  • Bakers Delight, Austrelia
  • Danone, France
  • Unilever, UK
  • Alnatura, Germany
  • Nutrinova, Germany
  • Elledi, Italy
  • Kerry Group, Ireland
  • Ajinomoto, Japan


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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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