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Recommended Conferences for Fruit


The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food is known as fruit. In botany, a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that derives from specific tissues of the flower, one or more ovaries, and in some cases accessory tissues. Fruits are the means by which these plants disseminate seeds. Many of them that bear edible fruits, in particular, have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition, respectively; in fact, humans and many animals have become dependent on fruits as a source of food.

ConferenceSeries International is the leading event organizers which host more than 300 International Conferences across the globe. OMICS group organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Chemistry and it's an ideal platform for international networking. OMICS Publishing Group manages over 400 peer reviewed Open Access Journals in all field of research and practical applications. OMICS group hosts 350 Open Access journals with over 3.5 million readers and therefore the honor and success of an equivalent are often attributed to the robust editorial board that contains over 30000 eminent personalities. These scientific events are emerging as one of the best gathering with the support from 1000 International Collaborations with renowned scientific societies and institutes. ConferenceSeries International events offer exciting chance to showcase the services of your company to the global audience.

ConferenceSeries International in response towards development in the field of food science organizes various conferences related to the subject of food such as Euro Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages , American Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages , 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences , 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Probiotics & Functional Foods

Related Conferences/National Symposiums:
1. XIV Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics
2. XI International Rubus and Ribes Symposium
3. XVI International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture
4. II International Workshop on Bacterial Diseases of Stone Fruits and Nuts
5. IX International Peach Symposium
6. Workshop on 6th International Symposium on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal
7. International Symposium on Cucurbits
8. Methods of Measuring Fruit & Vegetable Flavor, Color & Texture Workshop
9. IX International Congress on Hazelnut

Related Companies:
1. Pacific Coast Fruit Company
2. United Fruit Company
3. The California Fruit Company

Relevant Societies:
1. Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association
2. International Fruit Tree Association
3. United Fresh Produce Association: United Fresh
4. European Fruit Juice Association
5. Australia United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association
6. Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations