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Recommended Conferences for Economic Theory

Economic Theory

Economic Theory provides an outlet for research in all areas of economics based on rigorous theoretical reasoning and on topics in mathematics that are supported by the analysis of economic problems. Mainstream economic theory relies upon a priori quantitative economic models, which employ a variety of concepts. When creating theories, the objective is to find ones which are at least as simple in information requirements, more precise in predictions, and more fruitful in generating additional research than prior theories. In microeconomics, principal concepts include supply and demand, rational choice theory, opportunity cost, budget constraints, utility, and the theory of the firm. Early macroeconomic models focused on modeling the relationships between aggregate variables, the relationships appeared to change over time. Microeconomic concepts play a major part in macroeconomic models – for instance, in monetary theory, the quantity theory of money predicts that increases in the money supply increase inflation, and inflation is assumed to be influenced by rational expectations. In development economics, slower growth in developed nations has been sometimes predicted because of the declining marginal returns of investment and capital. Sometimes an economic hypothesis is only qualitative, not quantitative.
ConferenceSeries International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’, ConferenceSeries publishes 400 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals. ConferenceSeries has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on Science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, Educational Institutions, Research centers and the industry are main stakeholders that benefited greatly from this knowledge dissemination. ConferenceSeries also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposium and exhibitions.
Besides the interesting and informative scientific sessions at the ConferenceSeries conferences, Symposium, International Workshops , Exhibitions are the integral part of it. OMICS group conferences are known for its unique amalgamation of academic and business experts. B2B and Scientific Meetings organized by ConferenceSeries are excellent opportunities for one to one interaction, network expansion and business developments.

National Symposium
Georgetown Center for Economic Research
ECON workshops
23rd European Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics
Minnesota Public Radio's Civic Journalism Initiative
The University of Chicago workshops
Microeconomic Theory in Canada
SITE Summer Workshop 2014
Economic Theory Workshop 2014 by Warwick
SWET: Summer Workshop on Economic Theory
Citibank Workshop in Economic Theory

Econometric Society
Economic and Business Historical Society
Economic and Social History Society of Ireland
Economic Developers Association of Canada
Economic Development Association
Economic Geography Research Group
Economic History Association
Economic History Society

Japan Post Holdings
Berkshire Hathaway
Allianz Insurance
Generali Group
China Construction Bank
JP Morgan Chase
Prudential Financial
Freddie Mac
Zurich Insurance Group
Related conferences
68th European Meeting of the Econometric Society
10th Annual Economics Teaching Conference
13th International Conference - Economy and Business 2014
14th EBES Conference Barcelona - Eurasia Business and Economics Society
2014 INEM Conference - International Network for Economic Method
2015 Winter Global Conference on Business and Finance
2nd International Conference Economic Philosophy
32nd CIRET Conference "Economic Tendency Surveys and Economic Policy" Hangzhou 2014 - Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys
46th Annual UK History of Economic Thought Conference
World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (WRIEC) 2015

This topic has great importance in world Economy, it is very important for better analysis and explanations. Research is going on Economic Growth, Economic history, Econometrics and various other topics. Besides the developed countries like USA, Japan, China, Australia many developing countries like India, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan are also taking interest in the studies of Economic Theory.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations