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Recommended Conferences for Genetic oncology

Genetic oncology

As per the available reports about 31 Journals,12 Conferences,223 National Symposiums and 174 Open access articles which are exclusively dedicated to genetic oncology. Cancer is a genetic disorder in which the normal control of cell growth is lost. Cancer genetics is now one of the fastest expanding medical specialties.

Cancer is a genetic disease caused by the progressive accumulation of mutations in critical genes that control cell growth and differentiation. Completion of the Human Genome Project promises to revolutionize the practice of Medicine, especially Oncology care. The tremendous gains in the knowledge of the structure and function of human genes will surely impact the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer. Moreover, it will lead to more effective cancer control through the use of genetics to quantify individual cancer risks. This article reviews the current status of genetic testing and counseling for cancer risk assessment and will suggest a framework for integrating such counseling into oncology practice.

Scope and Importance

 At the molecular level, cancer is caused by mutations in DNA, which result in aberrant cell proliferation. Most of these mutations are acquired and occur in somatic cells. However, some people inherit mutations in the germline. The mutations occur in two classes of cellular genes: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.Transformation of proto-oncogene to oncogene is the result of gain in function through: Over-expression of the gene, or duplication (such as amplification) to produce increased onco-protein Activation or formation of fusion gene by translocation Alteration of the gene product to produce transforming proteins.

OMICS Group is the world leader for its scientific related services by organizing more than 300 International Conference across the world with the support from 1000 International scientific societies and institutes and also managing more than 400 peer reviewed open access journals in science, technology and environment. ConferenceSeries organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Omics & Management and Pharmaceutical/Chemistry and it is a perfect platform for global networking. ConferenceSeries referred journals are well established and more than 30,000 Editorial Board Members. These journals have been provided to the users with the great services for more than 3.5 million readers across the globe. 

Market Analysis

The genetic testing market is growing rapidly. In 2011, the US genetic and genomic clinical testing market size was estimated to be $5.9 billion. Given the potential role of genetics in guiding treatment and health behaviors, the economic impact of related care pathways is estimated to be substantially larger. The number of available tests has grown substantially, from 1,680 just 4 years ago, to 2,886 in 2012. However, this 72-percent increase in the number of tests available has been slow to translate into clinical applications. Though the current clinical applications are still somewhat limited, demand from physicians and patients for testing is growing. A recent UnitedHealth survey found that three quarters of its network contracted physicians believe that some patients in their practice would benefit from genetic testing.

Workshops and Symposium

1. WYSS Family Symposium on Genetic Predisposition to Brain Cancer , Columbus ,United States

2. Seattle Genetic Instablity and Cancer Symposium , June 15 ,2015 , Seattle ,USA.

3. International workshop on Cancer Genetics & Cytogenetic Diagnostics, Nijmegen ,The Netherlands.

International Conference

1· 4th Cancer Diagnostic Conference,
    June 13-15, 2016,Rome,Italy.

2· 6th Cancer Therapy Conference,
    September 28-30 , Atlanta ,USA.

3· Pancreatic Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Conference
    March 29-30,Atlanta,USA.

4· Blood Malignancies Conference,
    April 18-20,2016,Dubai,UAE.

5· 2nd Prostate cancer Conference,
    May 5-7,Chicago,USA.

6·  Gynecologic oncology conference,
    May 19-21 ,2016, San Antigo,USA.

7· 10th Oncologist Conference,
     July 11-13,2016, Cologne.

8· 11th Oncologist Conference,
     July 11-13 , Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia.

9· Pediatric Oncology Conference,
     August 4-6 ,2016 , Toronto, Canada.

10· Molecular Biomarkers and Cancer Biomarkers Conference
      September 15-17,2016 , Berlin, Germany.

11· Surgical Oncology Conference,
      September1-3,2016 , Sao Paulo,Brazil.

12· Leukemia and Bone Marrow Transplantation Conference,
       November 10-12, Istanbul,Turkey.

13·5th Cancer Therapy Conference,
      September 28-30,Atlanta,USA.

14·  4th Toxicology Conference,
       September19-21,Las Vegas,USA.

15· Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Conference,
      June 6-7, 2016, Dallas,USA.

16· Oral, Mouth and Throat Cancer Conference
      August 18-20 ,2016,Portland,USA.

17· Radiologist Conference,
      March 17-18 ,2016 .London ,UK

18· Biomarker and Clinical Research Conference,
      August 31-Sep 2,2016 ,Toronto, Canada.

19· 3rd Genomics and Pharmacogenomics Conference,
      September 21-23, San Antigo,USA.

20· Clinical and Molecular Genetics Conference,
       November 28-30 ,2016, Chicago , USA.

21·4th  Immunology Conference,
      September 28-30 ,2016, Houston, USA.

22·ACCRA Cancer Conference,
      September  3-5 ,2015, ACCRA ,Ghana

23·Cancer Diagnosis &Therapy Conference
      September 3-5 ,2015,London,UK

24· 25th World Congress on Lymphology,
       September  7-11 ,2015 ,San Francisco,USA

25·3rd International Oncology Conference,
      September  10-11 ,2015,Abu Dhabi,UAE

26·Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology-Annual Meeting,
       September  16-20,Sep 2015,Xiamen,China.

27.4th European Congress on Immunology,
      September  6-9,2015 , Vienna ,Austria.

28. 3rd Annual Congress of the European Society for Translational Medicine,
      September 1-4 ,2015 Vienna,Austria.

Associations & Societies

·European Society for Translational Medicine

·International Society for Translational Medicine

·International Society of Chemotherapy for Infection and Cancer

·American Cancer Society

·The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

·European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

·American Society of Clinical Oncology

·African Society of Chemotherapy

·Federation of the European Societies of Chemotherapy and Infection

·Oncology Nursing Society

·Oral Chemotherapy Management- Florida Society of Health

·American Society of Clinical Oncology

·International Oncology Societies –ESMO

·Society of Urologic Oncology

·Society for intregative Oncology.

·European Society of Gynecological Oncology

·Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society

·American Society for Radiation Oncology






·Merck &Co.








·Markansan Pharma Ltd

·MedIndia-Network for Health


·Eli Lilly & Company


·Leerink Swann

·SHC & Associates

·DuPont Merck pharmaceutical company

·Strativa Pharmaceuticals

·Spectrum Pharmaceuticals



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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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