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Recommended Conferences for Geography


As per available reports about 78 open access articles, 5 relevant journals, 72 conference Proceedings, 34 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Geography.

Geography is a field of science dedicated to the study of the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of the Earth. Learning geography will create citizens who are able to understand and do something about some of the major issues and problems including climate change, energy dependence, war and regional conflicts, globalization and international terrorism. Geography provokes and answers questions about the natural and human worlds, using different scales of enquiry to view them from different perspectives. It develops knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps, and a range of investigative and problem solving skills both inside and outside the classroom. As such, it prepares pupils for adult life and employment.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.        

Scope and Importance

Geography Conferences provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by international scientists and academicians. Geography Conference offers excessive quality content to suit the diverse professional development of science and technologies. It is a perfect platform to discuss the current discoveries and developments in the field of Geography.

Researches in Geography are:

1) The relationship between environmental pollution and clinical antibiotic resistance

2) Ecological correlates of lifespan in mammals and birds

3) Making the most of new and old opportunities to survey marine ecosystems

4) Badger responses to small-scale culling may compromise targeted control of bovine tuberculosis

5) Microevolution in island birds: insights from white-eye colonization of the southwest Pacific

6) Managing social-ecological systems under uncertainty: a multidisciplinary approach

7) Christmas Conservation

Geography is a focus within the curriculum for understanding and resolving issues about the environment and sustainable development. It is also an important link between the natural and social sciences. As pupils study geography, they encounter different societies and cultures. This helps them realize how nations rely on each other. It can inspire them to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment. It includes historical and political geography, cultural geography, economic and physical geography, regional science, cartographic methods, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and applications to areas such as land-use planning, development studies, and analyses of specific countries, regions, and resources.

Market Analysis:
As per the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, Survey for funding opportunities is done among different states of USA. From this survey report the total funding amount is $625,993.29.

International symposium and workshops

1.  17th International Seismic Symposium, May 15-20, 2016, Scotland

2.  EAGE Workshop on Seismic Reservoir Characterization, January 31 - 03 February, 2016 Kuwait City, Kuwait

3.  SPE/EAGE Geosteering and Well Placement Workshop, February 08 – 10, 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

4.  International Coastal Symposium 2016 (ICS2016), March 6–11, 2016, Sydney, Australia

5.  ISRM International Symposium - EUROCK 2016, August 29–31, 2016, Nevsehir, Turkey

List of Best International Conferences

1.   5th Earth Science and Climate Change Conference, July 25-27, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand

2.   5th Biodiversity Conference, March 10-12, 2016 Madrid, Spain

3.   4th Oceanography and Marine Biology Conference, July 18-20, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

4.   2ndGeology Conference, April 21-22, 2016 Dubai, UAE

5.   3rd Recycling Congress, Oct 06-07, 2016 Miami, USA

6.   2nd Green Energy & Expo, Nov 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

7.   2nd Oil and Gas Conference, Nov 10-12, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey

8.   2nd Geologists Meeting, July 11-12, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

9.   2nd Recycling Conference, July 25-27, 2016 Berlin, Germany

10. 2nd Petroliferous Basins Conference, Oct 3-5, 2016 London, UK

11. Geophysics Conference, Sept 29-Oct 1, 2016 Vancouver, Canada

12. Geosciences Conference, Oct 6-7, 2016 Miami, USA

13. GIS and Remote Sensing Conference, May 16-17, 2016 San Antonio, USA

14. Pollution Control and Sustainable Environment Conference, April 25-26, 2016 Dubai, UAE

15. Petroleum and Refinery Congress, July 21-23, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

16. Coastal Zone Management Conference, May 16-18, 2016 Osaka, Japan

17. Mining and Metallurgy Conference, June 27-29, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa

18. 18th International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change, May 16 - 17, 2016 Montreal, Canada

19. 32nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 13-15 2016, Helsinki, Finland

20. International Geological Congress 2016August 27–September 04 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

21. International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides 2016, June 05–09 2016, Trieste, Italy

Related Companies

1.     Gustavson Associates

2.     CareerMine

3.     STAG Geological Service Limited

4.     Advanced Geosciences, Inc (AGI)

5.     GeoDesigninc.

6.     Terraphase Engineering Inc.

7.     Geocon

8.     NOVA Engineering and Environmental, LLC.

9.     CRB Geological & Environmental Services, Inc. (CRB)

10.   GEL Engineering LLC

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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