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Recommended Conferences for Heat Pump

Heat Pump

Heat pump is a device that transfers heat energy from a source of heat to a destination called a "heat sink". Heat pump moves the thermal energy opposite to the direction of spontaneous heat flow by absorbing heat from a cold space and releasing it to a hotter one. Heat pump uses an external power to transfer energy from the heat source to the heat sink. Some can pump heat both out of and into the assembly thus cooling or heating. Freezers and air conditioners are common examples of heat pumps while in general the term is used for many HVAC devices used for space heating or space cooling. Heat pump uses a refrigerant as an intermediate fluid to absorb heat when it vaporizes, in the evaporator, and then to release heat when the refrigerant condenses, in the condenser. For efficient thermal energy transfer, the refrigerant flows through insulated pipes between the evaporator and the condenser at relatively long distances. When large amount of heat is to be transferred, water is used, often supplemented with corrosion inhibitors, antifreeze, and other additives. Heat pump works by condensing gas to liquid state and then expands again, within a loop of rigid tubing that extends from the hot side to the cold side. This works on the principle of ideal gas law, which states that as pressure increases, temperature increases and as pressure decreases, temperature decreases. Thus, when the gas expands on one side of the tubing loop, its temperature decreases and heat is pulled into it from the surrounding making it the colder side of the loop. The gas is then pumped to the other side of the loop and pressurized by an electric compressor making it liquid. The rise in pressure increases the temperature, and the liquid impels heat out to the surrounding making it the hotter side of the loop. After expelling the heat outside, the fluid goes through the valve to allow it to expand to a gas again on the other side of the loop, and the cycle starts all over again. There are many ways to measure the effectiveness of a heat pump such as coefficient of performance, energy efficiency ratio, seasonal energy efficiency ratio, heating seasonal performance factorand kW/ton. Heat Pump Sources are Air-Source Heat Pumps, Ground Source Heat Pumps, Water-source heat pumps and Absorption chillers.Keeping in view of the importance of Heat Pump a large of conference are being organized all over the world such as 11 in Europe like VGB Congress - power plants 2014, 31 in Asia like 11th China (Shanghai) International Heat Treatment / Industrial Furnace Expo (CIHTE 2014), 10 in USA like3rd International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2014) and 2 in Australia like National Manufacturing Week (NMW 2015).Around 10 National symposiums and Workshops are going to be held across the globe which includes “6th Belgian Heat Pump Symposium”, “European Heat Pump Summit 2015”, “IEA HPC 2014 workshop” and so on. ConferenceSeries International is a combination of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. It was Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’, ConferenceSeries publishes 400 online open access journals in the field of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology. ConferenceSeries is keen in making the knowledge on Science & technology easily accessible to ordinary men and women with the help of 30, 000 experts as editorial board members and reviewers ConferenceSeries also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where exchange of knowledge takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions.

ConferenceSeries International is a combination of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. It was Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’, ConferenceSeries publishes 400 online open access journals in the field of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology. ConferenceSeries is keen in making the knowledge on Science & technology easily accessible to ordinary men and women with the help of 30, 000 experts as editorial board members and reviewers ConferenceSeries also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where exchange of knowledge takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions.

Large numbers of conferences are organized across the globe related to Heat Pump such as:
11th HeatPump Conference 2014
The 11th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference
9th China Guangzhou International Water Heating Exhibition 2014
Heat treatment 2014
11th China (Shanghai) International Heat Treatment / Industrial Furnace Expo (CIHTE 2014)
Chemmash-Pumps ’2014
4th International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2015)
10th China Guangzhou International Electric Heating Technology & Equipment Exhibition (GEHE 2014)
10th China Guangzhou International Water Heating Exhibition 2015
12th China (Shanghai) International Heat Treatment / Industrial Furnace Expo (CIHTE 2015).

Association and Societies
Associations and societies related to Heat Pump are
The Austrian Heat Pump Association (LGWA)
Ground-coupled heat pumps
SULPU – Finnish heat pump association
German heat pump association
HPTCJ - Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan
Dutch Heat Pump Association
SVEP – Swedish heat pump association
CHNT - Switzerland IEA Heat Pump Programme National Team
FWS – Swiss Association for the promotion of heat pumps
HPA - Heat Pump Association (UK)
International Ground-Source Heat Pump Association.

Major companies associated with Heat Pump are
American Standard

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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