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Recommended Conferences for Hydrology


OMICS Group is a leading science event organizer that publishes around 400 open access journals and conducts over 300 international conferences all over the globe annually which is supported by 30,000 editorial board members and followed by almost 3.5 million people all over the world. It is one of the international journal publishers, conducts scientific conferences throughout the world. OMICS Publishing Group was established in the year 2007 with a study in three main branches namely Proteomics, Genomics, and Metabolomics. ConferenceSeries had signed more than 1000 International Societies to make the scientific knowledge open access to all individuals. ConferenceSeries Meetings are held annually. OMICS group has created a colloquium of researchers, academicians, industry professionals, and authors & editors.

Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, occurrence and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability. A practitioner of hydrology is a hydrologist, working within the fields of earth or environmental science, physical geography, geology or civil and environmental engineering. Hydrology is subdivided into surface hydrology and marine hydrology. Domains of hydrology include hydrometeorology, surface hydrology, hydrogeology, drainage basin management and water quality, where water plays the central role.

The water cycle, or hydrologic cycle, is an uninterrupted process by which water is decontaminated by evaporation and transported from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back to the land and oceans. All of the physical, chemical and biological processes involving water as it travels its various paths in the atmosphere, over and beneath the earth's surface and through growing plants, are of interest to those who study the hydrologic cycle. There are many pathways the water may take in its continuous cycle of falling as rainfall or snowfall and returning to the atmosphere. It may be captured for millions of years in polar ice caps. It may flow to rivers and finally to the sea. It may soak into the soil to be evaporated directly from the soil surface as it dries or be transpired by growing plants. It may percolate through the soil to ground water reservoirs (aquifers) to be stored or it may flow to wells or springs or back to streams by seepage. They cycle for water may be short, or it may take millions of years. People tap the water cycle for their own uses. Water is diverted temporarily from one part of the cycle by pumping it from the ground or drawing it from a river or lake. It is used for a variety of activities such as households, businesses and industries; for irrigation of farms and parklands; and for production of electric power. After use, water is returned to another part of the cycle: perhaps discharged downstream or allowed to soak into the ground. Used water normally is lower in quality, even after treatment, which often poses a problem for downstream users.

The hydrologist studies the fundamental transport processes to be able to describe the quantity and quality of water as it moves through the cycle (evaporation, precipitation, stream flow, infiltration, ground water flow, and other components). Hydrology or water resources engineer is involved in the planning, analysis, design, construction and operation of projects for the control, utilization, and management of water resources. Water resources problems are also the concern of meteorologists, oceanographers, geologists, chemists, physicists, biologists, economists, and political scientists, specialists in applied mathematics and computer science, and engineers in several fields.

Around 12 National symposiums and Workshops are going to be held across the globe which includes “International Weather Radar and Hydrology symposium”, “35th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium”, “Asia Pacific Workshop on Forest Hydrology” and so on.


Large numbers of conferences are organized across the globe related to Hydrology such as 3rd International Conference on Hydrology & Meteorology 2014, The 3rd Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2014), NGWA Groundwater Expo 2014, 8th International Conference on River Basin Management including all aspects of Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Management, Flood Plains and Wetlands 2015, 22nd International Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Congress, IAH 41st Congress — Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies, UMH VII - 2014 — Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology 2014 International Conference, ICHE 2014 — 11th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, 10th International Hydrogeological Congress with emphasis on Groundwater depended ecosystems, First International Conference on Fractured Rock Hydrogeology of Central and South America and many more.
Association and Societies

Associations and societies related to Hydrology are British Hydrological Society, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Young Hydrologic Society, Arizona Hydrological Society, NZ Hydrological Society, South Florida Hydrologic Society, and International Association for Environmental Hydrology (IAEH), Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW), European Geophysical Union, Hydrology Division and Association of Hydrologists of India.


Major companies associated with Hydrology are Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc., Pessl Instruments GmbH, Hydrological Services Pty. Ltd., Climatronics Corporation, RST Instruments Ltd., Surechem Sdn. Bhd., Felix Technology Inc., Kipp & Zonen, Environmental Measurements Ltd and Geo Scientific Ltd.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations