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Recommended Conferences for Kidney Transplants

Kidney Transplants

As per available reports about 11 Relevant Journal, 23 Proceedings Conferences, 61 National Symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Kidney Transplants and about 27 articles are being published on Kidney Transplants.

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that serve several essential regulatory roles in vertebrate animals. They remove excess organic molecules (e.g., glucose) and it is by this action that their best-known function is performed: the removal of waste products of metabolism (e.g., urea, though 90% of this is reabsorbed along the nephron.) They are essential in the urinary system and also serve homeostatic functions such as the regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid–base balance, and regulation of blood pressure (via maintaining salt and water balance). They serve the body as a natural filter of the blood, and remove water soluble wastes, which are diverted to the urinary bladder. In producing urine, the kidneys excrete wastes such as urea and ammonium, and they are also responsible for the reabsorption of water, glucose, and amino acids. The kidneys also produce  hormones including  calcitriol erythropoietin, and the enzyme renin, the latter of which indirectly acts on the kidney in negative feedback.
Kidney transplant is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease. Kidney transplant is typically classified as deceased-donor (formerly known as cadaveric) or living-donor transplantation depending on the source of the donor organ. Living-donor renal transplants are further characterized as genetically related (living-related) or non-related (living-unrelated) transplants, depending on whether a biological relationship exists between the donor and recipient. Exchanges and chains are a novel approach to expand the living donor pool.

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Scope and Importance:

Kidney Transplant conference provides quality education and updates in the treatment and management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and related conditions, as well as transplantation and organ donation to help improve patient outcomes. The Kidney Transplant program is designed for nurse practitioners, nurses, dialysis technicians, dietitians, social workers, transplant coordinators, and healthcare professionals who care for individuals with kidney disease, and in the fields of dialysis, transplantation and organ donation.

International symposium and workshops bring together nurse practitioners, nurses, dialysis technicians, dietitians, social workers, transplant coordinators, and healthcare professionals who care for individuals with kidney disease, and in the fields of dialysis, transplantation and organ donation. The Conference provides an open forum for presenting the latest results in the field of kidney transplant.

Old Content:

Kidney transplants are one of the most common transplant operations in the United States.

One donated kidney is needed to replace the work previously done by your kidneys.

The donated kidney may be from:

  1. Living related donor -- related to the person receiving the transplant, such as a parent, sibling, or child
  2. Living unrelated donor -- such as a friend or spouse
  3. Deceased donor -- a person who has recently died and who has no known chronic kidney disease

The healthy kidney is transported in cool salt water (saline) that preserves the organ for up to 48 hours. This gives the health care providers time to perform tests to ensure that the donor's and recipient's blood and tissue match.

Procedure for a Living Kidney Donor

If you are donating a kidney, you will be placed under general anesthesia before surgery. This means you will be asleep and pain-free. Surgeons today can often use small surgical cuts with laproscopic techniques to remove the kidney.  

Procedure for the Person Receiving the Kidney (Recipient)

People receiving a kidney transplant are given general anaesthesia before surgery.

  1. The surgeon makes a cut in the lower belly area.
  2. Your surgeon places the new kidney inside your lower belly. The artery and vein of the new kidney are connected to the artery and vein in your pelvis. Your blood flows through the new kidney, which makes urine just like your own kidneys did when they were healthy. The tube that carries urine (ureter) is then attached to your bladder.
  3. Your own kidneys are left in place unless they are causing a medical problem. , unless they are causing high blood pressure, infections, or are too large for your body. The wound is then closed.

Kidney transplant surgery takes about 3 hours. People with diabetes may also have a pancreas transplant done at the same time. This can add another 3 hours to the surgery.

Specific risks related to this procedure include

  1. Blood clots (deep venous thrombosis)
  2. Heart attack or stroke
  3. Wound infections
  4. Side effects from medicines used to prevent transplant rejection

Market Analysis:

As the worldwide prevalence of end-stage renal disease increases it is important to evaluate the rate of living kidney donation in various countries; however there is no comprehensive global assessment of these rates. To measure this, we compiled data from representatives, renal registries, transplant networks, published reports in the literature, and national health ministries from 69 countries and made estimates from regional weighted averages for an additional 25 countries where data could not be obtained. In 2006, about 27,000 related and unrelated legal living donor kidney transplants were performed worldwide, representing 39% of all kidney transplants. The number of living kidney donor transplants grew over the last decade, with 62% of countries reporting at least a 50% increase. The greatest numbers of living donor kidney transplants, on a yearly basis, were performed in the United States (6435), Brazil (1768), Iran (1615), Mexico (1459), and Japan (939). Saudi Arabia had the highest reported living kidney donor transplant rate at 32 procedures per million population (pmp), followed by Jordan (29), Iceland (26), Iran (23), and the United States (21). This study shows that rates of living donor kidney transplant have steadily risen in most regions of the world, increasing its global significance as a treatment option for kidney failure.

With advances in kidney transplant methods and improvement in transplant success, a kidney transplant is now widely considered to be the best way of treating chronic kidney disease for many people. As the number of organ donors is increasing, an increase in transplant procedures is bound to happen. However, due to costlier procedure the market shift is expected to occur in Asian and Middle East countries where medical tourism is being promoted. China is the leading market for kidney transplant in Asia and Middle East being followed by India. Japan stands at the 3rd position followed by South Korea. Australia and Iran are competing very closely with each other to capture the maximum market share.

List of best International Conferences:

  1. 4th Nephrology Conference
    September 14-16, 2015, USA
  2. 3rd Endocrinology  Conference
    November  02-04,  2015, USA
  3. 11th Targeting  Diabetes  Conference
    October  17-19,  2016, Malaysia
  4. 6th Endocrinology  Conference
    November  28-30,  2016;  USA
  5. 6th Diabetes Conference
    November  02-04,  2015, UAE
  6. 8th Euro  Diabetes  Conference
    November  03-05,  2015, Spain
  7. 10th European  Diabetes  Conference
    July  14-16,  2016, UK
  8. 7th Indo Diabetes Conference
    November  23-25,  2015, India
  9. Thyroid Disorders  and treatment Conference
    February 29-March 02, 2016,  USA
  10. 9th Diabetologists Conference
    June 06-08, 2016, USA. 
  11. 2nd  Hormones  and  Steroids  Conference
    June  23-25,  2016, USA
  12. 11th Asia  Pacific  Diabetes  Conference
    July  11-13,  2016, Australia
  13. 12th Diabetes  Conference
    September  29-October  1,  2016,  Canada
  14. 13th Diabetes  Conference 
    August  08-10,  2016, UK
  15. Metabolic Syndrome Conference
    October  20-22,  2016, UAE 
  16. The 22nd Budapest Nephrology School — Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis, Transplantation,
    26 Aug 2015 -31 Aug 2015, Croatia
  17. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD)
    27 Feb 2016- 01 Mar 2016, Australia
  18. 14th Mayo Clinic Annual Update in Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation 2015
    September 18, 2015 - September 19, 2015, United States
  19. Canadian Society Of Transplantation Annual Scientific Conference 2015
    October 5, 2015 - October 10, 2015, Canada
  20. 14th Transplantation Science Symposium 2015
    November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015, Australia

Relevant Society and Association

  1. Renal Association
  2.  British Transplantation Society
  3.  The Transplantation Society.
  4. The association of European kidney specialists
  5.  International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
  6.  Florida Society of Nephrology(FSN)
  7.  American Urological Association (AUA)  
  8.  International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis
  9. Canadian Transplant Association
  10. The National Kidney Foundation
  11. Kidney Transplant/Dialysis Association
  12. American Transplant Foundation
  13. International Federation of Kidney Foundations
  14. British Kidney Patient Association (BKPA)
  15. Australian Kidney Foundation
  16. The Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)
  17. Kidney Health Australia
  18. The South African Transplant Society
  19. National Kidney Foundation of South Africa
  20. South African Renal Society


  1. Novartis
  2. The Renal Network, Inc.  
  3.  Organisation Of Emergency Cadaveric Renal Transplantation
  4.  Transplant Australia
  5.  Baxter
  6. Transplant Counsellor
  7. Ana Interventional
  8. Precision Medical Plastics, Ltd
  9. Pursuit Pharma
  10. Bio Resurge
  11. Newtech Medical Devices
  12. 3AF Group Medical
  13. Piavital Co., Ltd.
  14. EmPower
  15. Allwin Medical Devices
  16. DaVita
  17. Fresenius
  18. Satellite Healthcare
  19. U.S. Renal Care
  20. NephroCare



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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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