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Lifestyle Medicine

As per available reports about 4 Conferences, 2 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Lifestyle Medicine and articles are being published on Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine is a branch of medicine dealing with research, prevention and treatment of disorders caused by lifestyle factors such as nutrition, physical inactivity, and chronic stress. The leading causes of mortality and healthcare costs worldwide are chronic diseases, resulting from lifestyle and environmental factors. The economic burden of poor lifestyle choices is no longer sustainable and impossible to ignore. Most chronic diseases are preventable. To treat the causes of these diseases and to be successful in prevention, a strong focus must be placed on lifestyle medicine aspects. Lifestyle Medicine encompasses research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dysfunctions caused by a non-physiological lifestyle (lifestyle-related diseases, LRDs) and morbidogenic environments conducive to promoting such lifestyles. The ultimate goal and primary focus of Lifestyle Medicine is to promote healthier lives through salutary environments and healthier lifestyle choices. Treatment of LRDs includes nutritional, exercise, psychological, social, economic and environmental interventions. To successfully do this requires education, training and communication about Lifestyle Medicine at the professional and general public level, while avoiding the trap of ‘victim blaming’ of individuals whose lifestyles are influenced by circumstances beyond their control. Lifestyle Medicine, Personalized Medicine Diabetes and Translational Medicine are techniques used to analyze biological markers in the genome and proteome, realizing the value of personalized medicine the individual's genetic code and how their cells express their genes as proteins, by applying molecular biology to medical testing.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

The leading causes of mortality worldwide are non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (synonym: chronic diseases); cardiovascular disease (17 million), followed by cancer (7.6 million), respiratory disease (4.2 million) and diabetes (1.3 million). The newly published Global Burden of Disease Study (2010) has systematically highlighted the epidemiological shift in morbidity and mortality resulting from infectious diseases and malnutrition, to NCDs. While humans have gained approximately 10 years of life expectancy since 1970, more time is spent living with injury and illness. Representing 63% of all deaths, most that die from NCDs are in the prime of their productive years. There is now overwhelming evidence that lifestyle factors such as poor dietary patterns, physical inactivity, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and psychosocial factors, e.g. chronic stress and lack of social support and community, are key proximal factors in the pathogenesis and incidence of NCDs.[4] Lifestyle factors may also be more distal stressors, including economic, political or a high density population 

Lifestyle medicine is defined as the application of environmental, behavioral, medical and motivational principles to the management of lifestyle-related health problems in a clinical setting. It is an established branch of medicine where we discuss lifestyle's contribution to health in addition to non-pharmacological intervention in the treatment and management of lifestyle diseases such as exercise in diabetes mellitus and weight management in obesity. It should not be confused with lifestyle drugs Lifestyle medicine is often prescribed in conjunction with a typical medicine approach of pharmacotherapy. For example, diabetic patients who may be on medication to help control the blood glucose levels in the short term might also be prescribed a lifestyle intervention of a healthy diet and exercise to assist in the long term management of their pathology. In some cases lifestyle interventions are more effective when augmented with appropriate pharmacotherapy, as with tobacco use where medications such as buproprion may be prescribed to assist the patient to quit smoking and adopt a healthy lifestyle change. 

Market Analysis:

Physicians frustrated with treating patients who are sick instead of helping them stay well are turning toward preventive and lifestyle medicine techniques. However, a new practice philosophy can be risky, possibly costing patients and dollars. Experts say that with the right strategy, practices that invest in lifestyle medicine now are at the forefront of the next big change in healthcare. In 2007, John Principe, MD, was close to quitting medicine after 20 years of practicing primary care medicine in Palos Heights, Illinois. He was losing his passion for healthcare, but gaining an interest in cooking. He decided to attend the Harvard Healthy Kitchen’s Healthy Lives Program, and realized that lifestyle medicine was the answer to aligning his business with his new interests. The transition has not been an easy one, however.

International symposium and workshops:

1. Genomics and Personalized Medicine

     February 7-11, 2016, Canada

2. Genomics in Medicine

     February 19-20, 2015, USA

3. Symposium: Personalized Cancer Medicine

    June 29 - 30, 2015, France

4. JIM Symposium in Personalized Medicine

    August 5, Sweden

List of Best International Conferences

1. 6th Genomics and Pharmacogenomics Conference

     September 22-24, 2016 Berlin, Germany

2. Molecular Genetics Conference

     November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

3. 5th Translational Medicine Conference

     November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA

4. Genomics and Personalized Medicine Conference

     April 25-27, 2016 Valencia, Spain

5. Human Genetics Conference

     October 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain

6. 5th Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine Conference

    September 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany

7. 4th Integrative Biology Conference

     July 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany

8. Molecular Biology Conference

    October 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE

9. 10th Biotech Congress

     July 25-27, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand

10. 2nd Bio Summit and Expo Conference

     October 10-12, 2016 Dubai, UAE

11. 4th Plant Genomics Conference

       July 14-15, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

12. Personalized Medicine World Congress

       January 24-27, Silicon Valley

13. Realizing Personalized Medicine through Integrative Medicine, Science and Technology

       July 10-15, 2016

Relevant Society and Associations

1. The European Personalized Medicine Association


3. European Alliance for Personalized Medicine

4. Biotechnology Industry Organization

5. American Medical Association

6. Society of general Internal medicine

7. International society of internal medicine

8. Canadian society of internal medicine

9. Internal medicine professional societies

10. Cornell internal medicine associates

11. Wake internal medicine associates


1. Fierce Biotech

2. Lilly

3. PM coalition

4. Wikinvist

5. Chapel Hill Internal Medicine

6. Erland Internal medicine

7. Comprehensive internal medicine

8. Dillon internal medicine

9. Annapolis internal medicine

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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