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As per the available reports of about 10 Journals, 6 Conferences,and 4 National symposiums related to lipoprotein translational and 10 articles have been published by the Omics International.Apo lipoprotein B (ApoB) are the primary apo lipoproteins of chylomicrons and low-density lipoproteins (LDL - known commonly by the misnomer "bad cholesterol" when in reference to heart disease), which is responsible for carrying cholesterol to tissues.
While it is unclear exactly what functional role ApoB plays in LDL, it is the primary Apo lipoprotein component and is absolutely required for its formation. What is clear is that the ApoB on the LDL particle acts as a ligand for LDL receptors in various cells throughout the body (i.e. less formally, ApoB "unlocks" the doors to cells and thereby delivers cholesterol to them). Through a mechanism that is not fully understood, high levels of ApoB can lead to plaques that cause vascular disease (atherosclerosis), leading to heart disease. There is considerable evidence that levels of ApoB are a better indicator of heart disease risk than total cholesterol or LDL. However, primarily for historic reasons, cholesterol, and more specifically, LDL-cholesterol, remains the primary lipid test for the risk factor of atherosclerosis.
OMICS Group is the world leader for its scientific related services by organizing more than 300 International Conference across the world with the support from 1000 International scientific societies and institutes and also managing more than 400 peer reviewed open access journals in science, technology and environment. ConferenceSeries organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Omics & Management and Pharmaceutical/Chemistry and it is a perfect platform for global networking. OMICS Group referred journals are well established and more than 30,000 Editorial Board Members. These journals have been provided to the users with the great services for more than 3.5 million readers across the globe.
According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research Dyslipidemia Drugs Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2015 - 2023” the global dyslipidemia drugs market was valued at USD 17.9 billion in 2014 and is estimated to reach a market worth of USD 6.9 billion in 2023 growing at a CAGR of -10.3% from 2015 to 2023.
The report on global dyslipidemia drugs market studies a wide range of dyslipidemia drugs that are used for the treatment and mitigation of lipid disorders. Dyslipidemia is characterized by elevation of plasma triglycerides, decreased high-density lipoprotein levels, and abnormal level of low density lipoprotein composition. Burden of dyslipidemia is high across the world in terms of mortality, morbidity, and health care expenditure and imposes substantial costs to the health care system globally.
For example, The American Heart Association (AHA) stated that as of 2013, around 98.9 million people in the U.S. (aged 20 and above) have high blood cholesterol level (more than 200 mg/dL), among which approximately 31.9 million people have total blood cholesterol level of 240 mg/dL or higher. Due to this fact, the demand for dyslipidemia drugs such as statins, fibric acid derivatives, omega-3 fatty acid analogs and bile acid resins are increasing among the patient population for the treatment of this disease. Thus, increasing incidence and demand for dyslipidemia drugs will stimulate the market growth globally.
· CSU Annual Biotechnology Symposium ,Jan 7-9 , 2016 , Hyatt Regency Orange County.
· Keynote Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology.
· International Symposium on Lipoprotein and Pathology of Athereoscleosis.
·Baker IDI Association
·The European Lipoprotein Club
·Lipoprotein Foundation
·Biochemical Society
·Belgian Medical Genomics Initiative (BE)
·EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (UK)
·EMC Corporation (US)
·European Molecular Biology Laboratory (DE)
·European Society of Human Genetics (AT)
·Fitgenes Limited (AU)
·Five3 Genomics (US)
·Randox Laboratories
·Berkeley HeartLab
·Markansan Pharma Ltd
·MedIndia-Network for Health
·Eli Lilly & Company
·Leerink Swann
·SHC & Associates
·Kalichem Srl
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025