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Recommended Conferences for Medicine for Depression

Medicine for Depression

Depression illustrates feeling sad, empty, helpless, hopeless, worthless, guilty, anxious, irritable, worried, hurt, restless and similar negative feelings. Recently depression is used to classify a clinical and psychological condition which many people suffer from today. Many conditions and habits can direct to depression which in turn leads to other health issues. Although it is not always a psyciatric disorder. Depression is connected with ample of other psychological conditions. Generally people who suffer from depression experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problem concentrating, they might even suffer from mild amnesia, insomnia, fatigue, narcolepsy, body aches etc and some other individuals who suffering from depression either commit suicide or admit having tried it at least once.
Medication used to combat depression is called antidepressants. The most important classes of antidepressants are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) is often used to measure the severity of depression. The maximum score for the 17-item HAM-D questionnaire is 52; the higher the score, the more severe the depression.

ConferenceSeries , an Online Publishing group with over 300 online Open Access Journals . More than 100 International Conferences organized by ConferenceSeries annually all over the world. OMICS Publishing Group journals have over 3 million readers and 25000 editorial board members. Conferences make the ideal platform for the young scientists as it brings together renowned speakers, world class scientists and entrepreneurs across the globe. Young scientists will be awarded for their scientific contributions. Running alongside the Conferences, Exhibitions and Workshops will be covering the latest technological advances and associated services within the fields.
ConferenceSeries Conferences giving the best opportunity to present your research to a global audience and establishing peer to peer collaboration around the world and exchanging ideas on important issues and strategies.

Some important conferences on anxiety are:
• Conference on Anxiety and Depression ( 9-12 April, 2015, Miami, USA
• 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health (6-9 May, 2015, Atlanta, Canada)
• 13th World Congress on Stress, Trauma and Coping (11-13 May, 2015, Baltimore, USA)
• 22nd Annual International Stress and Behavior Neuroscience and Bio psychiatry Conference (16-19 May, 2015, Russia), 2015
• The Annual International Conference on Cognitive - Social, and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 January, 2015, Nicosia)
• 5th International Regional "Stress and Behavior" Neuroscience and Bio psychiatry Conference (22-25 June, 2015, Miami, USA)

List of Companies:
• Pfizer
• Roch
• Novartis
• Merck
• GlaxoSmithKline

Some major association associated with anxiety medicine is as follows:
• Anxiety and Stress Management Services of Australia
• Anxiety and Depression associations of America
• Anxiety Disorder association of Ontario
• International Association of Anxiety Management
• Anxiety Disorder association of Victoria

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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