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Recommended Conferences for Medicine for Headache

Medicine for Headache

Medicine for Headache

As per available reports about 449 relevant journals, 75 Conferences, 30 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to medicine for headache and about 140 articles are being published on medicine for headache.

Medicine for Headache means taking medicines when suffered with headache. The head pain may be associated with weakness. This form of migraine is termed hemiplegic migraine. Migraine is a neurological disorder which is characterized by repeated attacks of severe headache. A migraine headache causes throbbing or pulsating pain, usually on only one side of the head. These headaches are usually associated with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound; they generally last between four hours and three days. Migraine headaches, which are often misdiagnosed as sinus or tension headaches, are severe enough to interfere with sleep, work, and other everyday activities. They may occur as often as several times per week or as rarely as once or twice a year.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffers from migraines, you know they’re much more than just a headache. The intense throbbing, pulsing, and excruciating pain that accompanies a migraine can be so debilitating that the Migraine Research Foundation (MRF) reports that more than 90 percent of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during an attack. Most people who suffer migraines opt for traditional medications. But many are turning to more natural therapies such as relaxation techniques and herbal remedies.

Cultures worldwide developed herbal remedies for headaches and other common migraine symptoms years before the introduction of modern medicine. Many of these herbal traditions have survived. Although most herbal migraine remedies haven’t been thoroughly scientifically tested for their effectiveness, many herbs are rapidly gaining the support of the modern medical community.

Always exercise caution when considering herbal treatments for migraines. Discuss your decision with a healthcare professional before beginning or stopping any medical or herbal treatment.

Market Analysis

Decision Resources, one of the world’s leading research and advisory firms for pharmaceutical and healthcare issues, finds that, despite a decline in sales owing to the generic entry of most triptans, the launch of emerging acute treatments and the uptake of Allergan’s Botox for prevention of chronic migraine will drive the market for migraine therapies to increase from $3.3 billion in 2011 to $5.8 billion in 2021 in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and Japan

International symposium and workshops

  1. 2014 Scottsdale Headache Symposium
  2. 2015 Scottsdale Headache Symposium
  3. HCNE Annual Stow Headache Symposium
  4. American Headache Society 2014 Scottsdale Headache Symposium

List of Best International Conferences

  1. 2nd Pain Medicine Conference, May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, USA
  2. Precision Medicine Conference, November 03-05, 2016 Baltimore, USA
  3. Telemedicine and eHealth Conference, August 17-18, 2015 Houston, Texas, USA
  4. 2nd Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management Conference, November 03-04, 2016 Valencia, Spain
  5. 3rd Psychiatry Conference, September 07-09, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  6. 5th Addiction Research and Therapy Conference, October 06-08, 2016 Florida, USA
  7. 2nd Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience Conference, July 14-15, 2016 Cologne, Germany
  8. Head and Neck Surgery Conference, November 30 -December 01, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  9. 4th Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference, August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia
  10. 2nd Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders Conference, May 02-04, 2016 Chicago, USA
  11. 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust Congress 2014 (EHMTIC 2014)
  12. Migraine Health Professionals Conference
  13. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
  14. Headache / Migraine Conferences 2014
  15. National Headache and Migraine Conference
  17. 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress- EHMTIC 2014
  18. 17th Congress of the International Headache Society
  19. 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition 2015 (APCCN 2015)
  20. 11th Conference on Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology
  21. 16th World Congress of Pain Clinicians
  22. 2014 Comprehensive Migraine Education Program - New Orleans, LA
  23. 2014 Comprehensive Migraine Education Program - New York City
  24. 2015 International Headache Congress
  25. The 17th Congress of the International Headache Society (IHC 2015) will take place in Valencia, Spain
  26. The 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark

Relevant Society and Associations

  1. National Headache Foundation
  2. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
  3. American Academy of Neurology
  4. The American Headache Society
  5. Migraine Research Foundation
  6. American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation’s
  8. The Migraine Trust, UK


  • Lundbeck
  • Belsons
  • Salveo Lifecare
  • Triveni Chemicals
  • Consern Pharma
  • Vee Remedies
  • Zuche
  • Medicon
  • Neiss Labs
  • Progenics Pharmaceuticals
  • Bioreclamation
  • GW Pharmaceuticals
  • Hamilton Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd
  • IDT Australia Limited
  • Smith & Nephew Pty Ltd
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals International
  • Sigma Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd
  • Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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