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Recommended Conferences for Medicine for STD

Medicine for STD


As per available reports about 7 through its relevant journals, 15 Conferences, 27 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Medicine for std and about 9 articles are being published on Medicine for std.

STD is sexually transmitted disease, or STD diseases are contagious and serious. You must see a doctor. Bacterial STDs can be cured with antibiotics if treatment begins early enough. Viral STDs cannot be cured, but you can manage symptoms with medications. There is a vaccine against hepatitis B, but it will not help if you already have the disease.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance :

HIV infection and AIDS have become a major worldwide public health problem. According to WHO approximately 35 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS in 2013, unaware of the outcomes. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which damages the immune system and, interferes with body's ability to fight the organisms that cause disease. HIV is Sexually transmitted diseases which spread by contact with infected blood or from mother to child transmission during pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding. It can take years before HIV weakens the immune system to the point that the person is infected with AIDS.

Sexually transmitted diseases(STD) , also referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STI) and venereal diseases(VD), are illnesses that have a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of sexual behavior, including vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex. Some STIs can also be contracted by using IV drug needles after their use by an infected person, as well as through any incident involving the contact of a wound with contaminated blood or through childbirth or feeding. Sexually transmitted infections have been well known for hundreds of years, and venereology is the branch of medicine that studies these diseases. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been referred to as STDs or VD, the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been preferred by many up-to-date medical sources, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without having a disease. There are 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections every year in the United States, and, in 2005, the World Health Organization estimated that 448 million people aged 15–49 were being infected a year with curable STIs (such as syphilis, gonorrhea and Chlamydia).

Classification until the 1990s, STIs were commonly known as venereal diseases, the word venereal being derived from the Latin word veneers, and meaning relating to sexual intercourse or desire, ultimately derived from Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Social disease was a phrase used as a euphemism. sexually transmitted infections is a broader term than sexually transmitted disease an infection is colonization by a parasitic species, which may not cause any adverse effects. In a disease, the infection leads to impaired or abnormal function. In either case, the condition may not exhibit signs or symptoms. Increased understanding of infections like HPV, which infects a significant portion of sexually active individuals but cause disease in only a few has led to increased use of the termite. Public health officials originally introduced the term sexually transmitted infection, which clinicians are increasingly using alongside the term sexually transmitted disease in order to distinguish it from the former STD may refer only to infections that are causing diseases, or it may be used more loosely as a synonym for STI. Most of the time, people do not know that they are infected with an STI until they are tested or start showing symptoms of disease. Moreover, the term sexually transmissible disease is sometimes used since it is less restrictive in consideration of other factors or means of transmission. For instance, meningitis is transmissible by means of sexual contact but is not labeled an STI because sexual contact is not the primary vector for the pathogens that cause meningitis. This discrepancy is addressed by the probability of infection by means other than sexual contact. In general, an STI is an infection that has a negligible probability of transmission by means other than sexual contact, but has a realistic means of transmission by sexual contact (more sophisticated means—blood transfusion, sharing of hypodermic needles—are not taken into account). Thus, one may presume that, if a person is infected with an STI, e.g., Chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, HPV it was transmitted to him/her by means of sexual contact. . The diseases on this list are most commonly transmitted solely by sexual activity. Many infectious diseases, including the common cold ,influenza, pneumonia, and most others that are transmitted person-to-person can also be transmitted during sexual contact, if one person is infected, due to the close contact involved. However, even though these diseases may be transmitted during sex, they are not considered STIs. . Signs and symptoms.

Not all STIs are symptomatic, and symptoms may not appear immediately after infection. In some instances a disease can be carried with no symptoms, which leaves a greater risk of passing the disease on to others. Depending on the disease, some untreated STIs can lead to infertility, chronic pain or even death. PreventionPrevention is very important for serious STIs - like HIV and herpes. Sexual health clinics promote the use of condoms and often distribute them for free. The best way to prevent STIs to spread is to avoid sexual contact. It is advised to get to know a person before starting sexual relationship. Asking a person to do health check is also lowering the risk. Today more and more people get access to database of sexual health clinics that can be searched using internet. Use of condoms lowers the risk of getting infected. Condoms are the most effective way to limit STD s but there are some rare examples of infections being spread even when using one. Some infections take time to show any symptoms - so testing should be done regularly. Some infections can limit our protection against other diseases causing our body to get multiple viruses at once. Some STI's can cause death - especially when multiple infections are detected. When a STI is diagnosed patient should pause any sexual activity until his body will recover.

Market Analysis:

Infection rates are high in Georgia and metro Atlanta. Georgia ranked 4th in the number of new AIDS cases, 7th in cumulative AIDS cases and 8th in the number of persons living with AIDS in 50 states, Atlanta show more than 26,000 people living with HIV/AIDS, and more than 9,500 of these (37%) have diagnosed AIDS cases. Approximately in World 123235 members are associated to HIV/AIDS, 56657 countries wise, 80 city wise. Global HIV/AIDS market, including branded products and generics, was valued at $11.3 billion in 2010.  $11.8 billion in 2011 and increase at a 4.6% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the 2011-2016 forecast periods to reach $14.1 billion in 2016. Branded products to treat HIV/AIDS were worth nearly $10.7 billion in 2010 and should reach $11 billion in 2011. This sector is expected to reach $13.2 billion in 2016

International symposium and workshops:

  • STD Prevention Conference, September 26 - 29, 2016 Atlanta, Georgia
  • The 2015 South Carolina HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Conference, October 28-29, 2015
  • ESWI Influenza Conferences, 11-14 September 2011 in Malta
  • National HIV Prevention Conference will be held on December 6-9, 2015 in Atlanta, GA
  • 28th International Conference on Antiviral Research (ICAR), May 11th, 2015, Rome Italy
  • 3rd ASM Conference on Viral Manipulation of Nuclear Processes
  • 22nd International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses - October 9-13, 2015
  • 10th International Workshop on HIV Transmission - Principles of Intervention, to be held in Atlanta, GA, USA on  December 5-6, 2015

List of Best International Conferences :

Relevant Society and Associations:

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • WHO
  • NIH (National institute of allergy and infectious diseases)
  • Noida having 40 associations of HIV
  • Global HIV/AIDS Organizations - AIDS.gov
  • AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  • HIV/AIDS - American Sexual Health Association
  • HIVMA : HIV Medicine Association
  • IAPAC - International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
  • APHA: HIV/AIDS - American Public Health Association
  • Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
  • HIV/AIDS Organizations | AIDSTruth.org
  • International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC).London
  • International Antiviral Society–USA
  • International AIDS Society, USA
  • British HIV Association
  • International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC).London
  • International Antiviral Society–USA
  • International AIDS Society, USA
  • Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation
  • International Society for Antiviral Research.
  • International Antivirals and Vaccines Society.

Companies :

  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Novartis
  • Roche
  • Pfizer
  • Sanofi
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Merck
  • Bayer HealthCare
  • AstraZeneca
  • Eli Lilly
  • GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), USA
  • Origene
  • Cipla, India
  • Ranbaxy, India
  • Hetero, India
  • Big Pharma
  • Gilead Sciences, USA
  • Bristol Myers-Squibb , USA
  • Tibotec Therapeutics, USA
  • Pfizer, USA
List of Journals:
  • Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
  • Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology
  • Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals
  • Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
  • Virology & Mycology
  • Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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