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Recommended Conferences for Medicine Identification

Medicine Identification

It is a form of identification that is worn or carried on you that specifically shows that you have a particular medical condition. This alerts others, such as medical or emergency personnel, of your condition in the event that you cannot speak to explain that you have this condition. Diabetes is only one of many conditions that may use some form of medical identification. Since we never know when an emergency situation may arise, it is important that medical and emergency personnel quickly diagnose potential problems. Imagine that you are a paramedic working on a local ambulance crew. You get a call late one night to assist a driver who crashed his car in to a ditch off the local highway. Witnesses at the scene reported erratic swerving from lane to lane before the driver eventually took a sharp turn off the road in to the ditch. This accident was caused by a rapid drop in blood sugar, caused by taking insulin shot without eating something soon afterward. How would you, as a paramedic, though, know that just by looking at the driver? You may suspect it based on your training, but you couldn’t be sure. What the driver needs most at that moment is not a full examination and a trip to the hospital for x-rays, but some fast-acting glucose to bring his blood sugar back up. Had the driver worn visible medical identification, it would have would alert you to check his blood sugar. That would have instantly explained the crash, and he would have gotten the treatment he needed and possibly avoided a more serious problem later on. Medical identification also let’s family, friends and co-workers know that diabetes should be suspected as a first line of treatment should an emergency situation arise. The stigma some people feel about wearing medical identification is offset by the benefits. Wearing medical identification has saved many lives. Medical identification is especially important for children and adolescents with type 1. Having visible ID quickly alerts teachers, coaches and other adults that your child has diabetes in an emergency. There are many different types of medical identification; some are clearly visible and others are hidden. The most common forms of medical ID are bracelets worn on the wrist and pendants that hang on chains around the neck. These are the preferable types, because they are visible and easily accessible. Medical and emergency personnel are trained to look for these types of medical ID, especially when they encounter a person who needs treatment but is unable to speak. A less obvious form of medical ID is a medical information card that is carried in a wallet or purse. These cards concisely summarize important medical information but may not help in an emergency situation unless there is some justifiable reason to search the person’s wallet or purse.

About OMICS GROUP: OMICS Group International through its Open Access Initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. OMICS Group is a pioneer and leading scientific event organizer, hosts over 400 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over 300 International scientific conferences all over the globe annually with the support from over 100 International societies all around the world, with the support of 30000 editorial board members and 3.5 million viewers we are moving ahead to achieve our goal. OMICS Group International conferences are integrated with International workshops, symposia, trade shows in all the areas of Science, Medicine and Technology. Number of Conferences, National Symposiums, and Workshops: Ten Conferences, Six Symposiums and Eight workshops were held in different places. Companies: Twenty in Asia, ten in USA, three in Africa, two in Europe and five in Australia. Conferences: 10th Annual Conference Diabetes: Gut and Liver, Emergency Medicine Alaskan Cruise RB2014 — Rejuvenation Biotechnology Conference 2014 Australasian Integrative Medicine Conference IMMH 2014 Conference — Integrative Medicine for Mental Health 5th Annual Conference GLMC2014 — The Ninth Greek Legal and Medical Conference 2014 Association and Societies: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine American Society for Microbiology Idaho Medical Association American Veterinary Medical Association American Thoracic Society Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association The Australian Medical Students' Association The American Association of Physicists in Medicine Society for Medical Anthropology Companies: Johnson & Johnson Sanofi-Aventis AstraZeneca Abbott Laboratories Genentech Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Bayer HealthCare GlaxoSmithKline Baxter International Mitsubishi Pharma Avax Technologies Panacea Biotech Ltd.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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