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medicine images

Medical imaging is the technique, process and art of creating visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Medical imaging seeks to reveal internal structures hidden by the skin and bones, as well as to diagnose and treat disease. Medical imaging also establishes a database of normal anatomy and physiology to make it possible to identify abnormalities. Although imaging of removed organs and tissues can be performed for medical reasons, such procedures are usually considered part of pathology instead of medical imaging.

As a discipline and in its widest sense, it is part of biological imaging and incorporates radiology which uses the imaging technologies of X-ray radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, medical ultrasonography or ultrasound, endoscopy, elastography, tactile imaging, thermography, medical photography and nuclear medicine functional imaging techniques as positron emission tomography. Measurement and recording techniques which are not primarily designed to produce images, such as electroencephalography (EEG), magneto encephalography (MEG), electrocardiography (EKG), and others represent other technologies which produce data susceptible to representation as a parameter graph vs. time or maps which contain information about the measurement locations. In a limited comparison these technologies can be considered as forms of medical imaging in another discipline.
In the clinical context, invisible light medical imaging is generally equated to radiology or clinical imaging and the medical practitioner responsible for interpreting (and sometimes acquiring) the image is a radiologist. Visible light medical imaging involves digital video or still pictures that can be seen without special equipment. Dermatology and wound care are two modalities that use visible light imagery. Diagnostic radiography designates the technical aspects of medical imaging and in particular the acquisition of medical images. The radiographer or radiologic technologist is usually responsible for acquiring medical images of diagnostic quality, although some radiological interventions are performed by radiologists. While radiology is an evaluation of anatomy, nuclear medicine provides functional assessment.

Module 1: History & Terminology:
Important developments in imaging & image processing technology
Relevant dates and persons
Identify major key words and their meaning
Classify the various algorithms for medical image processing.

Module 2: Image Formation & Medical Imaging:
Identify major processes involved in formation of medical images
Classify imaging modalities
Recognize imaging modalities from their visualizations
The particular characteristics of imaging modalities
Choose appropriate algorithms for each modality.

Module 3: Image Enhancement:
The discrete nature of digital images
Classify fundamental methods for image enhancement
Identify potential and power of processing levels
Image statistics with histograms
Be aware of the limits of low-level processing.

Module 4: Visualization of Medical Images:
Visualize all types of medical image data
Classify fundamental methods for image data visualization
Differ surface- from volume-based approaches
The importance of illumination
Appraise computational complexity of methods for real time visualizations.

Module 5: Image Segmentation:
Classify fundamental methods for image data visualization
Appraise efficacy and drawbacks of techniques according to the processing level
The inherent problems of robustness
Basic principles and properties of: watershed transform, active contours & live wire active shapes.

Module 6: Texture Analysis:
The fundamental concepts for texture analysis
The importance of texture in medical images
Exemplify localization and delineation of textures
Color and its digital representation.

Module 7: Image Data Management:
The basic principles of medical image communication
The relevant standards
Components of PACS (Picture Achieving and Communication Systems)
Lossy from lossless compression.

Module 8: Image Practical Experience:
Get started with Image
Enhance medical images using appropriate software
Self-perform fundamentals of medical image processing
Build up an image processing pipeline
Complexity and dependencies from particular image content.

Medical imaging comprises different imaging modalities and processes to image human body for diagnostic and treatment purposes and therefore has an important role in the improvement of public health in all population groups. Furthermore, medical imaging is justified also to follow the course of a disease already diagnosed and/or treated. Area of medical imaging is very complex and, depending on a context, requires supplementary activities of medical doctors, medical physicists, biomedical engineers as well as technicians.

Medical imaging, especially X-ray based examinations and ultrasonography, is crucial in every medical setting and at all levels of heath care. In public health and preventive medicine as well as in curative medicine, effective decisions depend on correct diagnosis. Though medical/clinical judgment maybe sufficient in treatment of many conditions, the use of diagnostic imaging services is paramount in confirming, correctly assessing and documenting course of the disease as well as in assessing response to treatment. With improved health care policy and increasing number of available medical equipment, the numbers of radiological medical procedures are increasing considerably. Effective and of good quality imaging is important for further medical decision making and can reduce unnecessary procedures. Reports from some countries indicate that a significant portion of all abdominal surgical interventions (explorative laparotomy) may have been avoided if simple diagnostic imaging services such as ultrasound had been available.

OMICS Group International through its Open Access Initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. OMICS Group is a pioneer and leading scientific event organizer, hosts over 400 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over 300 International scientific conferences all over the globe annually with the support from over 100 International societies all around the world, with the support of 30000 editorial board members and 3.5 million viewers we are moving ahead to achieve our goal. OMICS Group International conferences are integrated with International workshops, symposia, trade shows in all the areas of Science, Medicine and Technology.

Number of Conferences, National Symposiums, and Workshops: Seven Conferences, Four Symposiums and Three workshops were held in different places. Companies: More than thirty companies are in Asia, More than fifty are in USA, and More than twenty five are major in Africa, in Europe, more than fifty in Australia.

2014 International Conference on Advances in Image Processing
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications
International Conference on Current Techniques in Medical Image Analysis, Technical Co-Sponsor
3rd MICCAI 2014 Workshop on Clinical Image-based Procedures: Translational Research in Medical Imaging
6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
International Conference on Current Techniques in Medical Image Analysis
16th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference.

Association and Societies:
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (ANAC)
Belgian Royal Radiological society
Biotechnology Industry Association (BIO)
British Association of European Pharmaceutical Distributors
German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology
European Biosafety Association (EBSA)
Lymphoma Association
Malaysian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MSBMB)
Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA)v Medical Society of Nova Scotia (MSNS)
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.

Owis GmbH
Imagine optic
LOT-Quantum Design Ltd
Integrity technology solutions Allied scientific Pro
Universe Kogaku America Inc
Object research system Inc
XENPAK Transceiver R&D
ALRAD Imaging
Photon Lines Ltd
Lasercomponenets UK Ltd
Photonis USA.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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