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As per available reports about 27 relevant Journals, 15 Conferences, 19 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Mitral stenosis and about 95 articles are being published on Mitral stenosis.
Mitral stenosis (MS) is characterized by obstruction to left ventricular inflow at the level of mitral valve due to structural abnormality of the mitral valve apparatus. The most common cause of mitral stenosis is rheumatic fever. The association of atrial septal defect with rheumatic mitral stenosis is called Lutembacher syndrome. Stenosis of the mitral valve typically occurs decades after the episode of acute rheumatic carditis. Acute insult leads to formation of multiple inflammatory foci (Aschoff bodies, perivascular mononuclear infiltrate) in the endocardium and myocardium. Small vegetations along the border of the valves may also be observed. With time, the valve apparatus becomes thickened, calcified, and contracted, and commissural adhesion occurs, ultimately resulting in stenosis.
OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.
Scope and importance:
Acquired mitral stenosis or mitral valve stenosis, is virtually synonymous with rheumatic heart disease. In genetically susceptible individuals, rheumatic fever occurs as a complication of group a streptococcal infection. Other rare causes of acquired MS include carcinoid causes, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and some mucopolysaccharidoses. The underlying pathological process is a diffuse inflammation of connective tissue.
Not all group A streptococcal infections lead to rheumatic fever Studies demonstrate that rheumatic fever follows infection of the upper respiratory tract and rarely, if ever, follows skin infection. Similarly, not all cases of streptococcal pharyngitis lead to rheumatic fever. In fact, only 2-3% of patients with untreated group A streptococcal pharyngitis develop this complication. Appropriate treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis prevents rheumatic fever.
Rheumatic heart disease primarily affects the mitral valve; mitral regurgitation (MR), or mitral valve regurgitation, is the initial hemodynamic consequence. Lesions of the mitral valve begin as deposits of fibrin and RBCs that form small verrucae along the borders of the mitral valve leaflets. When the inflammation subsides, the verrucae are replaced by fibrous tissue. Over at least several years, the individual may then develop fibrosis of the mitral ring; contracture of the, mitral leaflets chordae tendineae, and papillary muscles; and commisural adhesions that result in valve stenosis. Therefore, rheumatic heart disease is a lifelong and sometimes progressive disease.Mitral Stenosis will be the best platform for all the specialists and super specialists, renowned Scientists, research scholars, students who are working in this field across the globe under a single roof to exchange their knowledge related to Mitral Stenosis . This international event is an effort to find an alternative for invasive imaging technique against diseases like Rheumatic heart disease, Hypertensive heart disease, Ischemic heart disease , cerebrovascular disease, inflammatory heart disease etc.
Market Analysis:
In the United States (U.S.), heart valve disorders are diagnosed in approximately 4 million people each year. Together, heart valve repair/replacement procedures generated an estimated $754.3 million in corresponding product sales in the U.S. in 2010. It is expected that during the forecast period covered by this report, sales of heart valve repair/replacement products will increase at a compound annual rate of 18.2%, reaching an estimated $1,738.3 million in the year 2015. It is projected that between the years 2010 and 2020, the population in the European Union (EU) will increase from approximately 502 million to an estimated 511 million, and that by the year 2020, 20.2% of the population will be age 65 or older.
NEW YORK Global heart valve repair and replacement market is set to expand at a CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period 2014-2020, according to a research report by Persistence Market Research, titled, “Global Market Study on Heart Valve Repair and Replacement: Asia Pacific to Witness Highest Growth by 2020”. The report estimates the global heart valve repair and replacement market to reach a valuation of US$ 4,712.7 Mn by 2020.
Aortic Valve segment represents 55% of the overall market. However, with 35-50% of patients suffering from severe aortic stenosis considered at high risk for surgery, the current number of patients eligible for TAVI procedures is 200,000 worldwide.
The Brazilian, Russian, Indian, and Chinese (BRIC) heart valve device market—comprising sales of heart valve replacement (mechanical, tissue, and trans catheter aortic valve replacement [TAVR]) and heart valve repair (annuloplasty) devices—was valued at nearly $180 million in 2011 and will expand through 2016, driven primarily by rising heart valve procedure volumes. 1.
International Workshop and Symposiums
1. Joint Mayo Clinic/SA Heart State of the Art Imaging Workshop
2. The Role of Advanced Cardiac Imaging
3. 2015 Cardiac Surgery Symposium
4. 2. 33rd Annual Echocardiography Symposium
5. 3. Heart Disease and Regeneration: Insights from Development
List of Best International Conferences:
Relevant Society and Associations
1. European Association of Echocardiography
2. American heart association
3. Armenian Heart Failure WG of Cardiologists Association
4. Austrian Heart Failure WG of Society of Cardiology
5. Belgian Working Group on Heart Failure
6. Belorussian HF WG of Scientific Society of Cardiologists
7. British Society for Heart Failure
8. Bulgarian Society of Cardiology
9. Cardiology Society of Serbia
10. Croatian Cardiac Society
11. Cyprus Society of Cardiology
12. Czech Society of Cardiology
13. Danish Society of Cardiology
14. Egyptian Society of Cardiology
15. Estonian Society of Cardiology
16. Finnish Cardiac Society
17. French Society of Cardiology
18. German Cardiac Society
19. Heart Failure Society of Bosnia Herzegovina
20. Heart Failure Society of America
21. Hungarian Society of Cardiology
22. Icelandic Society of Cardiology
23. Irish Cardiac Society
24. HF WG of the Israel Heart Society
25. HF WG of the Italian Society of Cardiology
26. Japanese HF Society
27. Latvian Society of Cardiology
28. Lebanese Society of Cardiology
29. HF WG of Lithuanian Society of Cardiology
30. Macedonian Heart Failure Association
31. Moldavian Society of Cardiology
32. Moroccan Society of Cardiology
33. Netherlands Society of Cardiology
34. Norwegian Society of Cardiology
35. Polish Cardiac Society
36. WG on HF of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology
37. Romanian Society of Cardiology
38. Russian Heart Failure Society
39. Slovak Society of Cardiology
40. Slovenian Society of Cardiology
41. Spanish Heart Failure WG
42. Swedish Society of Cardiology
43. Swiss Society of Cardiology
44. WG of HF of Turkish Society of Cardiology
45. Ukrainian Association of Cardiology
46. WG for HF of Hellenic Society of Cardiology
47. Canadian Society of Echocardiography
48. British society of Echocardiography
49. American Society of Echocardiography
50. European society of cardiology
51. British cardiovascular society
52. The society for heart valve disease
53. The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery
1. We Heart Junk
2. Berlin Heart GmbH
3. Stream Line Pharma Private Limited
4. Grupo Jads Ewans Company
5. Golden Heart Utilities
6. AstraZeneca
7. Sanofi
8. Novartis
9. Shionogi
10. Pfizer
11. Bayer
12. Astellas
13. Actelion
14. United Therapeutics
15. Gilead Sciences
16. Roche
17. Takeda
18. Lilly
19. Bristol-Myers Squibb
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025