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Recommended Conferences for Mucosal Pathogenic Bacteria

Mucosal Pathogenic Bacteria

As per available reports about 3 relevant journals, 9 Conferences, 3 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to mucosal pathogenic bacteria and about 2,070 articles are being published on mucosal pathogenic bacteria. 

Mucosal Pathogenic Bacteria:

Study of mucosal immunology have simplify our ability to understand the pathogenesis of enteric bacterial infections as well as the role of the immune system in mediating both tissue injury and aegis. In this article, we review the immunopathogenesis and the protective immune replication to three enteric pathogens, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella, and Salmonella. Each of these pathogens has a distinctive mechanism by which it causes disease, ie, epithelial annexation, epithelial incursion, and epithelial incursion with systemic dissemination. Pathogenicity and immune replication can be conceptualized in terms of the interaction of these enteric pathogens with the gut epithelial compartment, immune inductive sites (Peyer's patch of the diminutive intestine and lymphoid follicles of the colon), and a mundane immune effector compartment in the laimina propria where protective antibody is secreted. V cholerae, the representative noninvasive pathogen, has fimbrial adhesins that mediate annexation and colonization of the luminal surface of epithelial cells where organisms secrete cholera toxin (CT), a potent enterotoxin that induces a voluminous diarrhea via adenylate cyclase-dependent chloride secretion. Protective immunity is predicated on secretory (s) immunoglobulin A directed against whole-cell components that avert affixment to gut epithelial cells and is enhanced by CT, an immunogen with potent adjuvant activity. Shigella, an enteric pathogen that locally invades gut epithelium, subverts the customary mechanism of immune sampling by initially invading via M cells overlying inductive sites. Subsequent macrophage incursion induces apoptosis and the relinquishment of interleukin-1, a proinflammatory cytokine. This seems to be a critical initiating event in immune-mediated tissue injury. Protective immunity is serotype concrete. Infection caused by Salmonella is characterized by mucosal incursion and systemic spread mediated by the organisms ability to survive within macrophages. Both antibody and cell-mediated immunity are consequential for aegis against Salmonella.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide. 

 The global market for bioengineered protein drugs for mucosal pathogen protective , was valued at $151.9 billion in 2013, increasing to about $157 billion in 2014. The market is further expected to grow to about $222.7 billion in 2019, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2% from 2014 through 2019.

Conferences :


Workshops :
As per 11-8-2015 there are 10 result displayed when given mucosal immunity as a key word.

As per 11-19-2014 there are 19 result Displayed when given mucosal immunity as a key word.

• Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Immunologie DGfI 2013
• Keystone Symposia HIV Vaccines
• Keystone Symposia B Cell Development and Function
• Keystone Symposia The Gut Microbiome The Effector/Regulatory Immune Network
• Keystone Symposia Type 2 Immunity Initiation, Maintenance, Homeostasis and Pathology
• Keystone Symposia HIV Vaccines
• Keystone Symposia Innate Immunity Sensing the Microbes and Damage Signals
• Host-fungal interactions pathogenicity versus immunity
• Mucosal dendritic cell-epithelial cell cross-talk

Socities :
• American Society for Microbiology
• Society for Applied Microbiology- UK
• International Union of Microbiological Societies
• Society for General Microbiology Journals
• American Society for Microbiology Career Connections
• The Canadian Society of Microbiologists
• European Microbiological Society.
• Illinois Society of Microbiology
• British Society for Microbial Technology
• New Zealand Microbological Society

• Pfizer
• Novartis
• Roche
• Merck & Co.
• Sanofi
• GlaxoSmithKline
• Johnson & Johnson
• AstraZeneca
• Lilly
• AbbVie

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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