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Recommended Conferences for Obstetrics


Obstetrics is the health science that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. The professional who practices obstetrics as a health science is the midwife. The professional who practices obstetrics as a medical specialty is the obstetrician.
Obstetrics and gynecology involves the consideration of the pregnant lady, her unborn tyke and the administration of illnesses particular to ladies. Most specialists are generalists however the forte offers an extensive variety of sub-fortes, which incorporate materno-fetal prescription, gynaecologic oncology, gynecological urology, regenerative pharmaceutical and group gynecology. The forte incorporates a lot of involved methodology both in obstetrics and gynecology. The therapeutic parts of the forte include contact with endocrinologists, renal doctors and cardiologists. There are numerous open doors accessible to work nearly with the group, both in obstetrics and gynecology.
Fetal screening is additionally used to help evaluate the suitability of the baby, and inborn issues. Hereditary advising is frequently offered for families who may be at an expanded danger to have a tyke with a hereditary condition. Amniocentesis, which is generally performed somewhere around 15 and 20 weeks,[3] to check for Down disorder, other chromosome anomalies or different conditions in the hatchling, is off and on again offered to ladies who are at expanded hazard because of elements, for example, more established age, past influenced pregnancies or family history. Amniocentesis, and other obtrusive examinations, for example, chorionic villus inspecting, is not preformed in the UK as every now and again as it is in different nations, and in the UK, progressed maternal age alone is not a sign for such an intrusive technique. Significantly sooner than amniocentesis is performed, the mother may experience the triple test, nuchal screening, nasal bone, alpha-fetoprotein screening, Chorionic villus inspecting, furthermore to check for disarranges, for example, Down Syndrome. Amniocentesis is a pre-birth hereditary screening of the baby, which includes embeddings a needle through the mother's stomach divider and uterine divider, to concentrate fetal DNA from the amniotic liquid. There is a danger of premature delivery and fetal damage with amniocentesis on the grounds that it includes entering the uterus with the infant still in uterus.

OMICS International Organizes 300+ conferences, 500+workshops and 200+symposiums on Clinical, Medicine, Pharma and Science & Technology every year across USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia and UK with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 500 open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.
1. Robotic Gynecologic Surgery: Patient Safety and Advanced Techniques September 20-21, 2014 -Boston, Massachusetts, United States
2. 28th Annual Fall Conference on High Risk Obstetrics September 25-27, 2014 -San Francisco, California, United States
3. Third International Conference on Fetal Growth October 1-3, 2014 -Oxford, United Kingdom
4. 11th International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Associates Conference October 3-4, 2014 -Ljubljana, Slovenia
5. 2 Day In Depth Reimbursement & Coding Seminar For OB/Gyn (Las Vegas, NV) October 6-7, 2014 -Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
6. 40th Annual Symposium on Obstetrics and Gynecology October 9-10, 2014 -St. Louis, Missouri, United States
7. 32nd Annual Fall Conference on Obstetrics October 15-18, 2014 -Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
8. BIT's 3rd International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014 October 24-26, 2014 -Taiyuan, China
9. 19th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy October 26-29, 2014 -New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
10. The 20th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI) December 4-7, 2014 -Paris, France
11. 20th Annual Conference on Challenges in Gynecology December 19-20, 2014 -New York, New York, United States
12. 2015 North American Society For Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Annual Clinical and Research Meeting April 16-18, 2015 -Orlando, Florida, United States
13. 2015 American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting May 2-6, 2015 -San Francisco, California, United States
Societies and Associations
1. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
2. American Gynecological & Obstetrical Society
3. International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
4. The Society of Women's Imaging
5. American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
6. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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