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Recommended Conferences for Pediatric Cardiomyopathy

Pediatric Cardiomyopathy

As per available reports about 24  relevant Journals, 53 Conferences, 22 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to pediatric cardiomyopathy and about 159 articles are being published on Pediatric cardiomyopathy.

One of the most common forms of pediatric heart disease is cardiomyopathy, an umbrella term used to describe several different problems that affect the muscle of the heart.

  • Cardiomyopathy can cause either dilation or “stretching” of the heart muscle, or a thickening of the muscle tissue.
  • Less often, cardiomyopathy can involve a buildup of scar tissue or fat within the heart muscle.
  • Rarely, the heart muscle loses the ability to relax and blood cannot fill the heart properly.
  • Some forms of cardiomyopathy run in families.
  • Other times, cardiomyopathy develops because of another medical condition (like undergoing chemotherapy for certain childhood cancers).
  • In many cases, however, there is no clear cause for a child’s cardiomyopathy.
  • Some children with cardiomyopathy display few to no signs of illness at first, while others may be seriously affected by shortness of breath, dizziness and other symptoms from the beginning.
  • Sometimes, children need a heart transplant to manage their cardiomyopathy.

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Scope and importance: 

Cardiomyopathy will be the best platform for all the specialists and super specialists, renowned Scientists, research scholars, students who are working in this field across the globe under a single roof to exchange their knowledge related to Cardiomyopathy. This international event is an effort to find an alternative for invasive imaging technique against diseases like Rheumatic heart disease, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Kawasaki Disease Rheumatic Fever & irregular heart rate etc.

The term cardiomyopathy refers to a diseased state of the heart involving abnormalities of the muscle fibers, which contract with each heartbeat. It is considered a primary problem when it occurs because the muscle cells themselves are abnormal (usually due to a gene mutation). It is a secondary problem when the muscle cells were normal but are affected by other diseases that have secondary damaging effects on the heart and its function such as certain infections, low blood flow to the heart, low blood oxygen or high blood pressure. Pediatric cardiomyopathy is a rare heart condition that affects infants and children. Specifically, cardiomyopathy means disease of the heart muscle (myocardium). Several different types of cardiomyopathy exist and the specific symptoms vary from case to case. In some cases, no symptoms may be present (asymptomatic); in many cases, cardiomyopathy is a progressive condition that may result in an impaired ability of the heart to pump blood; fatigue; heart block ; irregular heartbeats (tachycardia); and, potentially, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Cardiomyopathy may be termed ischemic or nonischemic. Ischemic cardiomyopathy refers to cases that occur due to a lack of blood flow and oxygen (ischemia) to the heart. Such cases often result from hardening of the arteries (coronary artery disease).

Cardiomyopathy in children may also present differently from diagnosed teenagers or adult. It is considered unusual when an infant or a child is diagnosed with symptoms at such a young age. Typically, symptoms are not apparent until the late teens or adult years when most patients are diagnosed. With hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , the disease commonly develops in association with growth and is detected when a child progresses through puberty. Even in genetically affected family members, a child that carries the muted gene from birth may appear to have a normal heart and be asymptomatic until puberty. It is possible that the main title of the report Pediatric Cardiomyopathy is not the name you expected.

Market Analysis:
The global dilated cardiomyopathy therapeutics market was worth US$651.0 million in 2013. By 2020, the global dilated cardiomyopathy therapeutics market is projected to be worth US$328.6 million which shows a decline of 7% CAGR from 2014 to 2020.

List of Best International Conferences:

1. 6th Clinical Cardiology Conference November 30-December 02, 2015 San Antonio, USA

2. 7th Cardiothoracic Conference March 29-30, 2016 Atlanta, USA
3. 8th Cardiologists Conference July 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany
4. Cardiac Nursing Conference May 5-7, 2016 Chicago, USA
5. 2nd Pediatric Cardiology Conference September 22-24, 2016, Las Vegas, USA
6. Transplantation Conference March 28-29, 2016 Atlanta, USA
7. 4th Healthcare Conference July 18-20, 2016 Brisbane, Australia
8. Healthcare Conference November 09-11, 2015 Dubai, UAE

9. 2nd Hospice and Palliative Care Conference August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
10. 6th Healthcare and Fitness Conference August 22-24, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
11. Healthcare Conference October 05-07, 2015 New Delhi, India
12. Hypertension Conference, Aug 4-6, 2016, Toronto, Canada
13. 10th Interventional Cardiology Conference, Sept 12-14, 2016, Berlin, Germany
14. Cardiovascular Imaging Conference, Nov 7-9, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
15. Angiology Conference Dec 8-10, 2016,San Antonio, USA
16. Internal Medicine Conference, November 03-05, 2016 Baltimore, Maryland, USA
17. Anesthesia and Intensive Care conference September 12-14, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona, USA
18. 4th Surgery conference October 05-07, 2015 Crowne Plaza, Dubai, UAE
19. 5th Surgery conference October 06-08, 2016 Alicante, Spain
20. 2nd Pain Medicine Conference May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, USA
21. Hospice and Palliative Care Conference August 31-September 02, 2015 Orlando, USA
22. Echo Revolution - Adult Echocardiography- Mar 11, 2016 to Mar 13, 2016 Boston, Mass.
23. Echo Fiesta - Review Course for Adult Echo - Apr 07, 2016 to Apr 10, 2016 San Antonio, Texas
24. Korean Cardiology Related Societies Joint Scientific Congress - Apr 15, 2016 to Apr 16, 2016 Daegu, Korea
25. Basics to Advanced Echocardiography in Nashville-May 25, 2016 to May 28, 2016 Nashville, Tenn.
26. New Cardiovascular Horizons NCVH Jun 01, 2016 to Jun 03, 2016 New Orleans, La.

Relevant Society and Associations
1. Cyprus Society of Cardiology
2. Czech Society of Cardiology
3. Danish Society of Cardiology
4. Egyptian Society of Cardiology
5. Estonian Society of Cardiology
6. Finnish Cardiac Society
7. French Society of Cardiology
8. German Cardiac Society
9. Heart Failure Society of Bosnia Herzegovina
10. Heart Failure Society of America
11. Hungarian Society of Cardiology
12. Icelandic Society of Cardiology
13. Irish Cardiac Society
14. HF WG of the Israel Heart Society
15. HF WG of the Italian Society of Cardiology
16. Japanese HF Society
17. Latvian Society of Cardiology
18. Lebanese Society of Cardiology
19. HF WG of Lithuanian Society of Cardiology
20. Macedonian Heart Failure Association
21. Moldavian Society of Cardiology
22. Moroccan Society of Cardiology
23. Netherlands Society of Cardiology
24. Norwegian Society of Cardiology
25. Polish Cardiac Society
26. WG on HF of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology
27. Romanian Society of Cardiology
28. Russian Heart Failure Society
29. Slovak Society of Cardiology
30. Slovenian Society of Cardiology

1. Stream Line Pharma Private Limited
2. Grupo Jads Ewans Company
3. Roche
4. Takeda
5. Lilly
6. Bristol-Myers Squibb
7. Golden Heart Utilities
8. AstraZeneca
9. Sanofi
10. Novartis
11. Shionogi
12. Pfizer
13. We Heart Junk 14. Berlin Heart GmbH
15. Bayer
16. Astellas
17. Actelion
18. United Therapeutics
19. Gilead Sciences

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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