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As per available reports about 34 Conferences, 69 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Photo Chemistry and about 1254 Articles are being published on Photo chemistry.
Photochemistry is the branch of science which deals with chemical reactions, reactions which occurred by the absorption of light waves which are called photons of energy. Only the radiations which fall under the region 800 nm to 200 nm can cause such reactions. Also the photons should contain sufficient amount of energy to raise the atoms from ground to excited state. In excited state atoms or groups of atoms undergoes chemical reaction more rapidly as compared to ground state.
OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more Scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open Access Journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conferenceseries website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.
Scope and Importance:
Today Photochemistry has become one of the most powerful research tool. Compounds of different molecules are occurred through various photochemical reactions like CO, NH and methane. Other examples of photochemical reactions are formation of O , smog, Vitamin D and many more. A new field in photochemistry called Photobiology helps us to understand the mechanism of photosynthesis (process by which plants make their own food by the absorption of sunlight).
Also photochemistry helps us to form some typical compounds like D, cubanes, and several cleaning agents which all are made by various chemical reactions of photochemistry. The formation of laser light is only possible through photochemistry. LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations. LASER contain monochromatic rays with coherent radiations, these rays can be easily focused to a small point. Due to this property, LASER light is used for cutting hard material like metal, diamond etc, also there is some application of LASER light in medical field.
These chemical reactions occur in the wavelength region of 800nm to 200nm. For atoms which are to be raised from ground state to excited state, the photon must have certain energy and when they reach excited state, atoms or groups undergo rapid chemical reactions which are high when compared to that of ground state atoms. This excitation involves a process of isomerism in which the molecules or atoms will get aligned themselves. The whole of this peculiar process of chemical reaction is coined as photolysis.
Photosynthesis and conversions of degrading plastic to vitamin-D are the standing precedents of photochemistry in our day to day life.
Market Analysis:
An overview of the global market for photonic sensors and detectors. Analyses of market trends, with data from 2013, estimates for 2014, and projections of CAGRs through 2019. Discussion concerning photonic sensor and detector technology, application, geography, major manufacturers, and factors influencing their demand. Information about the properties of photonics including the generation, transmission, emission, modulation, switching, signal processing, and amplification of light.
Details about different types of sensors including fiber optic sensors, distributed sensors, point sensors, laser sensors, and biophotonic sensors. Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the photonic sensor and detector field.
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025