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Recommended Conferences for Praxeology


OMICS international has previously organized 10 conferences with 400 conference proceedings and 157 national symposiums, 22 upcoming conferences are in a row under the conference series of organization along with publications of 210 open access articles in 13 International journals.

Praxeology consists of the logical implications of the universal formal fact that people act which they employ means to try to attain chosen ends. According to its theorists, with the action axiom as the starting point and it is possible to draw conclusions about human behavior that are both objective and universal. Austrian Economics relies heavily on praxeology in the development of its economic theories. Praxeology is the study of human action based on notion that humans engage in purposeful behavior, as opposed to behavior like sneezing and inanimate behavior. It is concerned with the conceptual analysis and logical implications of choice, preference, means-end, and so forth. It starts from the undeniable axiom that human beings exist and act, and then logically deduces implications of this fact.

OMICS International through its Open access initiatives is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community by publishing research work and conference paper related to such disorders. It is known that OMICS Group hosts over 700 edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over more than 1000 Global Events annually. Its publishing group journals have over 5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 75000+ eminent personalities that ensure a quality and quick review process checker. 

The praxeological method spins out by deduction the logical implications of that primordial fact. In short, praxeological economics is one of the structures of logical implications of the fact that individuals act. Unfortunately, research from the last 40 years has shown that humans are not very good as making conscious actions toward specific goals.

List of Best International Conferences

Societies and Foundations

  •  The Foundations of Modern Australian Economics
  •  Molinari Society
  •  Ludwing von Mises Institute

Praxeology is the study of human action and conduct. It is concerned with the conceptual analysis and logical implications of preference, choice, means-end schemes, and so forth. It is the scientific study of human action, which is purposeful behavior.The basic principles of praxeology were first discovered by the Greek philosophers, who used them as a foundation for a eudemonistic ethics. Praxeology is the distinctive methodology of the Austrian school. The term was first applied to the Austrian method by Ludwig von Mises, who was not only the major architect and elaborator of this methodology but also the economist who most fully and successfully applied it to the construction of economic theory. National Alliance, USA provided fund of $650 million to fuel the research on mental illness. NARSAD Grant provides $30,000 per year on research in brain and behavior disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and child or adolescent mental illnesses. Of 10,000 adults about 48 percent of Americans will have a psychiatric illness in the course of their lifetime. About 75 percent of those illnesses will begin before the end of adolescence and close to 50 percent will start before the age of sixteen. 

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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