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Recommended Conferences for Primatology


Primatology, the study of the primate order of mammals—other than recent humans (Homo sapiens). The species are characterized especially by advanced development of binocular vision, specialization of the appendages for grasping, and enlargement of the cerebral hemispheres.
Anthropology is primatology, for humans are primates. Studying our non-human primate relatives–the fascinating field of primatology–is interesting in its own right, but also provides clues about human behavior and human origins. Anthropological primatology emphasizes primate flexibility and diversity.
Homo erectus, and Neanderthals, as well as lemurs, lorises, monkeys, and apes. Primatology contributes to the fields of archaeology, anthropology, paleontology, paleoanthropology, biology, and linguistics. The advanced features of primates and their relationships to humans make them of special interest to researchers studying the evolution and variation of intelligence and tool-making, family and kinship, speech, and psychological behaviors such as altruism. Primatology relies heavily on field studies, like those of famous primatologist Jane Goodall, who observed chimpanzees for decades in the wild and first recorded many of their now well-known behaviors.

OMICS Group one of the renowned Open Access publishers is proud to serve the scientific community with a team of 20 k Editorial board members, close to 300 Open Access Journals and grounding close to century platforms for upcoming and ongoing research hits in mean with conferences. In addition OMICS too provides a rapid review process of 21 days with the reading number touching 2 Million. What else it requires if scientific community could find a single platform where the presented research is easily published, OMICS serves the same duo. Each and every research effort has a scientific concept behind it which needed to be upfronted to the scientific community to increase the probabilistic discovery from conceptualization of scientific ideas.
Free-ranging primates exhibit a trove of physical and behavioral adaptations to fundamentally different ways of life, some of which may resemble those of humans’ late Miocene–early Pleistocene predecessors (i.e., those from about 11 to 2 million years ago). Laboratory and field observations, particularly of great apes, indicate that earlier researchers grossly underestimated the intelligence, cognitive abilities, and sensibilities of nonhuman primates and perhaps also those of Pliocene–early Pleistocene hominins (i.e., those from about 5.3 to 2 million years ago), who left few archaeological clues to their behaviour.

Conferences and Workshops
37th meeting of the American Society of Primatologists
International Primatological Society Congresses
IV Iberian Primatological Conference

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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