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Recommended Conferences for Science Translational Medicine

Science Translational Medicine

As per the available reports 10 Journals,6 Conferences,168 National Symposium are related to translational research and 211 articles has been published by the OMICS International .Translational research is engineering research that aims to make findings from basic science useful for practical applications that enhance human health and well-being

Science Translational Medicine is also called ad Translational Medicine, evidence based Research, preclinical research and disease targeted research.Translational Medicine is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary.

Scope & Importance

For instance, researchers need new computational approaches to deal with large amounts of data pouring in genomics and other fields, and new advances in physics and materials science offer new approaches to study or diagnose medical conditions. Science Translational Medicine is to help researchers more efficiently access and new findings from many different fields are applied. In particular, the Science Translational Medicine will serve researchers and management in academia, government and the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, medical scientists, regulators, policy makers, investors, business developers, and funding agencies. Translational Medicine is the general term for a relatively new approach paradigm shift for practice and research. Essentially translational medicine integrates various medical and non-medical disciplines to improve health.

OMICS Group is the world leader for its scientific related services by organizing more than 300 International Conference across the world with the support from 1000 International scientific societies and institutes and also managing more than 400 peer reviewed open access journals in science, technology and environment. ConferenceSeries organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Omics & Management and Pharmaceutical/Chemistry and it is a perfect platform for global networking. ConferenceSeries referred journals are well established and more than 30,000 Editorial Board Members. These journals have been provided to the users with the great services for more than 3.5 million readers across the globe.

Market Analysis

The total U.S. market size for the Translation & Interpretation Services industry: statistics cover all companies, both public and privateIn addition to total revenue, the industry research provides details on employees, companies, and average firm size in the sector. Use this market information to research and analyze growth rates and the Translation & Interpretation Services industry trends and market outlook based on quantitative research and economic data. 

In 2014, the federal government spent a total of $374,294,818 on Translation & Interpretation Services. It has awarded 22,716 contracts to 372 companies, with an average value of $1,006,169 per company.   


International Conferences

1. Translational Medicine Conference,
     October 26-28 ,2015 ,Baltimore ,USA.

2. Immunology Conference,
    September 28-30,2015,Houston ,Texas.USA

3. Cell and Stem Cell Research Conference,
    February 29-March 2 ,2016 ,Philadelphia ,USA.

4. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Conference,
    July 28-30 ,2016 ,Melbourne ,Australia.

5. Immunology Conference,
   September 28-30 ,2015 ,Houston ,Texas ,USA.

6. Gynecologic Oncology Conference,
    May 19-21 ,2016 , San Antino, USA

7· 10th Oncologist Conference,
     July 11-13,2016, Cologne.

8· 11th Oncologist Conference,
     July 11-13 , Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia.

9· Pediatric Oncology Conference,
     August 4-6 ,2016 , Toronto, Canada.

10· Molecular Biomarkers and Cancer Biomarkers Conference
      September 15-17,2016 , Berlin, Germany.

11· Surgical Oncology Conference,
      September1-3,2016 , Sao Paulo,Brazil.

12· Leukemia and Bone Marrow Transplantation Conference,
       November 10-12, Istanbul,Turkey.

13·5th Cancer Therapy Conference,
      September 28-30,Atlanta,USA.

14·  4th Toxicology Conference,
       September19-21,Las Vegas,USA.

15· Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Conference,
      June 6-7, 2016, Dallas,USA.

16· Oral, Mouth and Throat Cancer Conference
      August 18-20 ,2016,Portland,USA.

17·  Radiologist Conference,
       March 17-18 ,2016 .London ,UK

18· Biomarker and Clinical Research Conference,
      August 31-Sep 2,2016 ,Toronto, Canada.

19· 3rd Genomics and Pharmacogenomics Conference,
      September 21-23, San Antigo,USA.

20· Clinical and Molecular Genetics Conference,
       November 28-30 ,2016, Chicago , USA.

21. Immunology Conference,
      September 28-30 ,2016, Houston , USA.

22. ACCRA Cancer Conference ,
      Sep 3-5 ,2015, ACCRA ,Ghana.

23. Cancer Diagnosis &Therapy Conference,
      Sep3-5 ,2015 ,London ,UK

24. 25th World Congress on Lymphology ,
       Sep 7-11 ,2015 ,San Francisco ,USA

25. 3rd International Oncology Conference ,
       Sep 10-11 ,2015 ,Abu Dhabi ,UAE

26. Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology-Annual Meeting,
       Sep 16-20 ,Sep 2015 ,Xiamen ,China.

27. 4th European Congress on Immunology ,
      Sep 6-9,2015 , Vienna ,Austria.

Associations & Societies

·European Society for Translational Medicine

·International Society for Translational Medicine

·International Society of Chemotherapy for Infection and Cancer

·American Cancer Society

·The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotheraphy

·European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

·American Society of Clinical Oncology

·African Society of Chemotheraphy

·Federation of the European Societies of Chemotherapy and Infection

·Oncology Nursing Society

·Oral Chemotheraphy Management- Florida Society of Health

·American Society of Clinical Oncology

·International Oncology Societies –ESMO

·Society of Urologic Oncology

·Society for intregative Oncology.

·European Society of Gynaecological Oncology

·Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society

·American Society for Radiation Oncology






·Merck &Co.

· Pfizer







·Markansan Pharma Ltd

·MedIndia-Network for Health


·Eli Lilly & Company

· Schering-Plough

·Leerink Swann

·SHC & Associates

· DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company

·Strativa Pharmaceuticals

·Spectrum Pharmaceuticals




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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations