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Recommended Conferences for Seizure Medicine

Seizure Medicine

Omics International publishes 304 Open Access Articles in 13 International Journals it has 32 Upcoming Conferences and 15 Previous Conferences with 581 Conference Proceedings and 92 National symposiums

Seizures are changes in the brain’s electrical activity. This can cause dramatic, noticeable symptoms or even no symptoms at all. The symptoms of a severe seizure are often widely recognized, including violent shaking and loss of control. However, mild seizures can also be a sign of a significant medical problem, so recognizing them is important. Because some seizures can lead to injury or be evidence of an underlying medical condition, it is important to seek treatment if you experience them. Due to these sudden and Bing seizures many side effects are caused which includes:

Car accidents: A seizure can cause loss of awareness and affect your ability to control a car.

Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy: Sudden, unexplained death is possible in people.

Drowning: People with epilepsy are 15 to 19 times more likely to drown than the rest of the population.

Emotional health difficulties: Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and actions are possible with epilepsy. Only two to 18% of people with epilepsy die from SUDEP. Other common side effects includes, Falling, Pregnancy-related complications, Status epilepticus. 

OMICS International through its Open access initiatives is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community by publishing research work and conference paper related to such disorders. It is known that OMICS Group hosts over 700 edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over more than 1000 Global Events annually. Its publishing group journals have over 5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 75000+ eminent personalities that ensure a quality and quick review process checker. 

Scope: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2.3 million American adults have epilepsy. More than 467,000 children have been diagnosed with the central nervous system disorder causing seizures. Additionally, almost 150,000 people in the U.S. develop epileptic seizures every year. Overall, no gender is more likely to develop epilepsy than the other. However, it’s possible each gender is more likely to develop certain subtypes of seizures. For example, a study found that symptomatic epilepsies are more common in men than women. Cryptogenic seizures are more frequent in women. More than 60 percent of people will respond positively to the first anti-epileptic drug prescribed to them. Others may require additional assistance finding a medicine that is most effective. Almost all patients will find relief from their epilepsy symptoms with a medication. After being seizure-free for about two to five years, 50 percent of patients will be able to stop using their anti-epileptic medicines.Medicine is the primary way in which seizures are controlled and is almost always the first therapy. These are sometimes called anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) or anti-seizure drugs. For 70% of patients with epilepsy, drugs can control seizures. However, they can't cure epilepsy, and most people will need to continue taking medications. An accurate diagnosis of the type of epilepsy a person has is very important in choosing the best treatment. The type of medication prescribed will also depend on several factors specific to each patient, such as side effects that can be tolerated, other illnesses he or she may have, and which delivery method is acceptable. Approximately 50 million people worldwide have epileptic seizures, making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally. Nearly 80% of the people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries. People with epilepsy respond to treatment approximately 70% of the time. About three fourths of people with epilepsy living in low- and middle- income countries do not get the treatment they need. Seizures are neurological disorder caused by unusual nerve cell activity in the brain. Each year, about 150,000 people in each country are diagnosed with the central nervous system disorder that causes seizures. Over a lifetime, one in 26 people will be diagnosed with it. 5% percent of population will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. Epileptic seizures can begin at any age. Studies have not identified a prime diagnosis time, but the incidence rate is highest in children and older adults.

List of Best International Conferences

List of societies and associations

  • Psychiatric Disorders Associated With Epilepsy.
  • Irish Epilepsy Association.
  • British Epilepsy Association.
  • Epilepsy and neurological.
  • International association of neurological health.
  • Multiple seizers association Australia.
  • Association Tunisienne des malades de la Sclérose En Plaques (ATSEP).
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland.



  • Dr Reddy’s Pharmaceuticals
  • Mylan
  • Aurobindo
  • Pfizer
  • Reckitt Benckiser
  • GlaxoSmithKline

One of the world’s leading research and advisory firms for pharmaceutical and healthcare issues finds that the epilepsy market will increase from $2.9 billion in 2011 to nearly $3.7 billion in 2016. It is estimated that nearly 800,000 people in Australia will be diagnosed with epilepsy at some stage in life. It is estimated that over 250,000 Australians are living with epilepsy. Approx. 3% to 3.5% of Australians will experience epilepsy at some point in their lives. Approximately 25,000 people in Australia are diagnosed with epilepsy each year. Up to 70% of people gain full seizure control with treatment but in developing countries, over 80% of people with epilepsy may not receive the treatment they need.  In Europe 6.000.000 people are affected. Sufferers are of all ages, but epilepsy especially affects children, adolescents and the aged. In Europe, at least 6 million people have epilepsy, and 15 million Europeans will have one seizure at some time in their lives. in some countries of Europe, epilepsy is not recognized as a brain disorder, and up to 40% of people with this condition may be untreated  the treatment gap. Active epilepsy in Europe cost over € 20 billion per year.

Seizure Medicine

Introduction to Epilepsy

Epilepsy is that the tendency to possess continual seizures unmotivated by general or acute medical specialty insults. Antiepileptic drug medication (AEDs) square measures those that decrease the frequency and/or severity of seizures in individuals with brain disease. The older term, medication, continues to be generally used as a word for AED, however is a smaller amount correct as a result of several seizures don't involve convulsive movements. There’s no convincing proof that AEDs "cure" or alter the explanation of brain disease. However, several patients whose seizures are fully controlled for 2 or additional years will be with success withdrawn from AEDs. The therapeutic goal is maximizing seizure management whereas minimizing adverse drug effects, therefore up the patient's quality of life.

Antiepileptic Drug

The first effective AED was restrainer, discovered serendipitously within the mid-nineteenth century. Purple Heart came into use within the early twentieth century, followed by hydration within the late Nineteen Thirties, the latter ensuing from systematic investigations by Merritt and Putnam exploitation an animal seizure model. Trimethodione, discovered in 1944, was the primary AED specific for the treatment of absence seizures. Several of the first AEDs were modifications of those compounds. The last decade has seen the event of eight new AEDs. Older medication share a 5- or six-membered ring which incorporates one or 2 atomic number 7 atoms and a good form of facet chains, generally containing different ring structures. The shared ring structure might underlie the aversions in some patients to quite one drug. Structures of the newer medication possess fewer similarities to the older agents and to every different reflective maybe distinctive mechanisms of drug action.

Mechanisms of AED Activity

A seizure is that the clinical manifestation of a hyper excitable vegetative cell network, within which the electrical balance underlying traditional vegetative cell activity, is pathologically altered—excitation predominates over inhibition (see Basic Mechanisms syllabus). Effective seizure treatment typically augments repressive processes or opposes stimulative processes. Since the conventional resting vegetative cell membrane potential is animate thing negative, repressive processes build the vegetative cell additional electrically negative, hyperpolarizing the membrane, whereas simulative processes build the animate thing potential less negative or additional positive, depolarizing the cell. On AN ionic level, inhibition is often mediate by inward chloride or outward K currents, and excitation by inward metallic element or metal currents. Medication will directly have an effect on specific particle channels or indirectly influence synthesis, metabolism, or operate of neurotransmitters or receptors that management channel gap and shutting. The foremost necessary central systema nervosum repressive neurochemical is gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA). The foremost necessary stimulative neurochemical is salt, acting through many receptor subtypes.

Cellular Mechanisms of Seizure Generation

Summarizes planned mechanisms of action of the key AEDs. Obstruction voltage-gated metallic element channels throughout fast rates of vegetative cell discharge seems to be the first mechanism of action of many AEDs, significantly the 2 first-line medication for partial epilepsies, hydantoin and carbamazepine; this mechanism conjointly seems to be a minimum of part chargeable for the antiepileptic drug effects of newer medication like lamotrigine and topiramate. This rate-dependent action is crucial, addressing the need that AEDs ought to have an effect on pathologic quite physiological vegetative cell excitation, since a drug with similar results on all excitation would manufacture deep coma as AN inevitable facet effect.

AEDs: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms

The neurotransmitter system and its associated chloride channel may be a target {of several of the many} previous and new AEDs effective against many seizure varieties. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines act directly on subunits of the neurotransmitter receptor-chloride channel advanced. Barbiturates increase the period of chloride channel openings, whereas benzodiazepines increase the frequency of those openings. Tiagabine inhibits neurotransmitter re-uptake from synapses. Vigabatrin, a drug not offered within the U.S., elevates neurotransmitter levels by irreversibly inhibiting its main catabolic accelerator, GABA-transaminase. Gabapentin was designed as a lipotropic neurotransmitter analogue, however doesn't operate as a receptor agonist; its mechanism of action is unknown.

OMICS Group International is a combination of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. It was established in the year 2007 with the aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’. OMICS Group also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions. OMICS International organizes Science Congress, World Summits, and International science conferences in India, USA, Dubai, Australia and Europe. OMICS Group Journals encourages original and well researched articles for publication. With the help of a strong 30, 000 experts as editorial board members and reviewers, OMICS Group journals uphold the standard review process. All the articles submitted for publication are subjected to a blind peer review. Upon incorporating the changes the articles are published online. Once approved for publication, these articles remain archived permanently in their respective repositories. OMICS Group Journals follow online tracking system where the authors can submit their articles online and track its status from time to time.

To create more awareness in the field of Epilepsy OMICS Group is conducting a conference during September21-22, 2015 at Baltimore, USA. The theme of the conference is based on “New Insights of Advanced Research and Treatment strategies in Epilepsy”. Epilepsy-2015 event will provide two days of robust discussions for the treatment of various types of Epilepsy and its effects in pregnant women, Infantile Seizures, Genetic causes, mutations and other novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of Epilepsy. It will also explore new ideas and concepts on a global scale.

Relevant Conferences

  • International Conference on Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
  • Info Source Events 2nd Neuroscience Business Summit
  • Psychiatry and Physical Health Monitoring and managing physical health needs in mental health
  • Baltic Sea Summer School on Epilepsy
  • International Conference Exhibition on Neurology Therapeutics
  • Mediterranean Meeting of Child Neurology
  • Pediatric Neurology Conference
  • Prague Symposium of Child Neurology And Epileptical Development
  • Asian Oceanian Epilepsy Congress
  • Conference on Building Better Brains Neural Prosthetics and Beyond

Relevant Society and Associations

  • Psychiatric Disorders Associated With Epilepsy
  • Irish Epilepsy Association
  • British Epilepsy Association
  • Epilepsy and neurological
  • International association of neurological health
  • Multiple seizers association Australia
  • Association Tunisienne des malades de la Sclérose En Plaques (ATSEP)
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland

Relevant Companies

  • Eisai
  • Lupin pharmaceuticals
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Novartis
  • Pfizer
  • UCB Pharma
  • Sanofi Aventis
  • Shire
  • CephalonSage therapeutics
  • Upsher smith
  • Sanofi
  • Sunovion Pharmaceuticals
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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