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Recommended Conferences for Sonochemistry


As per available reports about 28 Relevant Journals, 22 Conferences, 38 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Sono Chemistry and about 962 Articles are being published on Sonochemistry.                           

In chemistry, the study of Sonochemistry is concerned with understanding the effect of sonic waves and wave properties on Chemical systems. Since acoustic waves have unique physical properties, the corresponding atomic and Molecular chemistry is unique as well. Often these effects are most apparent in ultrasonic systems. This is demonstrated in phenomena such as ultrasound, sonication, Sonoluminescence and sonic cavitation.

The use of ultrasound in chemical reactions in solution provides specific activation based on a physical phenomenon: Acoustic cavitation. Cavitation is a process in which mechanical activation destroys the attractive forces of molecules in the liquid phase. Applying ultrasound, compression of the liquid is followed by rarefaction (expansion), in which a sudden pressure drop forms small, oscillating bubbles of gaseous substances. These bubbles expand with each cycle of the applied Ultrasonic energy until they reach an unstable size; they can then collide and/or violently collapse.

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Scope and Importance:

A broad variety of outcomes can result from acoustic cavitation, including Sonoluminescence, increased chemical activity in the solution due to the formation of primary and secondary radical reactions, and increase chemical activity through the formation of new, relatively stable chemical species that can diffuse further into the solution to create chemical effects (for example, the formation of hydrogen peroxide from the combination of two hydroxyl radicals formed following the dissociation of water vapor inside the collapsing bubbles what water is exposed to Ultrasound.

The least difficult clarification for this is that sound waves engendering through a fluid at ultrasonic frequencies do so with a wavelength that is altogether more than that of the bond length between particles in the atom. Subsequently, the sound wave can't influence that vibrational vitality of the bond, and can along these lines not straightforwardly build the interior vitality of a molecule. Instead, sonochemistry emerges from acoustic cavitation: the shaping, development, and implosive breakdown of rises in a liquid. The breakdown of these air pockets is a just about adiabatic procedure, consequently bringing about the monstrous form of vitality inside the air pocket, bringing about greatly high temperatures and weights in a tiny area of the Sonicated fluid. The high temperatures and weights bring about the substance excitation of any matter that was within, or in the quick surroundings of the rise as it quickly imploded. A wide mixed bag of conclusions can come about because of acoustic cavitation, including Sonoluminescence, expanded concoction movement in the arrangement because of the framing of essential and optional radical responses, and build substance action through the creation of new, generally steady compound species that can diffuse further into the answer for make synthetic impacts (for instance, the shaping of hydrogen peroxide from the combo of two hydroxyl radicals framed after the separation of water vapor inside the giving way bubbles what water is presented to ultrasound. The impact of sonic waves going through fluids was initially reported by Robert Williams Wood (1868–1955) and Alfred Lee Loomis (1887–1975) in 1927. The trial was about the recurrence of the vitality that it took for sonic waves to "infiltrate" the obstruction of water. He reached the conclusion that sound does travel quicker in water, but since of the water's thickness contrasted with our world's environment it was fantastically tricky to get the sonic waves into the water. After heaps of exploration they chose that the most ideal approach to scatter sound into the water was to make noisy commotions into the water by making air pockets that were set aside a few minutes as the sound. One of the less demanding ways that they place sound into the water was they basically shouted. Anyway an alternate barricade they ran into was the proportion of the measure of time it took for the lower recurrence waves to enter the air pockets dividers and access the water around the air pocket, and after that time starting there to the point on the flip side of the waterway. Be that as it may regardless of the progressive thoughts of this article it was left basically unnoticed. Sonochemistry accomplished a renaissance in the 1980s with the appearance of modest and solid generators of high-force ultrasound.

Market Analysis:

The global market for ultrasonic equipment in 2010 was nearly $16.4 billion and is estimated at $17.5 in 2011 and $27.7 billion in 2016.  The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the 5-year period from 2011 to 2016 will be 9.6%.

International symposium and workshops

  • 21th IFAC World Congress, 2020: Berlin (DE)
  • 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017: Toulouse (FR)

List of Best International Conferences:    

  1. Materials Chemistry Conference March 31-Apr 1, 2016 Valencia, Spain       
  2. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Conference May 2-3, 2016 Chicago, USA     
  3. Mass Spectrometry Conference May 9-11, 2016 Chicago, USA          
  4. Pain Medicine Conference May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, USA         
  5. European Chemistry Congress June 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy           
  6. Industrial Chemistry Conference June 20-21, 2016 New Orleans, USA       
  7. Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Conference  July 14-15, 2016 Philadelphia, USA          
  8. Cheminformatics and System Chemistry Conference July 14-15, 2016 Brisbane, Australia           
  9. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Conference Aug 4-6, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany
  10. Organic Chemistry Conference Aug 11-13, 2016 Las Vegas, USA
  11. Chemistry Conference  Aug 8-10, 2016 Toronto, Canada       
  12. Stereochemistry Conference Aug 25-26, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil       
  13. Chromatography Congress Sept 10-12, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands       
  14. 7th Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques Conference Sept 29-Oct 1, 2016 Miami, USA 
  15. Pain Research and Management Conference Oct 6-8, 2016 Vancouver, Canada   
  16. Asia Pacific Mass Spectrometry Congress Oct 13-15, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia           
  17. Applied Chemistry Conference Oct 17-18, 2015 Houston, USA          
  18. Pharmaceutical Methods Development and Validation Conference Oct 20-22, 2016 Dubai, UAE
  19. Nuclear Chemistry Conference Oct 20-22, 2016 Rome, Italy
  20. 2nd Separation Techniques Conference Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2016 Valencia, Spain          
  21. 5th Medicinal Chemistry and Computer Aided Drug Designing Conference Dec 1-3, 2016 Chicago, USA
  22. 13th meeting of European Society of Sonochemistry
  23. The 3rd international conference of the European Sonochemical Society (ESS)
  24. 17th International Conference on Ultrasonics
  25. 1st Meeting of the Asia-Oceania Society of Sonochemistry


Relevant Society and Associations

  • Solvents Producers Association
  • Solvents Industry Association
  • SAFE Association
  • American Chemical Society
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • European Society of Sonochemistry (ESS) American Chemical Society


  • Hangzhou Create Ultrasonic Technology Co., Ltd
  • U&STAR Ultrasonic Technology Co., Ltd
  • Fuyang Cheer Machine & Hardware Co., Ltd
  • Cheersonic Ultrasonics Co., Ltd

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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