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Recommended Conferences for Structural Steel

Structural Steel

As per available reports about 3 relavant Journals, 3 upcoming Conferences and 2 Conferences Proceedings  are presently dedicated exclusively to Structural Steel and about 123 Open Access articles are being published on Structural Steel.

Structural steel is steel construction material, a profile, formed with a specific shape or cross section and certain standards of chemical composition and mechanical properties. Structural steel shape, size, composition, strength, storage, etc., is regulated in most industrialized countries. Structural steel members, such as I-beams, have high second moments of area, which allow them to be very stiff in respect to their cross-sectional area. Most steels used throughout Europe are specified to comply with the European standard EN 10025. However, many national standards also remain in force. ConferenceSeries International are going to organize a conference on Structural Steel.Topics like: Building information modeling,Cold formed steel, Steel Frame Structure are of interest.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide. 

Scope & Importance:

In Europe, typical grades are described as 'S275J2' or 'S355K2W'. In these examples, 'S' denotes structural rather than engineering steel; 275 or 355 denotes the yield strength in newtons per square millimetre or the equivalent megapascals; J2 or K2 denotes the materials toughness by reference to Charpy impact test values; and the 'W' denotes weathering steel. Further letters can be used to designate fine grain steel ('N' or 'NL'); quenched and tempered steel ('Q' or 'QL'); and thermomechanically rolled steel ('M' or 'ML').In USA, Steels used for building construction in the US use standard alloys identified and specified by ASTM International. These steels have an alloy identification beginning with A and then two, three, or four numbers. The four-number AISI steel grades commonly used for mechanical engineering, machines, and vehicles are a completely different specification series.

Characteristics - Structural steel differs from concrete in its attributed compressive strength as well as tensile strength.

Strength - Having high strength, stiffness, toughness, and ductile properties, structural steel is one of the most commonly used materials in commercial and industrial building construction.

Constructability - Structural steel can be developed into nearly any shape, which are either bolted or welded together in construction. Structural steel can be erected as soon as the materials are delivered on site, whereas concrete must be cured at least 1–2 weeks after pouring before construction can continue, making steel a schedule-friendly construction material.

Fire resistance - Steel is inherently a noncombustible material.  However, when heated to temperatures seen in a fire scenario, the strength and stiffness of the material is significantly reduced. The International Building Code requires steel be enveloped in sufficient fire-resistant materials, increasing overall cost of steel structure buildings.

Corrosion -Steel, when in contact with water, can corrode, creating a potentially dangerous structure. Measures must be taken in structural steel construction to prevent any lifetime corrosion. The steel can be painted, providing water resistance. Also, the fire resistance material used to envelope steel is commonly water resistant.

The contribution of OMICS Group in the scientific community is that it is dedicated to making information about science and technology accessible to all, in order to fulfill its motto of “Accelerating Scientific Discovery”. OMICS Group started out on its quest to provide quality service to mankind in the year 2007 and today it is a leading publishing house and as well as a highly competent scientific event organizer.

Market Analysis:

The Global Structural Steel Industry Report 2014 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global structural steel industry. The industry has a medium level of capital intensity, allocating $5.36 in payments to labour, for every dollar spent on capital equipment. Capital intensity has remained stable over the past five years as labour and depreciation costs have grown at a similar pace. The construction industry of UAE witnessed construction contract awards to the tune of USD 40 billion in 2012, which is expected to increase to USD 50 billion by 2015, with bulk of the projects likely to be awarded over 2014 and 2015. Construction sector as a percentage of GDP of the UAE reached 10.5% in 2009 and 10.25% in 2011 while for 2015 and 2020 the sector’s contribution as a percentage of UAE GDP is projected to record 11.1% and 11.45% respectively. According to global market analysis, in 2014, the industry is expected to generate revenue of approximately 156.12 billion U.S. dollars. According to statistical record, in 2013 most of the regions including North America, South America, South Africa, MENA faced a growth of 4.5%, 5.0%, 6.0% and 5.5% respectively in construction Industry. That year revenue generated by global construction industry was around 124.69 billion USD.

 List of Best Conferences :

  1. Construction and Steel Structure Congress   
    November 16-18,2015 Dubai,UAE
  2. Sustainable Civil Engineering Conference 
    June 23-25,2016 Cape Town,South Africa.     
  3. 2nd Construction and Steel Structure Congress 
    September 22-23, 2016 Las Vegas, USA
  4. The Stainless Steel World Conference & Exhibition 2015,MECC , Maastricht, The Netherlands
  5. Rolling & Finishing Technolgy of Steel (RAFTS 2015) 
    September 8th 2015,Ranchi,India.
  6. 27th METECH’15/III,International Conference on Innovative Materials & Structures Technologies in Metallurgical Engineering 
    November 27th 2015, Istanbul,Turkey
  7. AMI’s Pipeling Coating 2016
    February 16th 2016,Vienna,Austria.

Relevant Society and Associations:

  1. Singapore Structural Steel Society
  2. British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd
  3. American Institute of Steel Construction
  4. The Steel Construction Institute
  5. Australian Steel Institute
  6. MSSA Malaysian Structural Steel Association


  1. Arabian International Company for Steel Structure
  2. High Steel Structures Inc.: Structural Steel Fabrication
  3. LeJeune Steel Company
  4. Interarch
  5. Banker Steel
  6. Ashok Steel
  7. Tiger Steel Engineering (I) Pvt. Ltd.

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations