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Recommended Conferences for Surface treatment

Surface treatment

As per available reports on Surface treatment 10 Relevant journals, 18 Conference proceedings (i.e. Smart Materials, Wireless Communication, Industrial Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics) are presently dedicated to Surface treatment and about 7 Open access articles are being published and 2 National Symposiums.

Surface treatment of metals is often of essential importance in several industries. It’s not a replacement process, however a process that dates back as early as humanity started mistreatment gold decoratively before 4000 before Christ. Today there are often many reasons why it's necessary to alter the surface properties of metals. For instance is surface treatment of metals used for: Decoration and/or reflectivity. Improved hardness (e.g. for resistance to wreck and wear)

Prevention of corrosion: Treatment of metal surfaces plays a huge role in extending the lifetime of metals, like in automotive bodies and construction materials, associate typically seen application is improvement of stainless-steel bodies for windows, etc. Almost each business can have a desire for metal surface treatment instrumentation. Among the industries who nowadays use metal surface treatment embrace the following; the automotive business, the development business, the instrumentality business, the electrical business, the medical business, industrial instrumentation, industries mistreatment laboratory instrumentation, aerospace, alternative and several other} other industries. The vary of elements treated varies from: spectacle frames, elements for automotive, screws, nuts, bolts, totally different tools and lots of different. Metal surfaces are often treated by mistreatment special insulated electrodes or the Plasma TEC treatment nozzles. Treatment of Metal surfaces is commonly a matter of each improvement and surface activation. Typically stainless-steel surfaces are treated with either Ceramic Corona Electrodes or Plasma TEC nozzles to confirm soap. Wet ability and improvement before bonding.

Surface finishing may be a broad vary of commercial processes that alter the surface of a factory-made item to attain a particular property.[1] Finishing processes could also be utilized to: improve look, adhesion or wet ability, solder ability, corrosion resistance, tarnish resistance, chemical resistance, wear resistance, hardness, modify electrical physical phenomenon, take away burrs and different surface flaws, and management the surface friction. In restricted cases a number of these techniques are often accustomed restore original dimensions to salvage or repair associate item. Associate unfinished surface is commonly referred to as mill end.

Surface finishing processes are often classified by however they have an effect on the work piece: Removing or reshaping ending Adding or fixing finishing Mechanical processes can also be classified along due to similarities the ultimate surface finish.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Almost every industry will have a need for metal surface treatment equipment. Among the industries who today use metal surface treatment include the following; the automotive industry, the construction industry, the Container industry, the electrical industry, the medical industry, industrial equipment, industries using laboratory equipment, aerospace, and several other industries. The range of components treated varies from: spectacle frames, components for automotive, screws, nuts, bolts, different tools and many other.

Market Analysis

The market for global inorganic metal finishing processes is expected to reach valued at $58.3 billion in 2012 and should reach $60.4 billion in 2013. Total market value is expected to reach $84 billion in 2018 after increasing at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%.

The market for inorganic metal finishing process can be broken into three types of treatments/processes:  surface preparation/pretreatment, inorganic metal finishing processes, and consumables and spares.

The segment made up of surface and pretreatment processes is expected to have a value of nearly $13.9 billion in 2013 and nearly $20 billion in 2018, a CAGR of 7.6%.

The segment made up of inorganic metal finishing processes should have a value of $39.5 billion in 2013 and nearly $53.1 billion in 2018, a CAGR of 6.1%.

The consumables and spares segment is expected to total nearly $7.1 billion in 2013 and $11 billion in 2018, a CAGR of 9.3%.

Surface treatment of metals plays a major role in extending the life of metals, such as in automotive bodies and construction materials. It is also used in equipment that increases safety or reduces consumption of other raw materials (e.g. plating of aerospace and automotive braking and suspension systems, plating precision fuel injectors for automotive engines to reduce fuel consumption, plating materials for cans to preserve food, etc.). The main environmental impacts relate to energy and water consumption, the consumption of raw materials, emissions to surface and groundwaters, solid and liquid wastes, and the site condition on cessation of activities.

The surface treatment of metals does not itself form a distinct industry sector. Surface treatments do not create products; they change the surface properties of previously formed components or products for subsequent use.

List of Best International Conferences

1.      2nd Smart Materials and Structures Conference

         February 29-March 02, 2016-Philadelphia, USA

2.      4th Wireless Communication and Network Conference

         September 21-23, 2015-Baltimore, USA

3.      2nd Ceramics and Composite Materials Conference

         July 25-27, 2016-Berlin, Germany

4.      2nd Industrial Engineering Conference

         November 16-18, 2015-Dubai, UAE

5.      Design and Production Engineering Conference 

         July 25-26, 2016-Berlin, Germany

6.      5th Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics Conference

          October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA

7.       Electronics and Electrical Engineering Conference

         November 03-05, 2015-Valencia, Spain

8.      3rd Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Conference

         October 05-07, 2015-San Francisco, USA

9.     Polymer Chemistry Conference

         November 14-16, 2016-Atlanta, USA

10.    5th Nanotek Conference

       November 16-18, 2015-San Antonio, USA

11.    2nd Automobile Engineering Conference

         July 11-12, 2016-Cologne, Germany

12.    Biometrics and Biostatistics Conference

         November 16-18, 2015-San Antonio, USA

13.    2nd Biomedical Engineering Conference

         November 30-December 02, 2015-San Antonio, USA

14.     Wind Energy Conference

         July 28-30, 2016-Berlin, Germany

15.     Construction and Steel Structure Conference

         November 16-18, 2015-Dubai, UAE

16.     4th Materials Science and Engineering Conference

          September 14-16, 2015-Florida, USA

17.    Materials Science & Technology 2015

         October 4-8, 2015 - Columbus, OH, USA

18.    4th Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology

         October 26-28, 2015-Singapore

19.     4th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering

         August 3rd-6th, 2015- Hengqin Island

20.     E-MRS 2015 Fall Meeting

         September 14-18, 2015- Warsaw, Poland

21.     International Symposium on Frontier of Applied Physics 2015

         October 5-7, 2015- Bandung, Indonesia


Relevant Society and Associations

  1. The Society For Surface Protective Coatings - India
  2. ASM International the Materials Information Society
  3. AESF - The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc.
  4. Aluminum Anodizes Council
  5. Coatings Guide
  6. Surface engineering association
  7. British Surface Treatment Suppliers Association


  1. Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic
  2. Heatbath/Park Metallurgical
  3. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
  4. Radyne Corporation
  5. G-M Enterprises
  6. DixiTech CNC
  7. Surface Combustion Inc.
  8. Accumet Materials Inc
  9. Rubig Engineering
  10. AESF - The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc.
  11. Aluminum Anodizes Council
  12. Coatings Guide
  13. Surface engineering association
  14. British Surface Treatment Suppliers Association
  15. UK industry organizations & trade associations
  16. Road Surface Treatment Association time to time.

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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